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Everything posted by JimJinks

  1. This is what I get for that cache. It works fine on my machine. (same on both chrome/TM & firefox/GM)
  2. Will those having problems please specify type of browser (Chrome/Firefox/etc) and script manager (Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey) being used. Also provide a sample URL (copied from the address bar) of a cache details page where it's not working.
  3. Have you applied my fix from April 2021?
  4. GSAK will download your own unpublished caches using 'Get Geocaches' and entering the GC code.
  5. You can download a GPX from the cache page and import that to a 3rd party app
  6. https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/291102-geocaching-map-enhancements/&do=findComment&comment=5836312
  7. Geocaching Quick Links Enter the GC code and click 'log'
  8. If you want to get rid of this, after line 1274 which says uri += b64encode(JSON.stringify(cache_coords)); add a new line which says uri = ""; I think the intended purpose of this bit of code is to pass the WP information to the larger map but it is affecting other links as well.
  9. Click the monkey icon on the toolbar, select "Geocaching Map Enhancements" in the list, select edit. Make the change and click the diskette in top left to save. All normal function on the mini map is restored.
  10. The mod doesn't give this, only the map on the cache page. Latest version of script is 0.8.2
  11. Depends on what browser and script manager you are using. For Chrome/Tampermonkey click the extension icon on the toolbar (black square with two dots) and select Dashboard. Find "Geocaching Map Enhancements" in the list and click name to open editor. Make changes to listing and click File & Save
  12. I have come up with a temporary fix, it was the logged in detection which was not working, it looks like the element at the top of the page has changed. //loggedin: (!!document.getElementById("ctl00_uxLoginStatus_divSignedIn") || !!document.getElementById("uxLoginStatus_divSignedIn")), loggedin: true, I commented out first line, line 133 (with //) and added second line as line 134 to force logged in status to be true. I then had to re-add the OS map source to GME settings as it had disappeared.
  13. The old search is still available if you use a bookmarked link https://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?ul=nykkole Insert your own profile name at the end of the link
  14. Try this (with correct key) {"alt":"Bing OS Maps","tileUrl":"https://t{s}.ssl.ak.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/r{q}.png?g=3440&productSet=mmOS&key=Anlx....................5vPF", "subdomains": "0123", "minZoom":10, "maxZoom": 17, "attribution":"Bing Maps", "name":"Bing OS Maps"}
  15. Can you tell us what your friend thinks their name was, what area they found caches in or a particular GC# they remember finding? This will help us track it down.
  16. The wpts file contains useful stuff like parking location and the questions to answer for multis.
  17. JSON string as follows (replace xxxxx's with your key) {"alt":"Ordnance Survey","tileUrl":"https://t{s}.ssl.ak.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/r{q}.png?g=3440&productSet=mmOS&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "subdomains": "0123", "minZoom":10, "maxZoom": 17, "attribution":"Ordnance Survey imagery from <a href='https://www.bing.com/maps/'>Bing Maps</a>", "name":"osbing"}
  18. Look here for instructions and change Disable to Enable as appropriate https://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=34985&st=0&#entry266564
  19. Have a look at this map available from the FB group "Lab Caches Map" Lab Caches Map
  20. The original question was "where do I see an overview of the labs I did"
  21. Goto https://labs.geocaching.com/ log in using caching name etc. click down arrow in top right, select View Finds
  22. You need to ask on the Project-GC forum, not here.
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