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Posts posted by Lighteye

  1. FWIW, I just made a mental note to look you guys up next time I get to FL.


    Thx, Mopar :huh: Be careful hanging with Lighteye...he'll actually make you find the cache and sign the logbook!!!


    And RichardMoore...the higher up mentioned earlier figured it out that I was innocent of the silliness and deletion of logs.


    Man oh man...this bit of tomfoolery feels like a marriage gone south for some reason. Oh well, I was right, cache on. :)

  2. And it gets even more fun....eyeball this thread while you can, I get the distinct impression it is soon to be locked and removed , as it has caught someone's eye further up the food chain, and they sent me an email about it.


    The aforementioned "cacher1" went through the overtly childish step of deleting ALL of his logs on our hidden caches, which caught someone's attention, and that someone thinks that we personally deleted all of their logs on our caches in a hissy fit. IP addresses are logged,right?


    This is a prime example of what can go wrong when someone cheats. My reputation has been a bit besmirched, and I guess I'll be looking for other folks to cache with in the area.


    All because of a couple of blatant numbers ho's. Good gravy...what a can of worms.

  3. Two "found it" logs {with grammar/spelling errors intact) posted on one of my caches 2 days after I confirmed it was there:


    Any chance one of the 'finders' names begins with Z?


    Team Teuton: Nope :laughing:


    And furthermore, one of the heavy numbers folks busted says he won't hunt my hides anymore... boohoohoo. I guess I am supposed to beg him to please log them all, but that isn't going to happen. I cannot control much of anything in the GC world, except for my own hides, and well, I guess I did.


    The crying to mutual friends has already started, as have the emails from them asking why I would do something so drastic as delete his log. I am a pariah indeed, as I highly suspected would occur, but at least my conscience is clear.


    Mayhaps we should change our screen name to "Team Legal Loggers" with the mission of actually doing the clearly unneccesary task of signing the logs of caches we truthfully find. What a shocker that will be to some folks.


    Anyway, I got what I wanted and needed to hear from this discussion, namely that a numbers ho is a numbers ho, and what they will do to log a smiley, and that my actions were spot on and in line with the general concensus of the GC world. Thanks to all who followed along and contributed. Cache on!

  4. They're playing their own game. How dare you spoil it for them. Who do you think you are? What nerve!


    Coming from you,briansnat, I feel so ashamed now :laughing: NOT. Thanks folks, for the moral support. I will probably be a pariah around these parts now, as these were/are well known and respected local cachers who apparently dabble a bit on the dark side. Oh well, my conscience is clear at least.

  5. I take full responsibility for the junk/swag/stuff in my owned caches, and do indeed make rounds to "freshen things up". This entails purging the trash, and throwing in a useful item or two.


    In the end, if all owners would do this, there would be a lot less junk flying between cans, and the message might be heard that trash is not welcome in your caches. Just my$.02 :unsure:

  6. Two "found it" logs {with grammar/spelling errors intact) posted on one of my caches 2 days after I confirmed it was there:


    Cacher1:Found the spot with Cacher2. Lifeline said we had the correct s-pot. This one's meggled.


    Cacher2:Were logging it as a Find but it is MIA.We found the spot it was but nothing there but a hole in the Pine needles.We did a Lifeline and confirmed that was the spot,Thanks


    I went into surgery the day I confirmed it was there, and was so irked at basically being called a liar, that I had my wife stop by on the way home from the hospital to double check it. It was there, and of course no sigs in new log book.Cachers 1 and 2 have over 4,000 finds between themselves, and I guess it is completely a numbers game for them.


    I let them know that they could repost logs when they legitimately found it, and not until then, and deleted those logs pronto. Too extreme?! Am I being too anal retentive? :unsure:

  7. Does anyone know what the largest size microSD card that a 60CSx will support? I am having a little difficulty running this info down. I would like to get some feedback from other 60csx owners, as well as the search engine fanatics out here. Thanks in advance for your help!

  8. Wendigo7,


    I think you meant well when you kicked off this post, and you get an "A" for effort in my book. Some caches I have hunted as well as placed however, are definitely not accessible by children, the elderly, or the unfit. Simple PAGs and city parks would and do get old for some of us, and sometimes a 10 mile hike in the jungle/swamp, or 12 hours struggling in the Florida scrub in the sun is just what was needed to accelerate the pulse a bit and make the hunt a memorable one.


    We all hunt different caches for different reasons, and that's a good thing IMO, as it leads to a near infinite variety of terrain types/difficulties to sample as long as you choose to participate.


    Please don't take offense! :anicute: Just my $.02


    (edited for grammar)

  9. I see both sides of this issue, however.... here's a disclaimer to put on your caches in the future for those who like to hide slightly "extreme caches":


    People that do not wish to do a cache because of any danger they might perceive to be present is certainly within their right to not procede. However you do not have the right to try to ruin the enjoyment of others in attempting a find, that is beyond your capabilities, but not beyond theirs. This goes for almost every caching event there is. After all one might run into spiders, snakes, poisonous plants, trips and falls and the list goes on.


    Safety First! .......Take a friend, Look out for others, take a cell phone if possible, watch where you're stepping, NEVER UNCOVER ANY CACHE WITH YOUR HANDS OR FEET, USE A STICK! If you feel uncomfortable in doing a cache, for any reason, just walk away!!!


    This should cut down on the complaints like those stated by the OP here. I borrowed this note from a local cacher in my area, and it covers things quite well. Please feel free to borrow and use if you'd like.

  10. The horror..... I upgraded to 2.90, and as soon as I got a satellite lock, the screen went gray, then the unit powered itself off :P


    Lather, rinse, and repeat 3 more times...screen goes gray, then the unit powers itself off.


    Oh %$#@ :P


    The 5th time was the charm, apparently, as unit finally powered on and worked. I tempted fate by powering it off again, but it came up perfect as it has since I bought it 2 months ago. A few scary minutes there... thanks Garmin for the extra gray hairs!!! :rolleyes:

  11. First of all you folks keep head down out there.


    I hung up boots a little too soon for this go round, but I was there 15 years ago, does that count? They should have let us finish this thing back then.


    I have a couple of "Ranger" tabs that I wore over there. I would be honored if you accepted one of them for this cache.


    PM sent...


    I too did my duty there in '91.. opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I heartily agree on wishing it could've been put to rest then. I have a photo of myself standing under a sign showing 300 KM to Baghdad....180 miles...so close. Now the bill is due, and I am too worn out to help this go-round. Good luck and Godspeed troopers. :unsure:

  12. I used mine for the first time in flight recently. It was really neat flying across the country while my GPS was hooked up to the laptop and seeing the little red arrow move across the map marking our flight path, and allowing us to identify the lights we would see on the ground miles below.


    That, along with altitude and speed readings were very cool to watch unfold in real time on the screen...almost like being in the cockpit!

  13. You can buy much cheaper power cables from other sources than Garmin.


    I'd go ahead and give the cable you have a try and report back to us.

    I just have no desire to cook several hundred $$ worth of beautiful GPS equipment... I was hoping for a flurry of fellow cachers that have been bold enough to do so already. Holding my breathe, will give it a shot.

  14. Am I the only one here with the crazy altimeter readings and plots?


    Ah, no, there is a looonnngg thread about it.


    Whitecrow...linkety link please? My ONLY beef has been the compass having to be recalibrated a couple of times a day when in super heavy tree cover, or letting the unit dangle and spin around my neck on my lanyard.

  15. I keep reading the horror stories, mine should be here in the next few days.


    So how does yours work? I wish we had polls here (or if we do I wish I was smart enough to figure out how to do one.)


    Like it? No. Love it? NO. In lust with it? YES YES YES YES! Fantastic after 2 months of field use.

  16. I am the proud owner of a 60 CSX, and am wondering if anyone has tried to utilize the USB adapter to power it up from the cigarette lighter outlet, much like my old Vista C.


    Obviously the unit receives power via USB when connected to my desktop or laptop PC, and instead of having to buy yet another vehicle adapter from Garmin at horrendously inflated prices, I would like to use my VistaC cable. I haven't tried it yet, as I don't know if there is a voltage difference. Anyone tried it yet?

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