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Everything posted by Hynz

  1. Isn't it strange that since a couple of updates the (Android-)Free App now prominently invites the user to buy the "full-featured" app? Nice strategy to build solid trust in Groundspeak
  2. Hynz


    Oh... der Typ hat bei *deinem* TB in's Log die Trackingnummern reingeschrieben? Egal ob Dummheit, Ahnungslosigkeit oder Boesartigkeit. Ich glaub ich wuerd da jedenfalls aktiv werden.
  3. Hynz


    Dass man als TB-Owner alle Logs loeschen kann (und man sich darueber bei GS nicht erfolgreich beschweren kann) ist klar, oder? Zugegebenermassen keine alltaegliche Situation aber ein Owner eines von mir bewegten TBs hat - nachdem der TB Monate spaeter verlorengegangen ist - alle Logs geloscht und mit der Kopie der Metallmarke einen Neustart gemacht. Das verstehe ich als "Zuruecksetzen" und glaube, dass das beim Recyceln von Codes eher die Regel als die Ausnahme waere.
  4. Hynz


    dann stellen die ihren Tracking-Code eben nicht zur Verfügung. Auch ich als Beweger eines TBs der sich bemueht und Photos zu den Logs hochgeladen hat bin angepisst wenn der Owner (oder der neue Owner) die Historie eines TBs "zuruecksetzt" indem er alle Logs loescht. Ich kanns nicht verhindern aber TBs (auch wenn GS damit was verdient) sollten nicht mehr recycelt werden (und wenn dann nur mit intakter Historie).
  5. Hynz


    Es kann nur der Schreiber des Logs (und Groundspeak) geloeschte/archivierte Logs aufrufen. Wenn du den Log aufrufen kannst dann musst du der Boese sein
  6. Hynz


    Es waere zu hoffen, dass Groundspeak solchen Idioten zumindest einen Schuss vor den Bug setzt wenn man sie mit dem Sachverhalt (sicherheitshalber einen Screenshot des Logs anfertigen) konfrontiert.
  7. I fully agree and I'm a bit baffled that so many treat a date as something superfluous for an entry in a log(!)book.
  8. Thats right but going to "Geocaches > Found it" in the second column of the resulting list I (as a recently converted Basic Member) can see which caches I gave a Favorite Point in the past.
  9. The retracted "800/day challenge" in Austria was republished as "400/day". According to a Reviewer note (posted not before the first NA) Groundspeak has approved the listing. According to the owner 800 was considered as "too extreme" and GS requested that at least 10 Austrian cacher should already be eligible. With the new threshold the number of currently qualified cacher (from Austria) increased from 2 to 18
  10. The Austrian "800 caches a day" challenge is now retracted by "Geocaching HQ Admin". I wonder if we will ever get more details. According to the lengthy (and may I say typical ) reviewer note by witch the reviewer - who also published the cache - locked the cache to prevent further discussions and NAs, he wanted to "carry it personally to Seattle" to get their opinion. Thanks for the OP question. I wondered about the same when this cache appeared in my vicinity.
  11. B. But following the "membership page" link in the Help Center text you're reaching: Maybe I'm missing something but currently it seems that you cannot become intentionally an inactive member owning active or inactive caches. But I refrained from testing the red button below the text So the log from the OP must be the result of becoming an inactive member by other means. And such situations have not been discussed in the 2012 thread, right?
  12. I find it striking that new geocachers now not only are invited to immediately download an app and immediately go for a cache but the page also seems not even to provide a link to the Geocaching 101 page. Only at the bottom you find a link to the (at least for beginner) rather confusing Help Center. Is Groundspeak really convinced that driving Geocaching to be just an App ready to be played right away is the way to go?
  13. Soweit ich weiß dient das Auditlog dazu festzustellen, wer einen Cache gemuggelt hat. Wenn das so ist, kannst Du Probleme bekommen, wenn Du z.B. als letzter drinstehst. Aus meiner Sicht befriedigt das Audit log rein die Neugier von einigen Ownern (und koennte als solches gerne abgeschafft werden) aber was *genau* bereitet dir schlaflose Naechte? Meine Phantasie reicht garade noch dazu ein freundliches oder unfreundlichen Mail eines Owners mit dem Inhalt "Du boeser Cachedieb, du" zu bekommen auf das ich freundlich oder auch unfreundlich wahrheitsgemaess "War ich nicht. Wie kommst du auf die Idee? Aber kann ich dir sonst irgendwie helfen?" antworten wuerde. Also was genau passiert mir deiner Meinung nach dann unangenehmes? Mit fallen fast nur Dinge ein die einen gewissen Unterhaltungswert haben aber vermutlich fehlen mir da deine Erfahrungen.
  14. Recently someone pointed out that every log has a ID (GLxxxxx) and since this IDs will be issued by Groundspeak in consecutive order you are somewhat able to determine if a log was written way out of order compared to the stated date. Since then I wonder if anybody (with access to a wide range of logs eg in GSAK) could build a quick and dirty formula to calculate a rough estimation of the date of any given log-ID. Edit: havent seen the reply from the A-Team. Must be him I refered to
  15. I don't need this but I guess it'a nice feature for others. What I would love to see is a arrow down (=all logs on one page) Sometimes I like to look for logs at certain periods within a year.
  16. Problem: Ich sehe Geocaching als sinnvoll und tragbar an, wenn die Cacheanzahl in D so um die 20 000 liegt, man übers Jahr so ungefähr unter 50 findet und selbst alle zwei Jahre einen legt - oder keinen. Mal etwas provokant in die Runde gefragt - wer wäre da noch dabei? Ich. Exakt so sehe ich das auch. Aber nachdem du und ich vermutlich zuwenige sind fragt sich wie man Groundspeak bzw. "die Community" dazu bewegen koennte dieses Verhalten als das bessere bzw. normale (wieder) zu etablieren und alle - vor allem quantitativen - Auswuechse (auch wenn sie irgendwie durch die Guidelines gedeckt werden) einzudaemmen.
  17. Indeed. See the feature Request I just made (http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=306168) - before I learned about this release note thx @ Groundspeak for your efforts and for letting us know about it! Yeah, thanks for resurrecting the Release Notes.
  18. I've not much to add to that statement. I'm not sure if asking the community would really lead to a stringent redesign but I hope GS considers now suggestions from this thread and improves their first design.
  19. Thanks. I never recognized this feature. Nice.
  20. Is it a feature or a bug that in the subforum "Release Notes" the topics are not sorted by the date of the last post? I see that only moderators can start a new topic and so the number of topics is rather small but still I would prefer to have the recently discussed topics on top of the page.
  21. Thanks for your post. I also had the impression that the clues are an even more important part of Letterboxing than the stamp. I always thought that from the viewpoint of a Letterboxer such LB-Hybrids without clues would be considered lame. So it seems that I made wrong assumptions.
  22. Great! Thanks for listening and acting. I'm not using it very often but it was and hopefully will be a very valuable tool for quickly exploring an area.
  23. I'm not happy too although I used the KML not too often. Two issues using the maps on GC.com: *) The drawing speed is very slow compared to the GE-Interface. *) Viewing a very sparsely populated area. At a certain zoomlevel no caches are shown even when the number of caches displayed would be small.
  24. I'm using GSAK, Spoilersync and the Plucker Desktop to build .pdb files for my old Palm m505. As long as I'm not attempting to build a .pdb file of a size bigger than about 130 Mbytes everything works fine. But the more pages the HTML page has the more main memory the plucker dektop is using incrementaly. So in my case (Win 2k, 1Gbyte main memory) if the resulting .pdb would be bigger than about 130MB the Plucker Dektop aborts (after a loooong work) due to unavailable main memory. In my case (I'm using pictures) this equals to about 2000 geocaches which is nice but since I have a 512MB SD card I'm looking for more I admit that building and transfering such a big .pdb to the Palm is quite a time consuming task still I wonder if the behaviour above is usual for the plucker desktop and if anybody is using plucker to generate "bigger" .pdb files BTW changing the way the Plucker Desktop is working through the HTML tree (depth first / breadth first) does not change a thing. I never managed to use Sunrise even with few caches, but maybe I should dive into that. Additionaly: Is anybody aware of a generic SW to circumvent a shortage of main memory at the expense of time and HD space?
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