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Everything posted by Milo&Co

  1. Hi, I just came looking for info. on this since I've just come across yet another cache with TBs listed which, looking through the logs, are clearly no longer there I seem to be frequently sending messages to the TB owners to ask them to remove their apparently missing TB from the inventory of the relevant cache. I say 'I'm afraid your xx TB is missing' and express hope for it turning up, but I never get a response. Sometimes they do get removed, but often it just seems to be ignored. (I occasionally ask the CO if they could remove the TB from the inventory, but only if the TBO also appears to be 'MIA'! ) I have also seen comments from COs about missing TBs.. I think they don't realise they can remove them.. even experienced cachers.. Good to know I'm not alone, others are bothered too, and some are trying to encourage that things are put in place to help those of us that are bothered to do something about it. A big thumbs up from me for OP!
  2. Hello from me too I stumbled upon a geocache many months ago, had a good nosey through it, then replaced it, hiding it a little better than it had been. Some time later, after getting a new phone (Desire S), I thought I'd give it a go, and I love it. Several times now I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps, and a dose of geocaching has lifted my spirits no end (not sure what that smiley means, but it looked cute). It's mostly a dog-walking activity for me, so just me and 'chops', but other half and our boys enjoy it too (though I've learned that I shouldn't try to push them to more than 2-4 searches, depending on speed/success ^..^ ) I have only used the forum to look up answers and have the odd little browse so far, but seeing this thread presented a good opportunity to say hello Not sure how my username will appear, since I changed it.. New one appears on geocaching.com, but old one still here..
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