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Everything posted by Davispak

  1. I, as a reletively new cacher (4 months) enjoy the logs very much. I think it is nice to get the online logs from my caches. It tells me if I have hidden a good one or one that may need to be updated and helps me when working on new caches. I have hidden ones from park and grabs and their purpose was that, so that people could cache during lunch, to complex puzzle cache that is getting rave reviews and many DNF's. The logs have inspired me to go hide more caches to get new logs and to try and make a challenging one for the "old Timers" or people with alot of finds. The find count I believe is helpful in that If aperson with a high count gets DNF, I know immediatly there may be a problem or that I have done a good job on my cache hide. On spoilers in the logs I would like to see an option as the cache owner where I can go in and encrypt portions of someones log if it may be giving clues. This will not stop someone from getting the clue, but it will make them work harder for it and you don't have to delete someone's log. I think the encrypt option should be added and that would take care of alot of clue problems.
  2. Ok I am writting this one to here because it seems about the best place for it. I am not the fastest typer in the world and I barely know html commands. My question to you guys is, with only 45 minutes to input the data are you setting the info up in a Word document then importing it to the cache page or are you guys just that fast and where is a good place to go to get a comprehensive list of HTML commands? Help with this would be appreciated as I would like to make my pages look a little better than just a bunch of words.
  3. I have one up like this right now. Not to give too much away but it is working just fine. I have several micros at each stage that will send you in different directions if you are not careful. It has two false stages that tell you to go back to the last one and there are some that will send you across the county if you do not pay attention to the directions. So far no problems except alot of stumped cachers
  4. Cache at the bottom of Shark tank, cache is filled with chum, log book in plastic bag in cache. must be signed on bottom as is attatched to large chain. Oh and if you want to really step up difficulty must spray self with A-1 steak sauce before entering tank
  5. I am of the opinion that no hints should be given until a FTF is logged. If no FTF is logged after a few weeks, (two-four weeks depending on your preference) then I believe hints can be given out. This allows people who want the challenge get the chance before it is given away.
  6. Sorry, but you are all wrong. the first geocacher Pharo King Narmer. He started caching back in 3100 BC. Of course he only placed one and it was a large cache and a Puzzle cache at that! The FTFinder is not known as the log book was lost, but apparently the FTF prize was a Doozy! But as with all caches it deteriorated over time and is now archived. The co-ordniates were lost when CG.com was doing a file save and the disk was placed near the office stereo and was partially damaged by the speaker magnets. Now the original location of the "King Narmer cache" are lost to geocaching History.
  7. You will rip the logbook ziploc bag the cache after you use your last ziploc bag. flashlights are for storing dead batteries the batteries in your GPSr will die approximatley halfway between the cache and the car (where the spare batteries are) That dog will NOT be on a leash/chain or behind a fence The muggles will walk by just as you pull the cache out of its hideing spot
  8. The below listed is straight from the guidelines for listing a cache: "There may be some exceptions. If your cache fits within one of the above areas, please explain in notes to the reviewer section of the cache page. For example, if you are given permission to place a cache on private property, indicate it in the notes for the benefit of both the reviewer and people seeking out the cache." So you are suppossed to list if you got permission for placing on private property in the notes on the cache page.So, no emblem, or seal of approval, or a certified copy of the Declaration of Independence is needed.Nuff said. Edited for my lame non-spelling skills.
  9. 70) people will ignore the guy rummaging around in the bushes.
  10. Micro at the white house along the public tour route? That what you looking for?
  11. I did not find any letterboxes by accident but I did find a cache while out looking for a place to hide a cache. It was the final stage in a night time multi. So I checked it then went home to log it. I then completed the previous stages so to give myself full credit. Didn't feel it was right to skip the previous stages just because I stumled upon the final.
  12. 65) magnetic key holders will also hold keys 66)The arrow isn't always right, put down the technology and use the senses you were given, you will be surprised what might turn up. 67) the water will always be deeper than the top of your waterproof boots
  13. Mctoys are fine as long as was stated earlier they are in new or wrapped. same with golf balls. i think most people are talking about finding that Mctoy that was in the bottom of some kids toy box and instead of being thrown away it was "thrown away" in a cache. the key here I believe is "interesting" Most golf courses sell a custom ball, that would be neat to find. new Mc toys would also be neat and some do become collectables. I put in patches, I had a space patch that was taken the same day i put it in the cache. key is find something interesting to put in the cache. Not junk you would otherwise throw away.
  14. Most of your kitchen/cooking supply stores sell numerous plastic containers in all various shapes and sizes that are air tight and never had PB in them. They can cost from 1-10 dollars depending on how much you want to spend and how big you want it to be.
  15. If I am going out for just a quick hunt, say for an urban hunt in the local park, I will bring: GPSr Printout and notes water/Beverage of choice (I like a nice fountain Cola) Swag compass Pen I also carry a pair of old leather gloves because of the proliferation of those lovely thorn bushes in area around here and my walking stick because it is just good sense and really good for poking around in "cache" holes that could also be Snake/rodent/mutant squirrel hole Flashlight Most fits into a small bag that I can carry For those bigger trips I take: More water sunscreen/bug spray hand sheers first aid kit cel phone-For emergencies dollar in change-in case stuck n cel phone not working poncho emergency blanket socks knit cap scarf orange hunting vest(so I will stand out during hunting season..don't want to end up mounted on some guys wall) Whistle batteries,spare compass area map (topo if can) Lighter and sterno And snacks for if I'm out there for the day or if get hurt can sustain until found. Depending on where you cache always let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back. I do alot of hunting and usually stay out for 2-3 days so I make sure I have the stuff I need.. and let me tell you something, that emergency blanket is a life saver. Fell into a stream and got soaked..temp was 38 degrees and I was at least an hours walk from the cabin..probably kept me from getting hypothermia..
  16. On the rocks, keep a look out for Hiddenite.. It is a green stone and is more rare than diamonds. can only be found in Hiddenite North carolina. Dont believe me look it up and come tour the mine.
  17. Ok, this has given me a fantastic idea. I am going to create a cache called "in the area" I will fill it with stuff that is around the immediate area and the rule will be you have to pick something up along the way and "trade it" with something in the cache .. Just put in a really nice log book and a garbage can stamp and Bob's your uncle, a cache no one can trade down in. Problem solved
  18. I think what this topic boils down to everytime it comes up is responsibility. Yes, you are suppossed to get permission before you place a cache and yes you should know not to go into that park/cemetary after dark, and yes you should trade evenly or up, but a select few people ignore these issues so that they can log a cache or be a FTF. It has been my experience as a Law enforcement officer that just about everyone will try to justify their actions. "I didn't know I was speeding", " I'm late for work", "I didn't see any signs that said I COULDN"T be here". Most people are generally good but can be a little selfish and self centered and that is why they Speed, trespass, or steal TB's. they think in their minds that they are either, not hurting anyone and I'll only be in here for a moment, or That guy is a jerk and He doesn't deserve this TB. So, it is my opinion, based off of many years of dealing with people who break the law, that they are defending the habits that they practice themselves. So take some responsibility for what you do and get permission for your caches, list it on the page if its on private property and that you have permission, and post those park hours. Ok. If you play the game in a honorable manner, there isn't much else you can do except to lead by that example. for spelin..sealli..speelin..for words not done right
  19. Ran the query.. 67 out of 2721.Not bad I think..reviewer doing a good job. Best part was only 9 of the disabled were within 60 miles the rest of the 58 were 61-100 miles away.
  20. i plan to mark my 50th find with a Parade down main street, but hey thats just me, you do what you feel is right for you
  21. Just won a big auction of American flag patches. Over 100 patches, so guess what will be left for awhile. I think this will be my sig item from now on
  22. I found a perfect hole for one of my hides. It was an old stump hole. The can fit perfectly into it, and some groundcover plant had covered trhe hole slightly adding perfect concealment. I have been getting good feedback on it. If you could find something like that, well there ya go, problem solved.
  23. Sorry, you lost me after xulaitag&%%#$ or whatever that word was Serriously. I wouldn't make them to long. I don't mind reading a short story, but when I'm in the mood for a story. When I'm in the mood to cache I wanna cache, not read a story. Now that's just me, and some people may enjoy it. Just not my thing.
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