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Everything posted by Hynz

  1. Ich beziehe mich jetzt nur auf die im Ausgangsposting in Frage gestellten in grosser Zahl und ohne ersichtlichen oertlichen Grund gelegten Caches . Fuer mich sind das sowohl echte lineare Powertrails als auch Geo-Art Caches und selbst eine entlang eines schoenen Wanderwegs gelegte kleine Serie zaehle ich eher dazu. Ich kann nicht beurteilen ob es wirklich so viele Owner solcher Caches gibt die unentspannt auf Kritik reagieren (werden die Logs ueberhaupt gelesen?) und und glaube nicht, dass Kritik deshalb (heutzutage) ausbleibt. Auch von mir wird in Logs wenig Kritik zu lesen sein weil ich meine Zeit nicht mit dem Suchen von allein durch Blick auf die Karte oder durch die Titelwahl als widersinnig identifizierbaren Caches verschwende. Viel entscheidender meiner Meinung nach ist, dass eine mehr als kritische Masse solche Caches bewusst sucht und dann logischerweise auch nichts zu kritisieren findet. Ich glaube sowohl die Owner als auch die Sucher dieser Caches koennen Kritik die "fehlende Location" oder "too much" beinhalten gar nicht nachvollziehen. Fuer sie ist das Erlebniss ausschliesslich das Finden des Behaelters. Der Weg zwischen zwei Behaeltern kann deshalb gar nicht kurz genug sein. Ich weiss aber echt nicht wen genau man dafuer verantwortlich machen soll, dass das so ist.
  2. Maybe it's different in other regions but the overly majority of multi-caches will never be previously solved and even situations where you can visit all stages, are solving the final coordinates but then are short of time also visiting the final are extremely rare, aren't they? So I can't help thinking that in case of implementing this feature it would primarily be used by those cheaters who are grabbing final coordinates from floating around lists of solved mysteries who then can even store also final multi coordinates for optimizing their cache runs.
  3. Well, here's the second one. I'm a bit afraid to ask but what is the statistic of profiles able to choose tell about the preference?
  4. When maintenance plans fail, then future cache placements will become more difficult. Difficult for whom? For the freshly created "DoctorAlien" account? Big deal. For the person/group behind "DoctorAlien"? Desirable but realistic? For the local maintainer? I wonder if the reviewer can keep track of that buried information in the long time.
  5. No, this is a cache that met the guidelines, and was therefore published. Maybe some (including me) have still the wishful thinking that for allowing a "vacation cache" it is necessary but not sufficient to provide just a maintenance plan. At least when placed in an otherwise well saturated area I would hope for requesting a convincing reason why this cache needs an owner thousands miles away. Not to speak when 100s of such carefully worded listings were submitted. Maybe the convincing reason exist. Pity that most of us will never get to know it.
  6. Micro (filmcanister/pillbottle) tossed behind a tree covered with a few leafs at best. What you describe can - depending on what's near this tree or how I was about to reach this tree - be one of the greatest caches. Certainly it can also be plain vanilla, mundane or even worse.
  7. Instead of feeling forced to find mundane caches one should accept the mechanics of FPs which simply mean you can only give FPs to (at most) 10% of your finds. When I'm collecting FPs (currently I'm a BM) I always have a hard time to decide but live is to short for collecting mundane caches to make this decision easier. And to answer the OP: No, but my given FPs stay regardless of the following status of the cache.
  8. Du meintest, dass dir Loginhalte zuwenig sind und du NM-Flags brauchst um einen Ueberblick ueber wartungsbeduerftige Caches zu bekommen. Wenn man Wert auf immer tadellos beschreibbare Logbuecher legt (tu ich als Owner(!) eigentlich auch) kann man meiner Meinung nach Wartungsbesuche aber nur anhand der Logeintraege planen dessen Lektuere wie gesagt IMNSHO eine Selbstverstaendlichkeit fuer Owner sein sollte. Ich hab natuerlich leicht reden mit meiner handvoll Caches die noch dazu nur alle paar Jahre ein neues Logbuch brauchen Aber dass ich wenige NMs logge (33 in 14 Jahren bei knapp 3000 Founds und DNFs) liegt wahrscheinlich auch daran, dass ich tendenziell jene Caches, bei denen NMs wegen einem vollen Logbuch auf der Tagesordnung stehen ja gar nicht angehe. Wenn mir mal ein proppenvolles oder unbeschreibbares Logbuch unterkommt und das Flag noch nicht gesetzt ist mach ich das natuerlich. Wobei ein Blick auf die Loghistorie und das Owner-Profil mir in solchen Faellen aber sehr, sehr oft zeigen, dass sich die folgenden Sucher keine grosse Hoffnung machen sollten....
  9. Ich werd das nie verstehen wie man stolzer Cache-Owner sein kann und dann die erhaltenen Logs nicht lesen will. Ich bin auch auf der Seite der eher sparsamen NM-Verteiler. Nicht weil es muehsam fuer mich ist und auch nicht weil ich Aerger vermeiden will sondern schlicht und einfach weil ich davon ausgehe, dass Owner interessiert daran sind was ich zu ihren Caches zu schreiben habe und es auch ihnen ueberlassen moechte ob sie daraus schliessen ob ein Wartungsbesuch notwendig ist. Solange kein ernstes Problem vorhanden ist das es wert ist durch das NM-Flag allen kommenen Suchern zu siganlisieren verzichte ich meist darauf. Ich kann mir auch nicht vorstellen, dass selbst Owner mit sehr vielen Caches allein aus dem NM-Flag ableiten koennen welcher Cache jetzt wirklich Wartung badarf. Dazu gibt es doch zu viele die sowohl bei ernsten Problemen kein NM hinterlassen und andere die schon bei Lappalien eines absetzen.
  10. Hynz


    Doesn't has to be a bug. Pictures included with logs for a TB appear in the users gallery. They do not include a link to the log. Maybe that's also the case here. Look eg at this users gallery and you see lots of duplicate pictures this user is using multiple times for visit logs.
  11. What a supprise. On my browser in not fullscreen it looks like this: I hope this can be improved. So either make the small picture layout also with narrower browser windows or improve the display of the pictures. I also found out that you can also only browse through maximum 5 pictures. Additional pictures are mentioned (+11 on my screenshot) but can not be shown. The visited date should be more prominent and in my screenshot it is on the very bottom of the log and hard to recognize.
  12. Could you please tell if the blinking/moving charging logo indicates when the battery pack is fully charged. Is it different between 6x0, 7x0, 66?
  13. This are the columns on that page (Comments is the link to the log) Username Member Since Found Hidden Comments Send Friend Request Send a Message IMHO only the username and the link to the log is useful. On the other hand what would be interesting and is missing is the date of the log and "that" would be the most useful sort order. Having the log itself as part of the table certainly would be even the ultimate improvement.
  14. I have an Oregon 600, no original battery pack but occasionally I use the plastic-card-trick to charge my Eneloops. It works OK. Question: When using the original battery pack does the Oregon stop charging when full and does the blinking display then stop moving? Using Eneloops with plastic card so far I never saw the display stop moving. I also have the gut feeling that charging the two batteries (obviously with the same current in serial) is quite a strain for the batteries (Oregon can get quite warm) and the charged batteries rarely last as long as being charged with a modern charger.
  15. They have the physical TB in their hands, that contains the code so they can log it. I always note - by code - what trackable I leave where, otherwise I'd never know what went where. ....and in the mail I would send to the current holder I would include the tracking code in case they need it to do a "retrieve-drop" combo when they already dropped the TB and do not have the tracking code any longer.
  16. Thanks. I don't have it on my Oregon 600 and I apparently missed that you already stated that's only available in the latest Garmin generations.
  17. As I understand dprovans description of the DeLormes behavior I don't think the filters on Garmin can "emulate" it. You mean I can put two files "PQabc.gpx" and "PQmno.gpx" on the device and can turn both on and off? I must say that I have no desire for this feature since I'm always loading one ggz (or gpx) generated by GSAK. But if I would load multiple PQ files and If I would like only one of them active/shown how can I do this? And thinking of it I probably even would have an use case for my way of caching: Turning off the "All unfound Trads and Multis" I'm usually carrying around on my Oregon 600 and turning on a (hand picked) reduced set of caches to declutter the map when I'm on my motorbike and just in the mood to eventually stop for a good cache.
  18. I can confirm this from a couple of at least 6 months PM hiatuses.
  19. What do you mean with seconds? With that pagination (introduced long ago) it is extremely cumbersome to find a *specific* log within an old listing with hundreds of logs with or without using the "View Logbook". Not for TBs (as the TO) but in general I often like to read what specific cacher had to say about a cache. And this takes time to achieve.
  20. I think there was recently a short thread about this. IMO it's OK as it is but I still would like to see for every listing a non editable history of all past ownerships.
  21. FWIW it does neither work for me in Vivaldi nor in Firefox (both using Tampermonkey). But I would only have use for this script if it can be modified to be applicable on other profiles.
  22. Yes, and to me that's one of the silliest "improvements" in the current development of software not only regarding smartphones. Even on the PC some recent programs just take the OS setting for language and you are not able to switch to a language you just prefer even the software contains a number of language alternatives
  23. Vielen Dank. Lass dich nicht davon abbringen. Nimm aber jedes (halbwegs freundliche) Feedback an und bewerte es individuell fuer dich und diesen Owner.
  24. The latest Geocaching-Blog-Entry fits to some postings here: How to tell if you are addicted to geocaching ... 10. You own a GPS
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