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Everything posted by Geo-Magician

  1. Quick answer to this: Because they display Objects by their name and not by ID. They could but they do not allow identical names to show up in the object list. Returning to the origin of the question we can re-phrase the answer: A character can not be in two locations at one time but in Urwigo you can create a secondary character under the same name (different ID) and use it. This second character is a new object all by itself and will not "inherit" any properties (e.g. media, commands, items carried, visibility...) from the original one. If needed you have to duplicate these properties "by hand". Besides this double character approach you can alway move a character to a new location. Moving the character will also move all carried items and all properties of the character to the new location. Move an element Character:Todd => Zone:Cave
  2. Just a quick update to let you know that: a) The www.Wherigo.com compile function is working again. Nick has added some code that produces a warning and some workaround information if www.Wherigo.com has a hiccup again.
  3. I am sure you have your reasons why you do it this way and I have no doubt that you can handle it either way ;-). If you like to use character copies and Urwigo tolerates it, why not. Quick not Urwigo related hint: other builders will not accept duplicate character names without tweaking. If you think about follow up issues (I have given an item to Todd, Todd is here but the item is not, ...) you might agree that good start-up practice is to move the character. If not, we are entitled to different opinions and I respect your view.
  4. I use the audio plus Message without a timer and have not yet heard complaints. I know the GS emulator will crash every once in a while with audio. You timer version might be a workaround for the emulator crash.
  5. I assume Jonny65 uses the "save and continue" statement of Wherigo to save the cartridge while it is played. If you add this statement to the OnEnter event of each zone you will be able to resume the game after a crash.
  6. A character can not be at two locations at the same time (the container is a property of the character). The idea of a character is that he can be moved around like any character in the real world would move around. You have to use an appropriate event (e.g. your player entering the second location) to move the character. As Nessmuk has suggested you should use the move command to "walk" your character to the next zone. Move an element Character:Todd => Zone:Cave
  7. Here is the Earwigo solution. No "real" programming required. Similar to the Urwigo example you need a variable that holds the current number of apples. I have named the variable Numeric. The Earwigo "secret" secret is that you can present the variable value (the current number of apples) if you enclose them name of the variable in ~~ characters. I suggest you use commands instead of the OnClick event (see example above). OnClick will crash Garmin devices. Earwigo will warn you if you attempt to use "critical" Wherigo functionality. If you want to have an additional screen that pops up after the increment, add a "Display Message" statement to the above example.
  8. In addition to the above instructions: remove any non standard characters from the cartridge description. Your name looks Spanish. You might have used something that Americans consider strange ;-) (no offense intended)
  9. The "action" is a command for the item. A command produces buttons under the item. You produce a command on the properties tab of the item. The command has an event associated that you can use to display the completion code. Here is the link to the FAQ section http://www.earwigo.net/WWB/wiki/doku.php?id=tips_and_tricks#completion_code And here is the more detailed version in the tutorial http://www.earwigo.net/WWB/wiki/doku.php?id=create_your_first_cartridge#the_completion_code HTH Holger []
  10. A better way to use the else statement is to leave it open If Button 1 messageA else messageB end This will ensure that minimum messageB is printed. In your examples the second massage is tied to button 2. If the WIG (for whatever reason) decides that button 3 or anything else was clicked there will be no message (and no selling action) at all. Note to programmers: please give me some slack, I know that this is a very general statement and can be debated depending on the actual needs of the program.
  11. Earwigo has a small feature that lets you spit out the completion code in two versions (trimmed or complete code) for your users. "Your completion code is : ~~Player.CompletionCode~~. If this code does not work, use only the first 15 digits of the code ~~Player.CompletionCode15~~ and try it again (not our fault but this should solve it ;-)" Not totally elegant but it does the trick
  12. If you receive no solution for this, try one of the other builders. Wherigo/Kit http://Wherigo.rangerfox.com/ Earwigo http://www.earwigo.net/WWB/wiki/doku.php?id=getting_started
  13. Since the cartridge is so complex that it depends on OnClick, I am out of options. I own a Garmin. You need to find help from iphone users that have experience with building smart-phone only Wherigos. Anybody out there?
  14. Just some quick ideas: - Have you used "OnClick" events? Don't use them, they cause several problems - Which builder are you using?
  15. Look closely at RangerFox's signature. It has several alternative (tolerated) builders that should give you better results. Earwigo comes with full map support and I think Urwigo as well (I use Earwigo so can't be sure about Urwigo). I have never tried the fox's own kit but you should have a look at it as well.
  16. If I look at your problem I see that it comes down to the question: How do I report/protect 3 cache locations in one cache. I think you should use a Wherigo Cache and add the two additional final locations as waypoints. If you make these waypoints hidden from view type: stages of a multicache you will achieve what you are looking for. Disclaimer: not a reviewer, no legal advice, just my private opinion
  17. I have tweaked Earwigos's tips and tricks section a little to help the next user to straddle this hurdle a bit easier. Thank you for your input.
  18. Can you post the log so we can have a look at what is going on? It might be that someone here can spot something in the cartridge that is known to cause trouble.
  19. Really ? Thats strange. ... Have you enabled the log functionality for the cartridge? In Earwigo you have to set a switch ("Use logging when playing cartridge") on the main cartridge tab to do so.
  20. Thank you for your work. The Ranger Fox avatar is now living in my emulator.
  21. Idea number 1: Looking at your screen shot I would guess that you are working under a restricted user profile. Try to run the program in Administrator Mode. Idea number 2: I had problems several years ago and was able to solve them by using only US-compatible path names - installing in a directory that does not use non US characters in the whole path name - reading and writing to directories that have no foreign characters in the path name I have no clue if this might help with your problem but it will not hurt to try it.
  22. Gerät A: - Hauptaufgabe Telefon, vermehrt auch Telespiel u. MP3 Player - Zusätzlich WIFi, Kamera, G-Sensor, Vibrationsalarm, ... - Antenne unsichtbar im Gehäuse - GPS als Zusatzfunktion - Produktzyklus (prop. Entwicklungszeit) ca 0,5 Jahre Gerät B: - Hauptaufgabe Empfang von schwachen GPS Signalen - Zusätzlich ? - Antenne optimiert in Position und Ausrichtung auf GPS Empfang - Produktzyklus (prop. Entwicklungszeit) ca. 2 Jahre oder länger Welches Gerät hat den besseren GPS Empfang unter schlechten Bedingungen (z.B. im Wald)? Telefon GPS http://www.kowoma.de/gps/geraetetests/iOS/iPhone_iPad.html
  23. The Wherigo website is a special web project. HTML frozen in time and space. I am tempted to sign up for the email list: E-Mail List Want to stay in touch with the latest Wherigo news? Join our email list! Back to your Wherigo related questions: the above information is what I know about Wherigo. I hope some folks will chime in and iron out the glitches. Glad that I could help a little.
  24. AFAIK only Colorado and Oregon have the Wherigo software on board. I think Garmin has stopped to support the Wherigo concept and will not include it in future devices. I might have forgotten a Garmin device that is Wherigo compliant. If anyone knows better I would love to hear the details.
  25. Nein, es eruebrigt sich nicht, wenn man beruecksichtigt, dass die Gruppe der Cacher, die gar nicht tauscht, gross ist - jedenfalls ist das in meiner Gegend der Fall. Es kann Wochen bis Monate dauern bis wieder jemand vorbeikommt, der tauscht. Wenn ich bewusst einen leeren Behaelter verstecke, und spaeter wer was reinsteckt, sehe ich mich auch nicht dafuer verantwortlich wieder aufzuraeumen. Tauschen interessiert mich grundsaetzlich nicht. Ich transportiere Trackables und ansonsten lege ich weder was rein noch nehme ich etwas heraus. Wenn ich etwas brauche oder haben moechte, gehe ich in ein Geschaeft und nicht in den Wald. Cezanne O.K., dann erübrigt es sich bei angenommenem fairem Tausch lediglich in den Gegenden, wo die Gruppe der Tauscher von neuwertigen Tauschgegenständen noch groß ist. Hier bei mir verschwindet neuwertiges Tauschgut innerhalb von 3 Wochen. In Deiner Gegend habt Ihr ja offensichtlich ohnehin einen anderen Modus gefunden. Viel Spaß im Wald! Edit: fairen Tausch eingefügt
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