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Everything posted by N2sing

  1. You need to adjust the input settings on your GPS it has nothing to do with the site... Look in you manual about inputing coor. There are three different types yours seems to be set wrong
  2. Alright now I am confused again... Do I have to buy mapping software too... Or can I use the unit as is until I get the money for the software??? What do i need the software for.. Roads?? NOt sure I understand.. Thanks Me
  3. WOW... Thanks For all the help.. current budget is saving $50.00 a month I have about 200 now so If I want the better option I just have to wait... Or find a money tree... Thanks Again Me
  4. I am very interested in getting a GPS what it needs to do I am not sure... We want to use it Caching, and also we are going to be doing camping and road trips Can someone give me a starting point and the price range we would be looking at... I don't want to spend to much but I also want some of the features... Which I know hikes up the price... What would be the best deal for what I want and are there any places to find deals.. Thanks Me
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