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Posts posted by c1954m

  1. Pour vous, qu'est-ce qu'une cache de très bonne qualité ?

    C'est une cache en bonne condition, originale, bien placée avec du stationnement pas trop loin et avec les attributs appropriés.

    C'est une cache avec un super beau bricolage qui me fait dire WOW, quelle cache!

    C'est une cache placée dans un endroit qui me faire dire WOW.

    Une cache avec l'indication du début des sentiers et des stationnements disponibles c'est pratique pour les gens qui ne sont pas du secteur.


    Pour vous, qu'est-ce qu'une cache de mauvaise qualité ?

    Une cache qui est mal entretenue. Non étanche.

    Qui est placée dans la végétation dense (risque d'attraper la maladie de Lyme ou le Virus du Nil)

    Qui a de mauvaises coordonnées. (un géoplaceur m'a dit qu'il plaçait intentionnellement ses caches offset pour donner de la misère aux gens).

    Une cache qui m'oblige à prendre des risques pour aller la faire (circulation automobile dense, pas de stationnement) ou encore une cache qui m'oblige à fouiller ou ramper sous quelque chose pour la trouver ou de la chercher dans la végétation dense (herbe à puce).


    Quelles mesures la communauté peut-elle prendre pour améliorer la qualité des caches ?

    Les géocacheurs devraient apporter avec eux contenants et logs de rechange pour réparer les caches mal entretenues.

    Ne pas se gêner de rapporter les DNF et les BESOINS D'ENTRETIEN ou même les BESOINS D'ARCHIVER.

    Quand une cache est très offset, indiquer dans son log les bonnes coordonnées.

    Quand il y a eu plusieurs DNF sur une cache avec un bas niveau de difficulté, ne pas se gêner de remplacer la cache.


    Quelles mesures le Geocaching HQ peut-il prendre pour améliorer la qualité des caches ?

    Les réviseurs pourraient être plus rapide pour désactiver les caches mal entretenues quand le proprio ne donne pas de nouvelle ou s'il n'est plus actif. Les délais accordés sont trop longs.

    On pourrait instaurer un système de point de "mauvaise qualité" qui indiquerait clairement que la cache n'est pas plaisante à faire.

    Quand le niveau de difficulté est bas et qu'il y a beaucoup de DNF, un message pourrait être envoyé par le réviseur avec mention de vérifier la cache. (C'est un peu ce qu'ils font déjà).

    Interdiction de placer une cache avant d'en avoir trouvé au moins 50 et sensibiliser les gens à bien vérifier les coordonnées affichées. Un tutoriel sur comment prendre et vérifier des coordonnées serait utile pour les débutants.

    Là où il y a un hiver, l'attribut hivernal ou pas devrait être obligatoire.

    Lors de la création de cache, il est impossible d'importer des photos avant que la cache ne soit créée. Chaque utilisateur pourrait avoir un endroit sur le site de géocaching.com pour stocker ses photos et pourrait utiliser des liens de cet endroit unique pour préparer ses pages web de caches.

    Une chose qui me fatigue depuis le début, sur la carte de géocaching, quand on zoom out pour voir plus grand, toutes les caches déjà trouvées réapparaissent, pourquoi?

    Pour la dimension des caches, ajouté une catégorie NANO, car ce type de cache est souvent utilisé et on a beaucoup plus de petites caches que des grosses. On pourrait combiner en une seule catégorie les catégories autres ou non divulguées.

    L'utilisation de Street view et un calculateur de distance serait utile quand on utilise la carte.

    Avec toutes ces caches mystères qui prennent beaucoup de place sur le terrain, il devient difficile de trouver un endroit où placer des caches. En plus, souvent ces caches sont peu visités.

    Pour les multis, le nombre d'étapes devrait être inscrit sur la page web ainsi que la distance approximative de la finale.

    Rendre les attributs disponibles même si on n'a pas GSAK.



  2. When I use the map and I zoom out more than 2 km, the caches I already found reappear on the map even if I checked the option not to show them. Why not let them invisible no matter what zoom level you choose. It will be easier to do a search for places to go to make caches.

    However, it works for the type of caches chosen no matter the zoom level, but not for our discovered caches. That will be a good improvement to change that.


  3. Hi everybody.


    I own an OREGON 450. I had a micro sd card of 2 G in it with two files for the maps of north america named :

    gmapprom.img of 117 428 ko

    gmapsupp.img of 1 458 336 ko


    I downloaded a map with more details for Canada from Open Street Map wich was in a zip folder named "Canada Garmin Map 2014.10.29" when I opened this folder the name of the file inside has the same "gmapsupp.img" name file but was 1 047 776 ko. (I can't change the name of that file). There is only one file in the folder.


    I put this new file (OSM), with the 2 other (old) files in a folder named GARMIN on a new micro sd card (16 G) because the previous one was too small (2 G). So now 3 maps are in that GARMIN folder. I have changed the name of my old gmpasupp.img file of 1.4 G for "gmapsupporiginal.img" because this file would permit me to change the name but the new one from OSM would not let me do it.

    Before, the map on the screen of my GPS was a traditional Garmin type of map with the names of all the streets, etc.

    Now, when I open my GPS, it goes directly on the OSM Canada. Even if I go in SETUP, MAPS, MAP INFO AND SELECTION and disable the OPEN STREET MAP and actived the GARMIN NORTH AMERICA, it still continue to show the OSM map on my GPS screen. Even so, the two different maps (OSM and GARMIN) appears in the list of maps available for selection.

    Sometimes, I would like to have less details and would like to go back to my old Garmin map of north america.


    My question, how can I have those maps seperatly and see only one at the time on my screen. I tried to rename the gmapsupp.img file comming from the OSM but it's lock.

    I have put all those 3 maps in the same GARMIN FOLDER. Should I create a new folder. Or a second "Garmin" folder, or put the whole unzip folder (Canada Garmin map) in the Garmin folder of my new micro sd card.


    Also, do I need to keep the "gmapprom.img" file on the sd card ?


    What is the best way to install new maps of different regions on the same sd card ?





    This one is a bit hard to explain, but it can have an influence on the GPX file content.


    Presently on my OREGON 450 I have 4 choices to log a cache. Presently, when I push the UNATTEMPTED button, it's like pushing a cancel button, nothing happen, no trace. That would be nice, when I log a "unattempted", to have an icon on the GPS screen and also on geocaching.com site. That way when loading our field notes, we will have a trace that we have visited the cache. Adding this option, it will show in the right corner of the cache page where there is a big yellow smiley or the blue frown. I let you choose the smiley as long as the color is different and it is not a "?". Also, it would be possible to filter the caches with the tab on the left side of the screen and (or) while doing a pocket querry by adding a new box in the category WHO (AND). The goal is not to log a "Didn't find" just to a have a trace and then scare (or discourage) the others geocachers who would like to visit the cache. When I just put a note, it doesn't show in the top right corner of the page.





    So you're asking for a brand new log type?blink.gif


    And what's the difference between that, a DNF and a write note?


    Also, I agree that additional waypoints should be kept separate from the cache waypoints. Some people do like to keep their GPS map clear of the additional clutter, and I don't see any problem with having to put two files onto a GPS.


    I'll try to explain

    Yes, that will be a new category. Unless they can find a way to leave a note and it would show on the web site and on my GPS and can be filtered when doing a PQ.

    Say that I visit a cache and the vegetation is too thick or the surrounding area, ex: a school, dirty place, etc. is not interesting. I don’t want to put a DNF because I didn’t try the cache and it can discourage others to go, but I would like to have a trace to remember not to go back. I know, there is an IGNORE list but it is useless with the GPS unit. Like I said, this demand is in the category “ Nice to have” and I understand there is a lot of programming behind this request.

  5. Hi.


    Cache personal note

    Favorite points

    Cache finds for previous finders (number of caches in their logs) It will gives us an idea if the cacher experience.


    The rest is not necessary for me.


    NOTE : Additional waypoints ( I don’t load the waypoints file in my GPS) I hope you will keep that file separate like it is presently. It’s crowding too much my small GPS screen.



    SIZE : Add nano please.


    ATTRIBUTES: This one is very important for me.

    You will probably talk with GARMIN concerning the changes that you want to do.

    I own an Oregon 450, but I can’t have the attributes in my GPS unless I use GSAK even if I download the GPX 1.0.1 file. Can you try to convince them to modify the firmware of all their GPS to make it possible to see the attributes without GSAK, like Magelan GPS do. At least if they can add the winter available attribute that will be a beginning. They can add a new button on the geocache page with the name of SHOW THE ATTRIBUTES or it can show at the beginning of the description.



    This one is a bit hard to explain, but it can have an influence on the GPX file content.


    Presently on my OREGON 450 I have 4 choices to log a cache. Presently, when I push the UNATTEMPTED button, it’s like pushing a cancel button, nothing happen, no trace. That would be nice, when I log a “unattempted”, to have an icon on the GPS screen and also on geocaching.com site. That way when loading our field notes, we will have a trace that we have visited the cache. Adding this option, it will show in the right corner of the cache page where there is a big yellow smiley or the blue frown. I let you choose the smiley as long as the color is different and it is not a “?”. Also, it would be possible to filter the caches with the tab on the left side of the screen and (or) while doing a pocket querry by adding a new box in the category WHO (AND). The goal is not to log a “Didn’t find” just to a have a trace and then scare (or discourage) the others geocachers who would like to visit the cache. When I just put a note, it doesn’t show in the top right corner of the page.




  6. The spell checker inside Firefox is working fine, that's the program that I bought to check also grammar errors which is not working. I used it for more than a year without any problem and suddenly, it stopped working. Like right now, I made a test and used it in this box on that forum and the program starts without any problem. It's only in the box when I log the caches that the program refuse to start. It's too bad, that's exacly for that purpose I bought this program.

  7. Hello, I speak French and I hope I can still explain my problem in English.


    Since a month, following what seemed like a new version of the geocaching.com web page, I have a problem with my spell checker. He does not want to correct my text when I log a cache.

    I use the french program "Antidote". I use the Firefox browser, but I have the same problem with Explorer. I wrote to the company Antidote and they tell me they only support large programs such as Word, Excel, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.. Since the problem is only with geocaching.com, and nowhere else, I think a change was made in the last update which prevents my software to start. My error message is "The software does not find the text, put the cursor in the text". I have the problem when I'm in the box to log my visit of a cache. Can you find a solution to this problem. I bought this program primarily to use it when I log caches and it no longer works.

    The link for Antidote software : My link


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