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Everything posted by Samkalpa

  1. Oops my bad. I did move the geocaches to the "geocache" file and the waypoints to the "waypoints" file. What I don't understand is why the geocaches were on the unit, and then disappeared. Thank you for that link though, it's great. I'm on a mac though not a pc.
  2. There is a good tutorial for loading to Magellan units: http://www.follow-the-arrow.co.uk/resources/files/paperless_magellan.pdf According to that tutorial, the download data shouldn't be loaded to the 'Magellan' file, but rather the 'Geocaches' file contained within the Magellan file (p.4). Likewise, the corresponding wpts should be loaded into the 'Waypoints' file. Perhaps you meant that, but you did say Magellan file. Read through the tutorial, it is a goody.
  3. I ran some pocket queries and loaded them onto my Magellan GC. Everything loaded just fine, went out geocaching, found 9 caches. Everything worked great. Noticed the time was wrong enabled daylight savings. Turn the gps unit off and when I turned it back on (20 minutes later) all the geocaches were gone. Nothing shows up in the geocache list, or on the map. Plug the gps into the computer and open the magellan file, all the geocaches are there. But the gps list says there are no geocaches on the unit. Any ideas why the gps won't display them? I'm sure it's user error, but I'm just not sure what!
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