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Everything posted by supertbone

  1. Those are some awesome pictures. Thanks for posting them.
  2. I have been caching for a couple of years but recently my interest in BM hunting has started to take off. The area where I live has seen tremendous growth in the last 20 years. A lot of BMs listed on this site have been removed to accomodate new housing tracts and other development. When a BM is removed for development how would normally their removal get approved since removing them is illegal, second do the databases get purged of such records when the monument is gone?
  3. Am I the only one with this problem of getting an error page when creating a new bookmark?
  4. ..or the site might have had a glitch. I have 22 bookmarks.
  5. I have been attempting to create a new bookmark and when ever I click on the "Create Bookmark List" button on the Create New Bookmark List page, I get a geocaching.com error page that says "Sorry! We encountered an error when requesting that page!"
  6. Our gas in the US is not underpriced. We just don't tax it as much like the rest of the world does. When petroleum goes up on the world market it affects everyone and prices rise (Europe included), plus it effects us worse in the US since the dollar has dropped in value when compared to the Euro.
  7. The jeeps come pre-activated and belong to Jeep.
  8. The jeeps come pre-activted and belong to Jeep.
  9. Ok folks, I am a few caches away from the 1,000 milestone. I had two goals for this milestone: 1) To get it on a 5 star terrain cache and 2 ) To get it by the end of 2007. Several weeks ago I started feeling popping in my right knee and major discomfort along with it. An MRI discolsed some ligament tears. The pain and advice of my doctors has kept me from doing anything other that park & grabs. I will probably be having surgery. Recovery may take some time even with out surgery. So I am stuck at a cross roads, to give up on finding until I recover so I can get the 1,000 mark on an 5/5 cache, or stick with 1.5 terrain (2 if I push myself) caches to get the 1k mark by the end of the week. At this point I am almost ready to give up on the high terrain goal since I cannot stop caching. Yes, I am addicted. Though I prefer well hidden ammo cans in more rural environments, I stll like finding caches, including the much hated LPCs. What would you do?
  10. How about an entire town destroyed by a massive landslide in UT ? The Ruins At Thistle Or a collapsed dam in CA? St. Francis Cache
  11. I have three kids one of which has gone caching with me since she was two. So I have a lot of experience with this. First off the kid is the boss. His/her moods, abilities, likes, and dislikes dictate everything. So you need to make sure their needs / wants are taken care of and avoid caching during naps times. A crying kid will draw attention from muggles, plus it is not very fun. Stock up on drinks and snacks along with a toy and they will be good to go. You might want to refrain from the extreme terrains and long hikes. Short hikes on solid terrain, park & grabs, country caches, park / playground caches can make for good fun. If you can find areas that they may find fun and cache there. This is good bonding and teaching time. Explaining the treasure hunt aspect will get them exicted. They like the swag. So you might want to avoid a spree of finding micros and virtuals (sounds like some of the cachers on this board). Also get the kid near the cache and let them find it and open it. The more you do that, the more they will want to cache and get excited oevr it.
  12. I had an issue on a new PQ based upon a route that would not query based upon cache type. You could select to query for just one cache type or for multiple types and it would provide all of them, regardless what was selected. When you went back into it the PQ page it did not show that your request for particular types saved. All the other criteria worked fine however. I archived this PQ and tried it again and it worked fine the second time.
  13. Bookmark based PQs will pull them because that particular cache was selected in the bookmark. Location based PQ queries don't allow for an option to pull archived caches, just available and unavailable (ie: disabled) ones.
  14. Do the sizes come in micro, small, regular, large, and other, with virtual having been discontinued?
  15. I have found two caches infront of cachers houses and they were polar opposites in quality. One was a small poorly crafted container hidden in a broken block wall seperating two properties. The house was on a cul-de-sac in a really bad neighborhood with nosy neighbors. It gave the perception that you were looking for trouble and drugs. The other was hidden on a rural street with a lot of space between houses and not many houses to begin with period. So there were no neighbor problems. The cache itself was well hidden and had a lot of thought behind it. When I found the cache, the cache owner invited me in and gave me a tour of the property. The coords of a first stage of a multi is located infront of my house. Technically the first stage is inside my house since the first stage is a WiFi router broadcasting a SSID that is set to the coords of the final location. People don't have to stop and park. All they need is a laptop or PDA running WiFi detecting software and while they drive down the street their computer will pick it up. There was another cacher in my area who used a FRS radio transmitter in his house to broadcast the final coords.
  16. I would be interested to see how web traffic to geocaching.com has been changed since this was put into place.
  17. The main GC site got blocked at my work today, but the forums still worked. Go figure.... The forums still work because they use a Groundspeak.com address, not a geocaching.com address. Groundspeak.com is listed in the Websense database as an IT site.
  18. I went on to Websense.com and they have a tool in their support section that will allow you to do a site look up and ask for re-classification. On the site look up page you can suggest a new classification from a list. To use it you will need to create a free account. I did a site look up of geocaching.com and www.geocaching.com. Please note if you leave off the 'www', geocaching.com is listed as a hobby site, but if you add it the site is listed as malicious. I suggested it to be reclassified as 'Society and lifestyle: hobbies'. I am sure it could also be classified in 'games' or even 'travel' if you stretch it. In the mean time I would try leaving off the 'www' and see what happens. I hope that TPTB have already done this since blocking the site would obviously hamper our use of the site, but also lower ad revenue since there would be less traffic.
  19. I have websense at work too. Since I am out with a sick kid today I can't verify if my work blocks it, but I guess since others have it blocked mine probably does too. Arrrgggh. My employer has the most restrictive web policy I have ever seen. I have tried bypassing the filters before and all proxies that I have tried are blocked too.
  20. What section of Walmart did you find it in?
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