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Posts posted by supertbone

  1. Utah is pretty cache dense due to several prolific cachers in this fine state along with a fairly young and active demographic who are involved in all sorts of outdoor recreation. I am sure we would have even more placed but the federal government has locked a lot our land into National Parks and Monuments which as you all know is off limits to physical caches. I am sure quite a few other western states are in similar positions.

  2. I was reading on Slashdot and the BBC website that Google might start charging for use of the Google Maps API with usage over 25,000 hits daily. I can imaging geocaching.com hits that easily with the maps on the cache pages, the beta maps, and the mobile apps. I wonder how this could impact the cost of our activity.


    You can read the article here

  3. I have just tested the Facebook integration and it works, though I wish the facebook post would show the name & GC code of the cache I found. Twitter on the other hand still does not work when logging from the Android app. I tested this with on one of my caches (GC2MF0W) using the authorization I currently had, then I revoked it and redid it. Both had the same results, no posts to my twitter account. This last worked for me back in May.

  4. Do it once, and perhaps you are merely giving a gift to the community in the way of being able to log more than one cache within 528'.

    Do it repeatedly and perhaps you are trying to game the system and do an end around of the saturation guideline.

    Who's to say which is which in this particular case. :unsure:


    Either way, I still wouldn't care.


    You seem to care enough to tell us, at least twice, how much you don't care.


    I do care though. I think there are good reasons for the proximity rule, and if it's nullified by people gaming the system, I see that as something harmful to geocaching.

    Well said.


    To answer the OP: this exact same situation temporarily migrated to North San Diego County for a few years. I spent some time working in SLC; coming home to cache the same geo-trash was frustration writ large. I always wanted a PQ filter to ignore all hides by that UID.


    By definition, 2500 caches are all trash. If you can't or won't maintain them, they're trash. There are hundreds of cachers who want to create that something special cache but simply cannot because of a rolling mass of crap that archives itself and is reborn periodically as more crap. Finding and correcting one out of the lot after a whack of forum posts is not a confidence builder in the reviewer community or process but a confirmation that they only have time to address issues when they are specifically raised.


    Shame won't work in this specific case but I think it's the right tool most of the time. The caches are only meant to be found by a small number of cachers in any event, not the community at large, so appealing to the greater good and all that jazz is not likely to work.


    Boy, you are a fount of positivity this morning. Who are you call all of someone's caches trash, especially when you have only a small hand full of his caches?

  5. I guess I should clarify myself a little bit. I misspoke when I said "isn't allowing for others to place good quality caches in many areas". We are still quite a ways from not having any room left. It's just that I feel when people place several hundred caches, they usually never return to maintain them and they remain until too many needs maintenances are posted (And unfortunately, few people post those when they should). And I can't blame them for not returning, that is just way too many caches. But I feel that more responsibility should be taken in some cases. Offering for locals to adopt could be one way, or maybe disabling when several dnfs have been posted in a row after a solid stream of finds.


    I never meant for anybody to look up that user, which I feel bad for. I do not want to rip on him or complain. (Mostly, I was just curious if other areas had a user who places thousands of caches as well.) Again, the user I was initially referring to, I have much respect for. He places many that are in fact good, but unfortunately many are neglected. But I am grateful for them. Just yesterday, we got over one hundred of his caches on his "power trail", it was quite an adventure. And with his permission, we replaced logs to help him out. He puts on many events and has been caching nearly since the beginning. He has more experience that I probably ever will. That I do very much respect him for and hope to meet him soon. He actually does caching tours which I want to take him up on.


    Well, it's about time we go out and find more caches, thanks for all the cache owners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

    Its always great seeing an expert emerge after a year of geocaching.


    As you state there are areas that are not saturated. If you are so keen on placing a cache, then do it there.

    Otherwise, first person there, is one to place the cache.


    And as for your respect of the cacher? its very curious to me on how a veiled forum post, equates your respect of said cacher.

    He put those caches out there for people like you to find, he is a prolific cacher in your area. Yes some may need maintenace from time to time, and its sometimes hard to maintain caches, because life takes you in a different direction. (Since I haven't cached for a long while, I need to get on a maintenance run soon).


    So in other words, keep calm, carry on.


    Nice said!

  6. This is nuts. Those caches are driving people to cheat IMO. Not saying that people MUST cheat to accomplish it, but there will always be some who want it by any means ...


    I don't see this. But if they did, how would that effect you?

  7. Hi all,


    I noticed this about a year ago while scanning through a cacher's page, and I thought it was neat. They had a statistic calculation on their page that told you how many geocaches someone has found by different people. I had tried to find the website that generated that but was unlucky. Does ANYONE know how to find it?? Thanks, I would really like it.




    They were probably using the FindStatGen Macro in GSAK.

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