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Everything posted by SwedenHawk

  1. Congratulations! Dec 26th 3520 gramm 52 cm
  2. I will also be waiting for the request. It would be cool to have my name on a coin. "SwedenHawk" is not short, but maybe it will work...
  3. I would like to trade for one or two. I like the last version and so I want to have the new one as well.
  4. Hi, if someone want to start coins or TBs in the green heart of Germany, I would like to help. Please add me to the register. I live in Thuringia (it is called the "Green Heart" of Germany)... as you can see on my 2006 Thuringia Geocoin. /Axel (aka SwedenHawk)
  5. I like the cut out version most and would buy 2 of them.
  6. Mailed last package yesterday.
  7. thanks for the invitation... I've added my address... Cheers, Axel
  8. I wake up... go to my computer... and have to see there is no set available for me... that can't be true. Have you reserved the coins for the guys in this thread (including me)? Or can I only get a standard coin... that would be a pitty. SwedenHawk edit: Thanks for making the sets available...
  9. Please add me to your list... I would like to have one of each metal. I'm a big fan of Scandinavia and have been in Norway twice (10 times in Sweden). Fantastic nature and lovely people... That's why I have this nick. Please tell me, how I can get these coins... Please!
  10. Thanks... Order sent.
  11. wantlist sent...
  12. Fantastic coin... but I have to place an international order, and that is not possible... How do I get one? ...
  13. I would like to use Google Spreadsheets... I think it makes things a little bit easier... Axel
  14. I'd be interested in participating. Seems to be an interesting concept for geocoin trades.
  15. I like 3B the most.
  16. The last 22 black nickel SwedenHawk coins are still available. The nickel ones are sold out already. There will be no rerun and no additional version of these coin. So this is the last chance to get one of my coins (with hawk icon)
  17. Thanks to all, who make my personal coin such a success. There are only a few left at geocoinshop.de (24 nickel and 37 black nickel)... They are limited, so these are the last SwedenHawk 2007 coins you can buy or trade. Axel (SwedenHawk)
  18. Hello, my trade list is now online. My trade list So if somebody has a blue geo creditcard or some other coins from the list or an other trackable coin and is willing to trade. Please contact me: axel(at)tafl(dot)de Thanks, Axel (aka SwedenHawk) ps: All coins on my list are trackable!
  19. Hello, I'm glad to be able to show you my Personal Geocoin. It took a me a while to finish it, but now I have the coins in my hands. details: - 1,5 Zoll - backside 3D, frontside 2D - trackable at geocaching.com - own Icon (like frontside) There are two metals, nickel and black nickel. Both versions are available in two finishes. 100 pieces of each are with soft enamel colors. These ones you can buy from (www.geocoinshop.de). There are 50 pieces of each metal with hard enamel colors for trading purpose. If you want to trade please write a mail to axel(at)tafl(dot)de . I collect all trackable geocoins, so feel free to make an offer. My online tradelist: http://www.utahgeocachers.com/GeoCoin/GeoC...amp;OwnerID=167 With best regards from Germany, Axel (SwedenHawk) black front: black back: nickel front: nickel back:
  20. That's a very nice coin! I would love to trade for one or two (maybe for a TwoTone?) I will have my Personal Coin in hand in a few weeks. Hopefully they will look as nice as yours and we could arrange a trade. PM sent!
  21. email sent for a trade.
  22. email sent! nice coin.
  23. Very nice coin. I would like to trade or buy two.
  24. Nice coin! Email sent for a set!
  25. very nice coin. email sent.
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