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Everything posted by cloversmom

  1. Ugh, and I printed a bunch of maps this morning, but didn't download the coordinates. Kicking myself...hard. Ouch!
  2. Yay! I finally got mine. Thanks so much, they are gorgeous!
  3. Thank you. I have been looking for a geocoin to start with...this is defnitely the one. A dear friend passed last year from breast cancer, before I started geocaching. She was an avid outdoorsperson and loved games... I can think of nothing better than to release some geocoins in her honor.
  4. Thanks Bill, These are on the sidewalk. Even an obsession with geocaching isn't worth getting run over by a car!!
  5. Thanks everyone for your replies. I am going to change my logs to notes and try to open them when I am near there next week. One is in an area that it probably wouldn't attract too much attention. I also didn't know about the GPS being in the picture!!
  6. These match the description, but after reading a different log, I realized that the actual benchmark is probably below ground, not just the post. So, I have probably just seen a cover and not the benchmark... Are these just not findable by a layman, or what is the deal? http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.aspx?PID=HT1010 http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.aspx?PID=HT1009 Thanks for your help!
  7. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the great caches out here around Granite Falls and for the hints when I needed them, too! I got my GPS for my b-day on Feb 22nd then temporarily relocated to GFalls at the beginning of March. So, this has been my (great) introduction to geocaching. I am definitely hooked and I look forward to hiding some of my own once I get back to the Bay Area. I am especially impressed by the amount of sustained energy by folks in this area. I also got to meet or correspond with a few of you over the last few months, it was a real pleasure! I have created a list of some of my favorites: http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.a...78-ee1a957bf434 All the best, Cloversmom
  8. Yes, thanks for posting...it is an excellent article. My only problem with it is that it does discount "logical" reasons to be afraid. Like you said, until we know that it is not someone with "serial" intents, it is difficult to not have some fear. I think some of the posts in this thread discount that gender, location and situational differences may result in different levels of concern about the incident. And the comment about avoiding suburban caches is silly. We have different ways of protecting ourselves in urban/suburban areas and a significant level of isolation in wilderness areas. That being said, I am involved with a school that has classes throughout my hometown and we tell students at the beginning of each semester to always be extra careful and alert in a neigborhood that is not yours. You don't know where the hotspots are if you do not spend time there. I think the same goes for anywhere.
  9. I was out at Monte Cristo yesterday and there were tons of cars and folks. I still went for long periods without seeing anyone, though. A woman at a coffee drive thru told me that business has dropped of significantly. I wonder if folks are sticking to the more popular trails? I know that I am for now.
  10. Hi all, I am pretty upset about this because it is near where I am staying. There are a couple of caches on this trail and many others on lightly used trails in this area. I hike alone (my pit bull does add some security) frequently, so it hits close to home. I am going to stick to more populated trails for the remainder of my stay here in case it is not an isolated incident. It is funny, I have avoided hiking on weekends because Mountain Loop Highway gets so busy, but now I will begin doing the opposite. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/277324_hikers12ww.html
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