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Everything posted by dardevle

  1. Just a cointest for the Mid-Day coiners. Recieving two GSA coins gave me this idea for a cointest. I need answers to three Questions. The answers must be in order of questions asked. These questions will take some digging to find. The only hint I'll give is that 2 of the answers you need can be found in this forum, the other you will need to explore a little. Here are the Questions I need answers to: #1 What time was 007BigD's daughter, Little Emerald Jeanne Mueller, born? #2 What does the tattoo on my left fore-arm say? #3 What kind of light did the "Geocoin Secret Agent" use to examine an envelope for finger prints? The first person to answer all three correctly....WINS THER CAN BE ONLY ONE (I really like that movie) GO Winner will get one " Alien Compass Rose Geocoin" Gold edition.
  2. What a cool idea! Maybe a coin like this would bring the bearer the luck they need to get rid of a little SKUNK that is digging up "MY" umm, there yard for grub worms? Very cool! -Dardevle-
  3. SWEET. I recieved mine in the mail yesterday. They look very nice. My favorite has to be the silver finish coin.
  4. OOOOOOOH.........Sounds like a good cointest. I'll be back in a few hours, sometime tonight. and post some pics and stories!!!!
  5. HMMM Really all I have been doing is working. We did go too Grand Rapids for a 4 day weekend with our two daughters though. Getting ready for bear hunting now!
  6. I do not deserve to win because I've been away from the forums too long and only seem to post lately when there is a "cointest".
  7. WestTxCondor I am very sorry about our trade. I did recieve your nickels and they are very nice. I know that excuses are like.........and everyone has one but, I have been really busy this year with work and, and, and, and this and that. I have not forgotten that I still need to get mine out to you. When I finally get time to get things ready for you I have a couple of other items in mind too. Sorry!! -Dardevle- ( Jeremy)
  8. I did not get in on the cointest but my vote is for WRITE SHOP ROBERT post # 20 Gotta love anything that has to do with fishing!! I have been soooo busy this summer with work that I have had little to no time for much else. I do believe that this weekend will be a goood fishing weekend. I am sure that this winter when I am laid-off I'll be in here alot. With fishing stories of coarse!
  9. Level 2 - Double Agent waiting for another mission! The next mission must be a good one, The Geocoin Secret Agent has been away for awhile! -Dardevle-
  10. This is a picture of my dad and I last winter with our fish. I'd have to say that he (and mom) are my rocks. Without them raising me and being there for me when I needed them I would not be where I am today. I have two beautiful daughters and I got to marry the woman of my dreams. I believe all that was made possible from a great upbringing. Plus my dad always wants to go Ice fishing. We share our hot-spot secrets with each other and even a few hints on fishing. I won't tell him all I know but I try to help! We fished everyday for a week and never came home without our limit of northerns. Boy did we eat good. Thanks for cointest!!!
  11. Heres a story. TRUE even. Every other tuesday the schwanns man shows up at our house. Some times we buy stuff and alot of the time we do NOT. When my wife is home of course we answer the door even if we do not want anything and tell him maybe next time. But...when it is just me and my 6yr old daughter, we hide where he can not see us. Then when he leaves we resume or activities. One time the schwanns mann showed up, we hide, and my daughter looks at me and tells me to " be a MAN and just answer the door." She is almost 6 yrs old for crying out loud! All I could do is laugh at her and keep on hiding until he left. (Schwanns is a "Door to Door" food salesman) Most may know that but some may not! Cheer up GeoError, soon it will be winter, ice on the lakes, a chill in the air with the sun warming your face and ICE FISHING will once again be here! OOOOO I can not wait! I hope every post here brings you closer to a smile from ear to ear. -Dardevle-
  12. MINNESOTA The land of 10,000 Lakes. Could things really get any better?
  13. Well, it is not the same as the real thing but, some one puts work into making them. I will treat them just the same. Allthough I would really like for them to be smaller. At least the ones I seen were toooo big. About the size of a peanut butter jar lid. Smaller is good! The Real deal is nicer.
  14. We all finally made it to a Minnesota Twins game at the HHH Metrodome. What a great game against the Texas Rangers. The Twins won the game 14-2. Sweet. Now they are only a 1/2 game back from 1st. Dardevle took me, agent 007 V2 145 and agent #145 too a baseball game together with our new family. They are all taking great care of us both. I'll have Dardevle post a couple of more pictures of our day later. We even ate at "Famous Daves" for a late lunch. Thanks Geocoin Secret Agent for letting Dardevle and his family become ours! He really cares for us and we think he fishes too much, but, he said we get to go fishing with him soon so we'll see what happens!
  15. Dang-it!!! Cannot get high enough to be high bidder! I'll have to try later in the week and make a suprise attack bid! Edit to say: I can only find your listing through your link! HMMMM?
  16. I hope I do not sound like I am "Kissing up" but I may. I really just wanted to thank the "Geocoin Secret Agent" for making and GIVING his/her coins out. As well as all other mystery coin givers! In all honesty, I do NOT desire any other "mystery coin." I think this coin brings out my split personality! I can be a agent....KINDA! Anyways!! THANK YOU does not say enough!!! I sure do appreciate your coins! -Dardevle- (Jeremy)
  17. Hey!!! I got my coins today. AWESOME !!!!! Both me and my daughter "LULU J" love them. Thanks again to everyone envolved in the making of this coin. WELL DONE!! -Dardevle & LULU J-
  18. THANK YOU TeamAmaroo. I have pre-ordered one of each metal! AWESOME!!!!! -Dardevle-
  19. Hey, WELCOME back, Jeremy , Been out fishing? Well thanks fairyhoney! Been working 13 1/2 hr days so that does not leave a whole lot of time for extra stuff. I try to get on the computer when I can. No fishing lately but I am trying to plan a day trip for me and my Kayak on the Rum River. There is a spot called the "back waters" where rumor has it there are some MONSTER northerns roaming around waiting for me, so.......Hopefully I can get out within a week or so and not keep the fish waiting to much longer! I've been trying to talk my wife into letting me have funds for another TATTOO. This one will be of my avatar but be about 5-6 inches tall and on the back of my head. Hopefully before winter but we will just have to wait and see! Take care fairyhoney and we'll talk again soon! Looking forward to the next mission! This may be a silly question but...V2, V3 of your coin, is it the metal variations or is there a totally different coin? No answer is really needed cuz' it would not be a "Mystery coin" if we knew! -Dardevle-
  20. Hey YEMONYIME, I saw that Tethys C said they ordered a couple. Where? I NEED two of them also!!! How can I make it happen? That is a awesome design too! Please help with info. -Dardevle-
  21. CONGRATULATIONS to all the recent recievers of this awesome GSA coin. The missions have been great fun to watch. The pictures have all been very entertaining and funny! Geo.Error, I hope your dog gets the rest it needs from being on missions with you. I think no one would expect a dog as an agent! Good luck!
  22. This is how I display my coins. It is a gallon freezer safe zip lock bag! I just upgraded from the quart size zip lock bag.
  23. Hey GeoError, what an awesome cointest! I think I may have to have one just before there is ice on the lakes! By the way, I got your other sig item you sent me. Both are very cool! THANK YOU!!! Happily I can not enter. Secret agent thing you know! -Dardevle-
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