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Everything posted by lone_stranger

  1. Well, to end the day on a good note (and hopefully prevent Missoula from looking like a bunch of cache-babies by usurping this thread), I will make the following observations: Dangerous is not the same as difficult. I have not seen a cache yet in Missoula that is "too dangerous" so arguing this THEORETICAL point (on either side) is just silly and immature. Skydiver could not control weather conditions, and as any good hunter will tell you, when weather starts to get adverse, you hang your hat and go it another day. Your warning of weather conditions doesn't go un-appreciated by those who need it and whether it was a "rant" or not is not a debate worth having here. The log was posted so people will make up their own minds. As far as how "difficult" a cache should be, as long as it isn't intentionally placing lives at risk (within reason) then I think this is also a very subjective term. I, for one, have recently stopped hunting a particular cache simply because the style of hunting it involved was not enjoyable for me. I solved the riddles, but the actual cache location was too much of a mystery. I by no means blame the cache placer though, as others have found steps to the cache that I could not, so it is obviously "not" too difficult for them. On a final note, I think the line on how a cache gets logged is a fine one. I have posted a find for a cache that had criticism of it's placement and hiding recently because I felt the method of concealment would encourage destruction to the surrounding area. I made a distinct point NOT to rant though, as this accomplishes very little. If a cacher gets home and is literally *angry* about a cache then perhaps they should have stopped hunting it before reaching that point. This is supposed to be a game after all. Let's all play nice, hide some *good* caches, and use the logs to encourage the same from others. If a cache isn't your style, say so, but don't tear down the whole cache because it isn't your thing. If a cache is getting "Found it, didn't care for it" from *a lot* of people, chances are the cache placer will get the hint without needing the ramblings of one lone cache-cop in the area. Cache on, my brothers, cache on. -The Lone Stranger "I was crazy back when being crazy really meant something." -Charles Manson
  2. Just for my clarification: I know others have found Skydiver's cache in question and did not feel in "eminent danger." When I brought this up locally, I was led to believe, perhaps mistakenly, that your danger was caused by local weather conditions. Is this the case? -The Lone Stranger "I was crazy back when being crazy really meant something." Charles Manson
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