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Everything posted by TripleMCachers

  1. Man, we would have gotten started much earlier this week but the whole family seemed to fall apart. Monday night, we discovered that those were definately NOT ant-bites on our youngest son, Max. The boy had been stricken with that wonderful childhood malady...the "Chickenpops"... I will quote for you the thing that got me through it all..."Mommy, the chicken just popped me RIGHT HERE!" After 12 Aveeno baths, a bottle of calamine, a root-canal for mommy (totally unrelated) and a few hours of sleep in between.... We should be getting our start tomorrow or Saturday. In an earlier post I mentioned that our GPS isn't working correctly, so I have to exchange it tomorrow. We now have our tent, new hiking boots, and three anxious (and now thankfully...well!) kiddos... Watch out world..here come the Seldens!!! Holly Selden
  2. Good to have ya with us, Wil!! My husband, myself and our kids are brand new as well. I found this site about 2 weeks ago, and I tell ya, I haven't met a "non-nice" person yet. ....maybe we're just a family full of geeks over here, but I had the biggest crush on Wesley. *grin* Good to see you around. Also good to see you are doing well in life Don't be a stranger and happy geocaching to you!! Holly Selden TripleMCachers are Nathan, Holly, Morgan, Madison and Max The Captive Soul
  3. Good to have ya with us, Wil!! My husband, myself and our kids are brand new as well. I found this site about 2 weeks ago, and I tell ya, I haven't met a "non-nice" person yet. ....maybe we're just a family full of geeks over here, but I had the biggest crush on Wesley. *grin* Good to see you around. Also good to see you are doing well in life Don't be a stranger and happy geocaching to you!! Holly Selden TripleMCachers are Nathan, Holly, Morgan, Madison and Max The Captive Soul
  4. We got the GPS tonight...Unfortunately, by the time I got it home to find out it didn't work, the store was closed. The fact that there was no wrist-strap in it makes me suspect it had been opened before. We popped in the batteries, powered it up and saw "Unit currently contains no map...Initializing Map Upload" and it just sat there... We looked on various sites, however, I think I'm just going to return it tomorrow and make sure I get a brand new one. This was a Magellan MAP 330. Magellan support is closed for the evening and has very little information on their website or in their troubleshooting section of the manual. Holly Selden
  5. What is REI? May not have them in Baton Rouge..or I'm just not getting the acronym. Holly Selden
  6. What is REI? May not have them in Baton Rouge..or I'm just not getting the acronym. Holly Selden
  7. Yes, actually, I found those and I'm all over the MAP330, I think it was. I've gotten a lot of good info from here. You guys are the greatest! The Selden Family
  8. Yes, actually, I found those and I'm all over the MAP330, I think it was. I've gotten a lot of good info from here. You guys are the greatest! The Selden Family
  9. Very helpful! Thanks to all who have come to the aid of a newbie anxious to get "caching".... I've started my cache box and will be placing my first as soon as I have my GPS. Holly Selden
  10. I met my husband on a 22 mile gravel road at 2am....both of us lost in Poplarville, MS heading for Gulf Wars (Big SCA event down here).. He was from Florida, me from Louisiana...I'd been driving for 8 hours for what should have been a 2 hour trip...I was almost out of gas and the only money I had left was to pay my entrance fee. In my defence, I rarely get lost (He's the directionally challenged of the two of us)..turned out, I was given the wrong exit to get off the highway at and I *WAS* looking at a "farm across from a golfcourse"...was just the wrong farm and golf course.... 7 years and 3 kids later.... The Selden Family
  11. I met my husband on a 22 mile gravel road at 2am....both of us lost in Poplarville, MS heading for Gulf Wars (Big SCA event down here).. He was from Florida, me from Louisiana...I'd been driving for 8 hours for what should have been a 2 hour trip...I was almost out of gas and the only money I had left was to pay my entrance fee. In my defence, I rarely get lost (He's the directionally challenged of the two of us)..turned out, I was given the wrong exit to get off the highway at and I *WAS* looking at a "farm across from a golfcourse"...was just the wrong farm and golf course.... 7 years and 3 kids later.... The Selden Family
  12. The code next to a cache...looks similar to a ham radio operator's number. Can someone enlighten me? Pretty please? Holly Selden & Family
  13. Someone posted on General about the "picture" under your name. I thought I had mine set up, but it seems I don't unless you actually click on my profile. How do you get it to automatically show up? Am I missing a button somewhere? Thanks in advance.... The Selden Family
  14. I'm sure this has been thought of and likely mentioned, but a bomber could just as easily "disguise" a bomb as a geo-cache... I've always noted that "possible bombs" found in places like airports, etc were false alarms...the real ones are typically not found unless the bomber is after something. Just an observation.
  15. Go to your preferences page. There will be a place to upload an "Avatar picture"... Simply click on "browse" and select the destination folder/filename. Example: C:WINDOWSProfilesCaptiveSoulDesktopCameraStuffCardMadeup.JPG If you have a picture you would like to put under your name as a personal picture, just point to it and Viola! There you go.... Wait, mine isn't showing up...give me a few.... (p.s. Don't forget to put in your password where it says "current password" and to click on the "Modify My Account" button at the bottom" Hope that helps. If you need further help or would like a walk-through, email me at hselden@cox.net or IM me at CaptiveSoul on AIM. Holly Selden
  16. Wouldn't it be a matter of "cache" responsibly? I mean, if folks didn't "upset" the natural balance of the park...Use weather and animal-proof containers...don't put food in. I haven't even started yet, so I am not at all an authority. Just reading up on things and trying to get some good footholds before we embark on our first hunt. Holly Selden
  17. Next week I will be purchasing my GPS so we can get started on this adventure. I think I've decided on the Magellan 320...I've seen people suggest the 315 and the 320 is only a few dollars more. If anyone has an experience with this one or has a better recommendation or warning, please let me know! Thanks!!!! Holly (Who can barely sit still now, wanting to get started)
  18. Another newbie question here.... I can completely see and agree with the fact that you should at the very least trade fair...I plan to do this with my kids. I had figured I would check and see what the initial "theme" of the particular GeoCache we were heading for was...and get some items that were different, but would stick with it. Holly, Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max
  19. Changing this post as I noticed upon reading more that the Magellan 320 is more geared for Nautical Expiditions.... I'm looking very seriously at the MAP 330. It seems to have everything the GPS 315 has, with the mapping capabilities. (Still welcoming any input that we can get!) Holly, Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max [This message was edited by TripleMCachers on June 01, 2002 at 01:56 PM.]
  20. Changing this post as I noticed upon reading more that the Magellan 320 is more geared for Nautical Expiditions.... I'm looking very seriously at the MAP 330. It seems to have everything the GPS 315 has, with the mapping capabilities. (Still welcoming any input that we can get!) Holly, Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max [This message was edited by TripleMCachers on June 01, 2002 at 01:56 PM.]
  21. Just getting started and would love to meet some other folks in this area for tips, pointers and maybe a guide on our first expedition! Holly, Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max!
  22. I just signed up and we don't even have a GPS. I found this site after a trip to Tunica where I was suprised to find it had changed in the last 10 years. Ended up at Clark Creek??? I mean, the waterfalls were there, but I don't remember it being called that. Anyhow...I'm hooked on this whole GeoCaching idea. Can someone recommend a good/affordable GPS system for us? Holly (That's Me), Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max
  23. I just signed up and we don't even have a GPS. I found this site after a trip to Tunica where I was suprised to find it had changed in the last 10 years. Ended up at Clark Creek??? I mean, the waterfalls were there, but I don't remember it being called that. Anyhow...I'm hooked on this whole GeoCaching idea. Can someone recommend a good/affordable GPS system for us? Holly (That's Me), Nathan, Morgan, Madison and Max
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