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Everything posted by rogbarn

  1. The fields that are extracted are: PID Designation State/County Latitude (decimal) - converted to decimal from the DMS on the "* NAD " line Longitude (decimal) - converted to decimal from the DMS on the "* NAD " line Adj/Scaled - whatever is at the end of the "* NAD" line Type - from the "MARKER" line Type description - from the "MARKER" line First date - from the first recovery line Mon/Obs - from the first recovery line First agency - from the first recovery line Last date - from the last recovery line Last condition - from the last recovery line Last agency - from the last recovery line
  2. A while back, I wrote a vbs script to extract data from the county download files from the NGS and create a CSV file that I read into Excel for further research. I offer to anyone who finds it useful. It requires Windows and I'm not sure if there are any further restrictions. I am going to try to attach it as a .txt file. Copy it to your machine, rename it to .vbs and edit it (do not double click on it). Change line 25 to the state you want to process. It will append ".txt" to form the file name. The file should be in the same directory as the vbs. Save it and then double click on it to run it. It will create a file named xx_benchmarks.csv where xx is the state of the input file. This was written for my own use and I have no idea how well it will work in the larger world. But I'm will to make sensible changes if there is a need. The obvious one is to automatically recognize incoming files. Have fun! I couldn't attach it so I'm putting the whole thing right here. Open a text based window (e.g. notepad or wordpad) and save it as a .vbs file. Don't forget that if you want to edit it, you have to right click on it and select "open with". Double clicking on it will run it. Hopefully this will work out OK. Option Explicit 'Variables for input and output file processing Dim iFSO, iFile, sInputLine, oFile, sOutputLine, iDir, oDir Dim StateIn, DateStamp, TimeStamp Dim RecordsIn, DataSheetsIn, RecordsOut Dim Designation, PID, StateCounty Dim LatDeg, LatMin, LatSec, LongDeg, LongMin, LongSec, AdjorScaled Dim Latitude, Longitude, MarkerCode, MarkerDesc Dim FirstDate, FirstCondition, FirstReportBy Dim LastDate, LastCondition, LastReportBy 'Dim strItem, LineNum, LineLen, LinesOut, PrevLine, LineCnt 'Dim Start1, Stop1, Start2, Stop2, EndNum 'Dim FileNum, CommaLoc dateStamp = Date() timeStamp = Time() 'Value assignment for input and output files iDir = left(WScript.ScriptFullName,(Len(WScript.ScriptFullName))-(len(WScript.ScriptName))) oDir = iDir StateIn = "il" iFile = StateIn & ".txt" oFile = oDir & StateIn & "_benchmarks.csv" '------------------------- open output file ------------------------- Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject") Set oFile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(oFile, 2, True) 'oFile.WriteLine("Starting at " & DateStamp & " " & TimeStamp) If not iFSO.FileExists(iFile) Then Wscript.Echo "Can't find file " & IFile wscript.Quit End If Set ifile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(iFile) sOutputLine = "PID,Designation,State/County,Latitude,Longitude,Adj/Scaled,type,Type description," sOutputLine = sOutputLine & "First date,Mon/Obs,First agency,Last date,Last condition,Last agency" oFile.WriteLine(sOutputLine) 'Read and loop through the input file 'read the first record and ignore it sInputLine = ifile.ReadLine RecordsIn = 1 'skip until you get to the first header line Do until mid(sInputLine,1,1) = "1" sInputLine = ifile.ReadLine Loop 'Do until RecordsIn > 2000 Do until ifile.AtEndOfStream sInputLine = ifile.ReadLine 'BEGINNING PART if mid(sInputLine,10,11) = "DESIGNATION" then DataSheetsIn = DataSheetsIn + 1 Designation = mid(sInputLine,25,40) End If if mid(sInputLine,8,5) = " PID" then PID = mid(sInputLine,25,6) End If if mid(sInputLine,10,12) = "STATE/COUNTY" then StateCounty = mid(sInputLine,25,40) End If 'CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL If mid(sInputLine,8,6) = "* NAD " then LatDeg = mid(sInputLine,25,2) LatMin = mid(sInputLine,28,2) If mid(sInputLine,34,5) = " " then LatSec = mid(sInputLine,31,2) else LatSec = mid(sInputLine,31,8) End If LongDeg = mid(sInputLine,46,3) LongMin = mid(sInputLine,50,2) If mid(sInputLine,56,5) = " " then LongSec = mid(sInputLine,53,2) else LongSec = mid(sInputLine,53,8) End If AdjorScaled = mid(sInputLine,69,40) Latitude = LatDeg + (LatMin / 60) + (LatSec / 3600) Longitude = (LongDeg + (LongMin / 60) + (LongSec / 3600)) * -1 End If If mid(sInputLine,8,8) = "_MARKER:" then If mid(sInputLine,17,7) = "STATION" then MarkerCode = mid(sInputLine,32,2) MarkerDesc = mid(sInputLine,32,99) elseif mid(sInputLine,18,1) = " " then MarkerCode = mid(sInputLine,17,1) MarkerDesc = mid(sInputLine,21,40) else MarkerCode = mid(sInputLine,17,2) MarkerDesc = mid(sInputLine,22,40) End If End If If mid(sInputLine,10,7) = "HISTORY" And mid(sInputLine,24,4) <> "Date" then If FirstDate = "" then FirstDate = mid(sInputLine,24,8) FirstCondition = mid(sInputLine,33,16) FirstReportBy = mid(sInputLine,50,10) End If LastDate = mid(sInputLine,24,8) LastCondition = mid(sInputLine,33,16) LastReportBy = mid(sInputLine,50,10) End If 'if last record for the dataset, output dataset info If mid(sInputLine,2,6) = " " then sOutputLine = PID & ",""" & Designation & """," & StateCounty & "," ' sOutputLine = sOutputLine & LatDeg & "," & LatMin & "," & LatSec & "," ' sOutputLine = sOutputLine & LongDeg & "," & LongMin & "," & LongSec & "," & AdjOrScaled & "," sOutputLine = sOutputLine & Latitude & "," & Longitude & "," & trim(AdjOrScaled) & "," sOutputLine = sOutputLine & MarkerCode & "," & MarkerDesc & "," sOutputLine = sOutputLine & trim(FirstDate) & "," & trim(FirstCondition) & "," & FirstReportBy & "," sOutputLine = sOutputLine & trim(LastDate) & "," & trim(LastCondition) & "," & LastReportBy oFile.WriteLine(sOutputLine) RecordsOut = RecordsOut + 1 PID = "" Designation = "" StateCounty = "" AdjOrScaled = "" MarkerCode = "" MarkerDesc = "" LatDeg = "" LatMin = "" LatSec = "" LongDeg = "" LongMin = "" LongSec = "" Latitude = "" Longitude = "" FirstDate = "" FirstCondition = "" FirstReportBy = "" LastDate = "" LastCondition = "" LastReportBy = "" End If RecordsIn = RecordsIn + 1 Loop iFile.Close Set ifile = Nothing dateStamp = Date() timeStamp = Time() 'oFile.WriteLine("Lines read: " & RecordsIn & " Lines written: " & RecordsOut) 'oFile.WriteLine("Ending at " & DateStamp & " " & TimeStamp) oFile.Close Set oFile = Nothing Set iFSO = Nothing wscript.echo RecordsOut & " lines Written" & vbcrlf & "FileReader.vbs DONE!" 'wscript.echo "FileReader.vbs DONE!"
  3. Illinois trivia - first pass: 57 potential problems 52 confirmed including one that is 13 feet east of the state line in Indiana email sent to Dave for correction
  4. I use randmcnally.com which can be surprisingly accurate. It shows county boundaries down to the lowest zoom level. If you go to the home page and then click the "Online Maps" radio button, you can enter coordinates. I use decimal coords and those work, I've never tried DM or DMS.
  5. When I first started benchmark hunting, I had a lot of fun going thru Missouri and finding county errors. For me, it was a nice combination of benchmark research and map research. I know I included scaled marks but I was more careful with them if they kicked out. I think Missouri should in pretty good shape now. I can't remember if I did Illinois or now, maybe I'll look it over.
  6. The first problem has come up already. Many of the counties for non-PID disks are not the county at all but the closest town, city or other feature. Corrections are as follows: 3. Monticello - VA/Albemarle 4. David Harris Riverfront Park - WV/Cabell 18. Lewis and Clark Historical Park-Kaw Point - KS/Wyandotte 20. Fort Atkinson State Historical Park-small - NE/Washington 21. Fort Atkinson State Historical Park-large - NE/Washington 33. Pompeys Pillar National Monument - MT/Yellowstone 37. Camp Fortunate - MT/Beaverhead 48. Fort Clatsop National and State Historical Park-Netul Landing - OR/Clatsop
  7. I offer my latest clean list of Lewis $ Clark, Corps of Discovery survey/commemorative disks. Many people have contributed to this effort, I am only the latest to try to compile and offer a good list to everyone else. As always, if you know of any errors in this list or of any disk that is not in the list, please post a message so everyone with an interest can stay up to date. The disks are listed by longitude from east to west. Seven disks, mentioned by kayakbird but without coordinates, are listed last. Format Seq # - Designation (if PID) or Description - State/County PID - Coordinates - Disk size Disk size is taken from either the data sheet description or the post from seventhings at the top of this thread. The two sources disagree on two disks: DF4764 - HARPERS FERRY DISCOVERY II - 10 or 12 inches DH2918 - CORPS OF DISCOVERY CLARKSVILLE - 12 or 4 inches I have an Excel spreadsheet of the entire list and a text file of all datasheets for those that are in the NGS database. If anyone wants these, please contact me off list. 1. United State Mint-Philadelphia - PA/Philadelphia no-PID - N39 57 10.38 W75 08 53.58 - 12-inch 2. HARPERS FERRY DISCOVERY II - WV/JEFFERSON DF4764 - N39 19 22.889 W77 43 42.93464 - 10-inch 3. Monticello - VA/Charlottesville no-PID - N38 00 35.58 W78 27 12.9 - 12-inch 4. David Harris Riverfront Park - WV/Huntington no-PID - N38 25 27.84 W82 26 34.92 - 4-inch 5. BIG BONE LICK CORPS OF DISCOVERY - KY/BOONE DH2915 - N38 53 20.03902 W84 44 50.57757 - 4-inch 6. WARSAW CORPS OF DISCOVERY - KY/GALLATIN DH2914 - N38 47 04.55717 W84 54 16.59656 - 4-inch 7. LOCUST GROVE CORPS OF DISCOVERY - KY/JEFFERSON DH2912 - N38 17 15.3651 W85 39 46.50761 - 4-inch 8. CORPS OF DISCOVERY LOUISVILLE - KY/JEFFERSON DH2917 - N38 15 37.38862 W85 44 56.01827 - 12-inch 9. CORPS OF DISCOVERY CLARKSVILLE - IN/CLARK DH2918 - N38 16 33.70985 W85 45 47.04358 - 12-inch 10. CABIN CORPS OF DISCOVERY - IN/CLARK DH2913 - N38 17 14.6252 W85 46 36.71077 - 4-inch 11. HENDERSON CORPS OF DISCOVERY - KY/HENDERSON DH2911 - N37 50 29.8981 W87 35 35.83104 - 4-inch 12. PADUCAH CORPS OF DISCOVERY - KY/MCCRACKEN DH2916 - N37 05 22.73468 W88 35 42.42888 - 4-inch 13. CORPS OF DISCOVERY - IL/MADISON DH5812 - N38 48 06.70782 W90 06 10.9601 - 12-inch 14. Jefferson National Expansion National Historical Site-The Captains' return – MO/C of St Louis no-PID - N38 37 44.4 W90 10 54.66 - 12-inch 15. LCM1 - MO/C OF ST LOUIS DG7734 - N38 38 44.55447 W90 17 08.02125 - 12-inch 16. LCM2 - MO/ST CHARLES DG7733 - N38 46 23.96532 W90 28 55.52388 - 12-inch 17. LCM3 - MO/FRANKLIN DG7732 - N38 33 39.47796 W91 00 36.81984 - 12-inch 18. Lewis and Clark Historical Park-Kaw Point - KS/Kansas City no-PID - N39 06 59.82 W94 36 38.64 - 12-inch 19. Independence Creek Encampment - KS/Atchison no-PID - N39 37 14.52 W95 05 37.5 - 12-inch 20. Fort Atkinson State Historical Park-small - NE/Fort Calhoun no-PID - N41 27 16.08 W96 00 47.76 - 4-inch 21. Fort Atkinson State Historical Park-large - NE/Fort Calhoun no-PID - N41 27 20.16 W96 0 55.92 - 12-inch 22. CHAMBERLAIN DISCOVERY II - SD/BRULE DH4418 - N43 47 13.66623 W99 20 18.16055 - 12-inch 23. FORT YATES DISCOVERY II - ND/SIOUX DH4424 - N46 05 21.3577 W100 38 02.59493 - 4-inch 24. FORT LINCOLN DISCOVERY II - ND/MORTON DH4425 - N46 45 54.56324 W100 50 47.00661 - 12-inch 25. HAZEN DISCOVERY II - ND/MERCER DH4426 - N47 17 37.28454 W101 38 33.67575 - 12-inch 26. COTEAU DISCOVERY II - ND/MERCER DH4422 - N47 26 38.87916 W101 51 53.93208 - 12-inch 27. NEW TOWN DISCOVERY II - ND/MCKENZIE DJ5120 - N47 58 49.21669 W102 34 34.23931 - 12-inch 28. BIRNT HILLS DISCOVERY II - ND/MCKENZIE DH4420 - N48 07 09.08839 W103 04 05.08006 - 10-inch 29. CONFLUENCE DISCOVERY II - ND/WILLIAMS DJ5118 - N47 59 06.99069 W103 59 14.17512 - 4-inch 30. CULBERTSON DISCOVERY II - MT/ROOSEVELT DJ5119 - N48 08 57.18234 W104 29 53.24964 - 4-inch 31. United State Mint-Denver - CO/Denver no-PID - N39 44 23.88 W104 59 31.02 - 1-inch 32. CORPS II MILK RIVER - MT/MCCONE DI0389 - N48 01 44.31801 W106 19 09.96117 - 4-inch 33. Pompeys Pillar National Monument - MT/Yellowstone no-PID - N45 59 39.42 W108 00 04.8 - 12-inch 34. Eagle Creek Camp Site - MT/Chouteau no-PID - N47 59 01.5 W110 03 20.0 - 6-inch 35. CORPS II PORTAGE - MT/CASCADE DI0233 - N47 29 42.53968 W111 13 54.76206 - 4-inch 36. CORPS II GIANT SPRINGS - MT/CASCADE DI0232 - N47 31 47.99725 W111 14 07.25802 - 12-inch 37. Camp Fortunate - MT/Clark Canyon Reservoir no-PID - N44 59 27.18 W112 52 13.2 - 4-inch 38. CORPS II LEMHI PASS - ID/LEMHI DI1654 - N44 58 52.26526 W113 26 46.85355 - 6-inch 39. CORPS II TRAVELERS REST - MT/MISSOULA DH9363 - N46 45 10.02406 W114 05 18.63118 - 6-inch 40. CORPS II WEIPPE PRAIRIE - ID/CLEARWATER DJ9398 - N46 21 00.08848 W115 55 30.26534 - 4-inch 41. CORPS II WEIPPE DISCOVERY - ID/CLEARWATER DJ9397 - N46 22 31.15497 W115 56 32.7773 - 4-inch 42. CORPS II KAMIAH - ID/LEWIS DJ9392 - N46 13 45.75963 W116 01 03.61839 - 4-inch 43. CORPS II TUNNEL POND - ID/CLEARWATER DJ9396 - N46 28 06.69144 W116 14 43.60769 - 4-inch 44. CORPS II CANOE CAMP - ID/CLEARWATER DJ9391 - N46 30 04.33944 W116 19 49.7516 - 4-inch 45. CORPS II PECK - ID/NEZ PERCE DJ9394 - N46 28 30.29755 W116 25 20.43465 - 4-inch 46. CORPS II LENORE - ID/NEZ PERCE DJ9393 - N46 30 26.76148 W116 33 01.81974 - 4-inch 47. CORPS II TSCEMINICUM - ID/NEZ PERCE DJ9395 - N46 25 28.41899 W117 02 01.64102 - 12-inch 48. Fort Clatsop National and State Historical Park-Netul Landing - OR/Astoria no-PID - N46 07 18.0 W123 52 35.46 - 12-inch 49. camp site 71.3 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/ 50. camp site 76.8 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/ 51. camp site 88.7 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/ 52. camp site 103.3 miles downstream from Fort Benton (river right 1.5 mile downstream from the Stafford Ferry) - MT/ 53. camp site 114.2 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/ 54. camp site 133.1 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/ 55. camp site 145.5 miles downstream from Fort Benton - MT/
  8. As a native of Massachusetts, I always wondered why that corner of the state was truncated. I knew it had something to do with Boston Corner but that was about all I knew. Thanks for piecing together the interesting story of how this came to be. I should have figured it was all about New York.
  9. Interesting. I get mine from ftp://ftp.ngs.noaa.gov/pub/DS_ARCHIVE/DataSheets similar but not the same. For example, I pulled Kansas from both locations. /pub/DS_ARCHIVE/ARCHIVE/LAST_MONTH was dated July 6. /pub/DS_ARCHIVE/DataSheets was dated August 6 and had 8 more lines. But they both ended after the datasheet for BROADWAY (PID HF0552) since the datasheets are sorted by designation, the file is missing all markers from BROADWAY thru the Zs. I've sent a request for more information/fix to the NGS but I haven't heard back.
  10. This is a very interesting find. Do you have coordinates? Is it a survery mark or just a commenorative disk? Any other details?
  11. Does anyone know why some of the NGS state archived datasheets truncated? For example, KS, NE and VA do not have a complete set of datasheets. The datasheets are sorted by designation and KS stops at "BROADWAY", NE stops at "933 RESET" (numerics are first) and VA stops at "P 51". I tried the download a couple of times from different machines and get the same result. If you look at the list on the NGS site at archived datasheets, the file size shows the problem is on their side, especially for KS and NE. Last month, I had the same problem with KY but that one seems to be cleared up with the new monthly archive. Should I just wait for the next set of archives next month?
  12. I got an error while posting the intial topic, so here it is: I thought people here might find this interesting, especially the part about how the marker had been vandalized and they pounded it back in place. From The Olympian newspaper in Olympia, WA. MIKE ARCHBOLD; Staff Writer Mount Rainier is stuck in a rut. For the third straight time, an expedition sponsored by the Land Surveyor’s Association of Washington found the state’s signature peak to be 14,411 feet high. The expedition announced its findings Wednesday. “The new elevation came in at only a few inches different than the previous observations,” said Larry Signani of Sumner, a surveyor and numbers cruncher for the expedition. “The published value will remain at 14,411 feet.” In 1988 and 1998, the association also sent teams to the summit. Using global positioning system equipment, they calculated its height both times at 14,411 feet – give or take an inch or two. That’s one foot higher than the previously accepted height of 14,410 feet. The newest measurement is within 0.3 feet of the previous two measurements, which also were taken at this time of year. Vandalism of a permanent marker used to make readings on the summit could account for the slight difference. Someone tried to remove the brass cap from the marker, which team members were forced to pound back in place during last month’s expedition. Whether the newest measurement will supplant the often-used 14,410 foot measurement is anyone’s guess. Despite the two previous surveys, Mount Rainier National Park still uses the lower height on its web site. Park Superintendent Dave Uberuaga said Wednesday that with three significant surveys all pointing to 14,411 feet “it may be time for the park to seriously consider making a request to (the U.S. Geological Survey) to change that measurement. “We have to be accurate and sensitive to data,” he said. Bob Anderson, a surveyor from Friday Harbor and the lead climber on the expedition, acknowledged the 14,411-foot height isn’t used in some publications but noted the Geological Survey has certified their measurement. Signani said the Geological Survey measured Rainier in 1956 before GPS was available and came up with 14,410 feet. He later obtained the data from that survey, recalculated it and found a tiny error in a vertical angle. Correcting that error produced a height of 14,411 feet, he said. Rainier’s height has ranged from 12,330 feet in 1842 to 14,532 in 1897. The latest expedition wasn’t concerned solely with proving how high the mountain is. It also was a chance to use new digital technology to gather data in a remote location, Anderson said. GPS technology has changed dramatically since 1988 when the team included more than 140 volunteers using some of the first portable GPS units. Those units weighed over 65 pounds each and could connect with only four GPS satellites. Readings took hours as they waited for the satellites to come overhead. Signani said a lot of data was gathered in 1988 and finely calculated by top mathematicians. It has held up over the years, he added. This time the team was only nine surveyors who carried GPS units that weighed two pounds. The devices were able to use more than 45 satellites for tracking. Anderson said the team spent nearly 24 hours on the summit and took redundant measurements to check accuracy. Mike Archbold: 253-597-8692 mike.archbold@thenewstribune.com Read more: http://www.theolympian.com/2010/08/12/v-pr...l#ixzz0wPXPqOGM
  13. OK, I finally had a chance to extract the datasheets and look at them a bit more closely. According to the datasheets, all of them are stamped "CORPS OF DISCOVERY II" or "CORPS OF DISCOVERY II 200 YEARS TO THE FUTURE". Henderson was monumented on 20030603 Warsaw, Big Bone Lick and Paducah were monumented on 20030630 Louisville and Locust Grove were monumented on 20041105 Big Bone Lick, Henderson, Locust Grove and Warsaw have GEOCAC recoveries. Henderson, Warsaw, Big Bone Lick and Paducah are all described as 4 INCH DIAMETER COMMERATIVE BRASS DISK and INSCRIBED WITH THE LEWIS AND CLARK PEACE MEDAL DESIGN. Louisville is described as a 12 inch disk. Locust Grove does not specify. I hope to be in Paducah over the weekend and I will add that one to my list of must dos.
  14. I found these in the KY list today and since I'm headed out to a meeting, I don't have much time to research them. But they look like they should be added to the list of L&C markers. I know some are but not all. DH2915 BIG BONE LICK CORPS OF DISCOVERY KY/BOONE DH2917 CORPS OF DISCOVERY LOUISVILLE KY/JEFFERSON DH2911 HENDERSON CORPS OF DISCOVERY KY/HENDERSON DH2912 LOCUST GROVE CORPS OF DISCOVERY KY/JEFFERSON DH2916 PADUCAH CORPS OF DISCOVERY KY/MCCRACKEN DH2914 WARSAW CORPS OF DISCOVERY KY/GALLATIN
  15. A couple of years ago, I looked up Newmarket, NH on google maps and it sent me to Newmarket Rd in a completely different part of the state from the actual town of Newmarket. I posted a request thru the help page to have it corrected, but when I just checked it, it's still wrong. I've heard of other similar problems. Don't hold your breath.
  16. I assume you mean "odd"? Not really strange if that is how they have the two PQ processes set up. From the data reported above, it surely is that way. Of course I meant odd. Isn't that what I said? And you're correct about how it probably isn't all that strange. It's a convenient, easy way to split a large group in half. Keep up the good work.
  17. I have 5 regularly scheduled PQs on Thursday. The one that is even numbered ran as expected in the wee hours of the morning. The other four are even numbered. One has run, I'm hoping the other three will come in shortly. Still, it's weird about the odd/even numbered thing.
  18. Is there a place to get a list of the Lewis & Clark disks that includes the coordinates? I could go to each page individually but thought I ask first.
  19. This is a good idea. But at the very least, the language needs to be updated so as not to imply that you will "receive" the results.
  20. I was just setting up a new PQ and I unknowingly attempted to schedule it to run on a day that I already had 5 scheduled for. Instead of getting a nice error message telling me what a dumb s*** I was, I got this: Server Error 500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. Because I had made several changes on the PQ page, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out what I had done wrong. Once I realized it, it was a d'oh moment and obviously easy to fix. Any chance that a more meaningful error message can be displayed?
  21. Here is a work around. Since pocket queries are sorted by query name, start your query names with a prefix indicating what group it is in. Maybe "DIST-" for distance queries, "ALPHA-" for alphabetic queries, etc. Or, just use a one or two character prefix. Whatever floats your boat. Then, the bookmarks are automatically sorted for you.
  22. I'm trying to verify someone's completion of a challenge cache. How can I do that if there are no logs?
  23. Yes. Bypassing or clearing the cache would be very good to try too. No. Changing parameters or even previewing a query does not count against that limit. Thanks. I didn't think that changing or previewing counted, I do it all the time. Whatever the problem was, it cleared up by itself so I'm not going to worry about it now. But, it sure was strange when it happened. Thanks to those who replied.
  24. I have a pocket query that I hadn't used in a while. I started making some changes to it yesterday and it was OK for a bit but then it stopped making the updates. It would show on the webpage but if I went back to the list and pulled it up again, it reset itself. It now shows only 3 caches (not very useful) and I still can't get it to update it's parameters. Has anyone run into this kind of problem?
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