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Everything posted by anlufu

  1. Yay, thanks for all the hard work. Good luck to all the racers.
  2. Good-luck to everyone taking part. Ho-Humm is going to be released today at Secret Wings - Terry's Garden.
  3. Just to make Wazat a little more jealous: Camaros Okay, we've never used them for caching!
  4. Just a quick question, what if the cache has 2 bonus words in it's name, like "persons name" and "garden"? Does the TB get 25 points for each?
  5. anlufu

    I spy

    Hello TVM and hello again Wazat.
  6. Vespax, did you notice that you made South Africa's 8000th post on the forum?
  7. How about "Painfully Beautifull" GCQQWN. Placed on the 26/09/2005 and first found on the24/08/2007?
  8. anlufu

    I spy

    Hello Geoff Ogden and Colinally. Whats up Wazat - not working again!?
  9. Hello Megaben. I also live in an area that is not visited too often. (Maybe a bit more than yours.) My opinion of those out-of-the-way caches. If they are not getting in anyones way, leave them. The more caches in your area, the more likely that people will go out of their way to find them. Sure you have to check up on them from time to time, just to make sure they are still there. You don't want someone coming all that way just for a DNF. That's my opinion.
  10. No we live in the Southern Cape on the Indian ocean, where the water is warm (even if the weather isn't!) I miss my Corsa!
  11. anlufu

    I spy

    Hello again Wazat. And hello TomTwoGates.
  12. Thanks for the advice. I have considered it but where do I put a dog on a bicycle?
  13. anlufu

    I spy

    Cow and Chicken. Hello, I seem to be following you around again. Have a good weekend.
  14. I shall be travelling to Brussels via Amsterdam in May for the World Agility Championships (my dog is competing). Is there anyone who whats a bug or coin taken that way, please let me know. It's a bit early, I know. But I got a whole load of planning to do.
  15. anlufu

    I spy

    Hello Nish4. I see you there.
  16. Hey, where's our invitation????
  17. Hi, I should read the forums more often. I live in George. If you enjoy a walk in the mountains you shouldn't miss Old Canal View. And if you are traveling with children Beasts of Burden is fun and quick.
  18. Now if you held it in George you might get people from the Western Cape AND and Eastern Cape.
  19. "No, NO, Anka (my very placid German Shepherd) you can't eat that person! Just come and lie down right here!"
  20. I can't believe you haven't had a response to this. Sounds like a neat idea.
  21. anlufu


    Welcome Wazat. Hope you have many happy cache times ahead.
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