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Everything posted by nykkole

  1. Apologies for the confusion. The way the roll-out works means that it might take up to 24 hours for the feature to be fully available to all players on 9.34.0.
  2. Hi, we have currently paused the active development of the widget on iOS because we don’t see many active app users installing it. There are many features we would like to include in the widget in the future, such as the one you mentioned. We had removed the widget respecting Filters in the app because that had let to confusion (since you don’t see / can’t access your Filters from the widget it looked to some like some caches were simply missing). So ideally, the widget would be able to support both paradigms. If or when we pick up development on the widget again in the future, you’ll see it in the release notes (or notice it on your widget ).
  3. Thanks for reporting this. Was that on an Android phone or an iPhone?
  4. The milestone celebration button should show for every found that brings you to a find count milestone (1, 5, 10 ,25, 50 ,75, 100, then every 100 until 1000, then every 1000 until 10.000 and so on.) There should also be a button to trigger the confetti for other find counts, e.g. when you reach a round number that's not a milestone (20, 30, 40, 60, etc.). I am not aware of an issue with the celebration button, but will investigate.
  5. Thanks for surfacing this. We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. In the meantime, the workaround is what MNTA posted: remove the app from memory and restart it.
  6. Is your home location centered correctly on the map when you minimize the search bar on the left? The map is technically full screen, even though when the search bar shows, we only see ~4/5th of the map.
  7. Do you happen to have any example caches where you're seeing double logs?
  8. This is based on the caches that load on the map. About 300 caches will load on your map so about 30 will display the FP number. Zooming in to only see 10 caches will not re-trigger the algorithm calculation.
  9. The Favorite point awarding has now finished, so you should see the additional points that were given to cache owners.
  10. Correct, the awarding is currently in progress and may take until tomorrow. So you should get additional points soon.
  11. This feature is now available to everyone. We also included a setting to turn it on and off. You can read more in the full release notes thread.
  12. With this implementation, we have turned on the “administrative boundaries level 6” within the OpenStreetMap (OSM) tiles that we use. For some countries, this will show counties or county equivalents (e.g. “Landkreise” for Germany, “départements” for France). Due to the way OSM handles boundary levels, these lines either don’t exist for some countries (e.g. Netherlands), or denote other level regions (e.g. “kraj” rather than “okres” for Czechia), or have more complex rules (e.g. UK: “Two-tier non-metropolitan counties, metropolitan counties, unitary authorities”). See documentation here.
  13. This is expected since the rollout for this feature is a bit different from other rollouts: I believe the mobile map is actually the one that will take the longest, the browse map should be done updating sooner.
  14. You'll usually see a blue dot on the List icon in the bottom navigation when you have a downloaded List that changed. In that case you see a round arrow on that List. A change would be for example if you added a cache to a downloaded List - since that cache is not part of the downloaded data of that List yet, the app encourages you to refresh the List. @the Seagnoid, scrolling through your Lists, one of your Lists you show a green round arrow next the the overflow menu (three dots in a circle) on the right. You can either refresh the downloaded List by tapping the green round arrow, or remove the offline data of that List via the overflow menu. Both actions should clear the blue dot.
  15. No specific plans as of now, but with more people adding more friends this would certainly be a great addition to make it easier to find friends in the list.
  16. Thank you for reporting this. This has been fixed in the next available app version.
  17. This issue should be fixed in the most recent release (Android app version 9.1.0)
  18. Before an archive log is posted, the CO will see a modal asking if they are sure that they want to archive their cache. Only after confirming this will be cache be archived.
  19. Thank you for all the comments, we are keeping a running inventory of your feedback. While we are not planning to roll back the changes, we are committed to keeping the old links available for you to access for the time being. We will evaluate the long list of requests from this thread, as well as from other feedback and feature requests we have gathered. These include the ability to see all of your finds and hides, additional information such as region and country information, and new filter functionality to name just a few. Before we remove the old search results, we will make further updates to the current search results based on the feedback we have received. Although we have no timeline to share at this point, we will keep you updated with release threads as updates are implemented.
  20. Both iOS and Android are now at 100% roll out so you should be able to update your app to the newest version to see souvenir sorting.
  21. This is correct, Basic members will see their owne find and hides, as well as other players' hides sorted by date instead of distance. I can't reproduce the sorting by distance for Basic member account, when I test it consistently sorts by date (FoundDateOfFoundByUser)
  22. Thanks for the call out. The roll out to the app stores is currently in progress. Everyone should see the new version within the next 4-5 days at the latest.
  23. We have updated the default sorting for viewing Your finds Your hides Someone else’s finds Someone else’s hides to be “Found On” and “Placed On”, respectively. As mentioned in my previous post, this change allows Basic members to see the results sorted by a different parameter than distance (the default for all other search results): found date and placed date.
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