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Sierra Rat

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Everything posted by Sierra Rat

  1. As I understood, you have received the follwing club coin what you have paid for. If I remember right, the wolf coin was march 2014 (you have paid for), the steampunk dog is now april 2014 (you have paid for), the next club coin I don`t know yet, because I haven`t received my April and May coins yet. So if you have paid 2 month rates you will receive 2 club coins. But as nevadanick mentions you should write the shop a mail. " I cancelled membership with PayPal on 4/1/0/14 and received a refund from the Club for the previous payments." (see above!) The Wolf Coin was February's coin. My payments were made in February and March. April's was coming due when I cancelled membership. Oak coins refunded both my February and March payments when membership was cancelled. Therefore, I haven't paid for anything, for which I'm glad. Some of you may like the Steampunk Dog, but for me, it isn't a coin and looking at it, I wouldn't pay a $1 for it.
  2. This is strange. Back in 2/27/14 I joined the club to get the Wolf Geocoin. After making two monthly payments to the Club and coming up on the due date for the third monthly payment without receiving one coin, I cancelled membership with PayPal on 4/1/0/14 and received a refund from the Club for the previous payments. Today I received the Steampunk Dog trackable and pin. I don't belong to the Club, I didn't order these items and I don't intend to pay for them. If the Club would like these items back, please credit postage costs to my PayPal account and I will gladly ship them back to you.
  3. I received my refund from OakCoins on April 16. They processed my refund in a courteous and professional manner. Due to a past experience (see earlier post from me about this in this thread if you are interested)I was unwilling to extend wait time for my coin beyond the period covered by PayPal. I regret making the comment about not trusting OakCoins, the have in the past and in this current situation, been completely reliable and professional.
  4. I received my refund from OakCoins on Wednesday, April 16th. They handled this in a very courteous and professional manner, which I appreciate. In my earlier post, I wasn’t trying to “imply” anything. What I was trying to point out, maybe in a somewhat inarticulate manner, was that past experience made me unwilling to wait longer for my coin and why I dropped out of the club. Both in the past and with the current event OakCoins has been reliable and professional. Hope this clears up any inaccurate “inferences”
  5. Humm, and where's my apology for over a month's delay in receiving my coin without notification... that might be even more rude! But enough said, take it as you may, but I've tried to be more than fair about this. If I get my refund then I will post it, other than that, I'm done here. And by the way, it would be implying (which I'm not), not inferring! You may "infer" what you like. (Edits to fix typos)
  6. In fairness to Oakcoins, they did contact me and stated that the March coin and pin "is expected to ship next week." I dropped out of the club and asked for my money back. They said they would process the refund on Monday. So far, they have been very pleasant about this. My problem is that sometimes next week turns in to the following week and on we go. In two weeks I would have made my third payment to the club without receiving anything. I've been down this road before. Shipping delays and other excuses to where when I finally went to PayPal to get my money back, too much time had past and PayPal stated there was nothing they could. I had to go to the credit card company to get my money. I'm not saying this is what Oakcoins is doing, but it is a possibility. I've always had exception service from Oakcoins in the past, but sometimes "hard-times" change things and I wasn't going to take a chance again. I'll post back here to let folks know if Oakcoins processed my refund.
  7. Name of coin: Wolf Pack 2 Name of Vendor: Geocoin and Pin of the Month Club (Oakcoins) Date Ordered: February 27, 2014 Shipment Date: Coin was to be shipped March 25, 2014, per their club FAQ information. The interesting part of this is that I had to pay for April's coin and pin two days after the March coin was to be shipped (Payment for April's coin was charged to my credit card on March 27). Given that the March coin was to be shipped March 25 (I haven't been notified otherwise), I have allowed over two weeks to receive my coin. I've cancelled my subscription as I no longer trust this vendor.
  8. To cancel the subscription you must do it at PayPal. Thanks, DONE! Now how do I get the two coins I've already paid for or my money back? At one time I would not have even questioned the integrity on OakCoins, but now I certainly do. If there was a delay in the March 25th mailing of the Wolf Pac 2 coin, then I would have expected to be notified. I just need to get my money back for the March and April coins and then I'm outta here.
  9. Hi, I joined the club at the end of February to get this wolf pack coin. I was billed on February 28th and so far I have not received my coin. I went to the club site this morning and cannot find a link to cancel my subscription. 1) What do I need to do to get the coin I've already paid for? 2) Where are the links to cancel my subscription? Thanks, Jack
  10. Go to TB-Rescue.com and ask them to help.
  11. One more issue while I'm on my little soapbox. I have noticed that the battery life on the 62 is considerably shorter on the 62 as compared to the 60. I believe this is due, in part, to the fact that on the 60 you could completely turn off the background display light while on the 62 you can only limit it to 15 seconds. While this is not a lot of time, over the course of the day a 15 second display every time you push a button will shorten the battery life significantly. I have e-mailed Garmin and asked that in a future update that they include the ability to completely turn off the background display light. ***UPDATE** I got an e-mail back from the Garmin Team on this. They "reminded" me that all I have to do is tap the power button when the unit is on and move the brightness slider all the way to the left. This effectively turns to background display light off. I appreciate their quick response to my query.
  12. HanVroon, thanks for the link. I had saved the Beta2.92 file and that was how I was able to go back to that version. I think I'll try the Beta2.94. Below is the list of changes Garmin list being made from 2.94 to 2.95. I think it was the last item that put the pop-up screen back on. If people don't have problem with the pop-up then keep it, but I hate it. I can tell I', approaching the cache by looking at the "distance to" value, I don't need this and it gets in the way when I'm trying to figure out where to park. Changes made from version 2.94 to 2.95: Fixed issues relating to WAAS performance. Fixed issue where the device would not regain a GPS signal after losing the GPS signal in a tunnel. Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs. Fixed issue where proximity waypoint alerts could only be set in feet regardless of what was selected as a Distance/Speed unit in the setup page. Fixed an issue where the enabled/disabled option for custom maps could not be changed when two or more BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery providers were on the device. Fixed an issue where the device would not beep when approaching a destination while routing off-road.
  13. I don't know if anyone is still following this, but here is a little update. The new and "improved" beta 2.95 was released earlier this month and I loaded this onto my 62t. The pop-up alert was back in full force. I had forgotten how truly annoying that screen is. I went back to the beta 2.92 and now its gone. Guess I'm going to stay with beta 2.92 for a long time.
  14. Go to E-Bay and do a search on Geocoin (singular). This software program comes up a lot times when I'm looking for geocoins on E-Bay. Hope this helps.
  15. I currently have my coins in vinyl sheets with 2" pockets and the sheets are 4x5 pockets. As others have mentioned, the coins will not stay put in these pockets. I thought that somewhere I saw a product similar to these sheets, but that had flaps at the top of each pocket and that once the coin was in you could tuck the flap into the pocket so the coin could not fall out. I've looked at Amazon and have Googled looking for the type of product, but not been able to find anything. Have any of you ever seen this, or am I just a victim of old age and not remembering correctly. If you have seen these before, any idea how to get a hold of some? Thanks
  16. If anyone is still following this link, here is the solution to the approaching screen problem. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=267551&st=0&p=4602936&fromsearch=1entry4602936
  17. What software version do you have? I have 2.80 and the Garmin website tells me that this is currently the most up-to-date. I have beta version 2.92. Can't remember where I found the link to it. Here is the link for the 2.92 beta version of the 62 software. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if it will correct the problem. There is a list of changes the new software makes, but I didn't see mention of the "approaching' screen problem. I'm going to try it and will report back the results http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=5071 YES!!!! The 2.92 beta must be the key. I updated my unit this morning and just went out and drove to a cache location. NO approaching screen!! Love it!!! However, (there always is one, its there ) This IS a BETA software version and updating might induce other problems. However, for me, the risk is worth it to get rid of that stupid screen.
  18. What software version do you have? I have 2.80 and the Garmin website tells me that this is currently the most up-to-date. I have beta version 2.92. Can't remember where I found the link to it. Here is the link for the 2.92 beta version of the 62 software. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if it will correct the problem. There is a list of changes the new software makes, but I didn't see mention of the "approaching' screen problem. I'm going to try it and will report back the results http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=5071
  19. What software version do you have? I have 2.80 and the Garmin website tells me that this is currently the most up-to-date.
  20. Thanks for the help and useful information, I greatly appreciate it.
  21. Oops, posted to the wrong topic...sorry
  22. Nope, its not the tones. I've never had the tones on on my unit and I never fail to get that stupid screen. It's really a problem when you are driving up close to the location and its blocks your compass. I've driven by the location a couple of times because the " approaching" notice blocks the entire screen. Hopeful Garmin will make a software fix to this.
  23. I've been collecting a number of geocoins over the last five years however I've never understood what the terms LE, XLE and even XXLE mean and why these coins seem to be more desirable. Any information on this would be appreciated. Thanks
  24. As an update to my search for the activation code for my coin, I e-mailed geocoinshop.de last night and asked for the code, this morning I had the code in my inbox. Great service in my opinion and I will definitely be buying coins from them again. The reason I didn't get the code originally was because I bought the coin on e-Bay. Thanks to all of you who offered help. Jack
  25. Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried that link and I get "The manufacturer of this Trackable has requested that activation codes be retrieved from their web site. Please click here to retrieve activation code." That link takes me to geocoinshop.de. And their site tells me that my tracking number is not in their database. I have sent geocoinshop an e-mail explaining what happened and asked if they could send me the code. I think maybe one of the earlier owners of this coin got the code, but didn't place it with the coin. I think in some cases you can only retrieve the code once. Hopefully the manufacturer will send me the code. i was hoping, just in case, the there might be another way to get this. Anyway, thanks for the help. Jack
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