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Everything posted by Kochibu

  1. I don't think so. If I remember correctly it had the same ratings when I found it. Also, as Brooklyn51 said, the question mark is gone now. I'm still curious why it appeared though.
  2. I've done it before but never noticed. I just went again through my found caches and on the 1st found, there is a big question mark across the D/T-rating: I haven't seen this before and I'm wondering what it means. Or is it some sort of bug?
  3. There is a huge issue with nails than didn't seem to be mentioned yet (Can't believe it), which has nothing to do at all with permission. I'd rather see a part of the dead tree cut out and altered for hiding purpose than seeing a nail in a tree. Of course, a tree thats alive should not be harmed either way. But even if the tree is dead... ...nails do not belong into nature, they can be extremly dangerous for animals.
  4. I almost always read the hint, because I'd rather find the cache easily than taking a frustrating and huge ammount of time destroying everything that COULD be a hiding place and/or get muggles suspicious. A hint should not tell you exactly where the hiding place is, but it helps keeping the environment and surroundings from damage.
  5. With rising Quantity, Quality decreases. But there are still a lot great caches out there, you just have to look for the right ones. There are favourite points, descriptions and logs of other caches that will help you find caches that are really worth doing.
  6. I'd have so much fun with these people, oh how many ideas I have if I ever run into a situation like this
  7. Most likely 1% followed all the local rules. At least that's what I'd expect.
  8. Unactivated!!! They might have a coin collection and don't collect activated coins. Also make sure to write down the tracking number for yourself, so you can log it as dicovered if the Finder activates it
  9. I still don't get it. Geocoins are trackable and get activated so others can dicover them. If I had a Coin-Collection, I'd definitely activate all of them.
  10. It is also possible that it is a cache that was never approved (if it is too close too another cache there, for example) and the owner didn't care enough to find a better spot that's avaiable. To answer your question: There are really exisiting caches that are not listed on geocaching.com. In Germany, for example, there is another website hosting cache-listings and there are some listed, which do not appear over here. Most are cross-listed though. I do not know if there's anything like this outside of Germany, though. I do not think this is common, either.
  11. I found this bookmark list of caches near or on the mountain: http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=369ab971-1a25-42b5-9850-78682343bb98 Maybe it is an archived cache or a mystery cache? Didn't it had the name of the cache? (It could have also been some sort of replacement container someone accidentally left there while hiking)
  12. In Paris, we were at a metro station and there were like 5 of these in a row in a long hallway. These really confused me To contribute: This one is near a cache in my area. It's a bus stop called "Graveyard Selbach". The sign below says "exit only". Quite macabre Also, this one which is not photoshopped, but physically altered (and hasn't been changed for like a year now): "leash sheeps"
  13. 2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes and 11 seconds. On the serious side: I think it's all a matter of luck. At least the item you attached doesn't seem very desirable so it might have a long life...but it could also be stolen after the first cache. Are you asking for a visionary?
  14. You will have lesser finds and no newbies. This makes sense in busy areas with many muggles and also limits the possibility of your cache (or even the environment) getting destroyed by unexperienced Cachers.
  15. Die Abstandsregel hat gute Gründe. Ich weiß nicht ob diese auch auf anderen Datenbanken gilt, aber ich empfehle dir dich daran zu halten und den Cache hier zu veröffentlichen. Von der Abstandsregel völlig abgesehen, wirst du auf geocaching.com definitiv mehr Leute dazu bringen deinen Cache zu finden und etwas darüber in den Logs zu schreiben. Du solltest dich auch fragen warum ausgerechnet in dem Gebiet, wo bereits eine Dose liegt? Kannst du nicht vielleicht einen besseren, noch freien Platz dafür finden?
  16. You have to type in the Code that is written on the TB, as proof that you're really in posession of the TB. It will not be shown in your log.
  17. Definitely countryside. While it is interesting seeing the creative hiding spots in urban areas, I hate caching in places with too many muggles. It doesn't thrill me, it annoys me. Also, I love nature. I love doing caches with high terrain-rating and I love running through the woods and ending up dirty as hell
  18. Yes, but only if they are associated with a TB. Not helpful at all, I know
  19. MrsB: Thought about that idea too, but I don't think I'd like the way it looks. I've also came across a laminated TB some time ago and it didn't seem like it'd be laminated much longer. I think it doesn't work too well when its exposed to bad weather. kunarion: Shortly after posting this thread, I've come across exactly what you were talking about, when actually searching for something I could use as a label für the description of one of my own TBs and thought that this could work too. Thanks for the confirmation! Once the TB is ready for travelling, I'll make sure to post a photo of how it looks
  20. Me and my girlfriend are both 20! (And we started with 20)
  21. Hello there! My girlfriend would like to send out a tackable which will be a coil of hair of her beloved dog Timo. Now we're searching for a translucent case in which we could put it. It has to be waterproof,unbreakable and we'd like to be able to seal it. We thought of bison tubes, but well..obviously you can't look through them so they're probably not an option. Any ideas how we could manage to put our idea into practice?
  22. Well, not yet. You could ask everyone who attented if they've seen it.
  23. We are back home from our Trip! Thank you again for the recommendations, we did quite some of them. Our favourites were probably "BB#3 - The Cave" and "Butte Aux Canons"! The petite ceinture, while not a beautiful place at all, was interesting and in tourist-mode we enjoyed the walk through the Heart of Paris too I think it was a good mixture of unusal trips and those that should be made anyway at the obvious places. Merci pour les caches! a little bit of stats: 18 caches found, 7 DNF 12 traditional (+7 DNF) 1 Multi 3 Mystery 1 Virtual 1 Earthcache Left 6 TBs in Paris Took 2 TBs with us
  24. Lost Place Cache. These are often hidden in abandoned buildings
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