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Everything posted by poopysnaps

  1. Includes: Earthmate GPS unit (serial connector), Street Atlas 7.0, Solus Pro, portable power cable (PS/2), Palm connection cable. -The unit is in excellent condition, I'm the original owner and have taken care of it very well. I just upgraded to a Garmin Ledgend and SA 9.0, so I need to sell this unit. Post your zip so I know now much to charge you for shipping. I prefer to ship UPS because they're more reliable than USPS. This unit is great for real time GPSing in your car and it even tells you when to turn! One of my favorite features is the telephone number search feature. Just type in the first 6 digits of the a tel. number and SA 7.0 wll narrow down the GPS position down to the block. My email is poopysnaps@hotmail.com
  2. $30, shipping included I'm in Walla Walla WA Pay Pal only Works with Magellan 315, 320, 330..etc units. The bracket has 3 suction cups so you can attach it your windshield. You can read about it here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000068IH9/qid=1039292334/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_2/104-2899544-0643931?v=glance&s=electronics&n=507846 poopysnaps@hotmail.com
  3. $45 dollars, shipping included. I'm in walla walla WA Paypal only poopysnaps@hotmail.com
  4. Hey, I was in the same position you are in right now about a week ago. IMO if you don't care for mapping go with the Garmin Etrex or Magellan 315. Both of these are great for hiking and relativly inexpensive when compared to mapping units. I like the etrex because the batteries last for 20 hours, where on the 315 you'll get 15 hours on two AA's. Personally I bougth the magellan 330x because I wanted mapping. If you have any questions regard the 330x I be more than happy to answer them for you.
  5. Hey I'm going to Bangkok in September Via LAX. i was wondering if GPS's are ok to use in Thailand. I don't want to get thrown in jail or something like that =). I'll definately look for your cache if I'm near Sukumvit and leave some goodies. -Woody
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