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Captain Gore-tex

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Posts posted by Captain Gore-tex

  1. Having set a simple square zone I now want to edit it into a particular shape aligned to roads on a map.


    When I go to the edit online option it shows an error box with internet explorer script error in line 211 character 3 and when the map does come up it is for 1600 Amphitheatre Pky, Mountain View, CA.


    For previous cartridges I have used this function okay but not anymore.


    Any ideas?


    Second question, when I upload a new version of a cartridge to the site how can I edit the notes to explain the changes?

  2. If someone has the source code, they can compile it and run it in the Emulator. However, if they have the source code they can just read the code to figure out what to do.


    The cartridge that you download from Wherigo.com is already compiled although a large portion of the text is still visible if you open it with a text editor.


    To prevent someone from playing the cartridge in the Emulator, you can do a device ID test for the Emulator and disable the zones/cartridge if it is being played in the Emulator.


    To prevent someone from reading too much in a text editor, you can put messages such as coordinates or puzzle questions/answers in a jpg picture and display the picture.


    Hope this answers your question.


    JPEG Extractor will strip out all JPEGS from a cartridge and display them on a desktop, including all hidden data put on in photoshop or similar, hence not a secure method of hiding data.

  3. just had another one pop up on my Cheddar Gorge Earthcache. Already deleted a log by the finder once and they have just reposted with a changed date, now of the 23rd November 2008. I will delete it once more shortly.


    I see they also logged the nearby Traditional cache .... maybe they were in Cheddar. I haven't done that cache yet - so maybe I should go for a walk at the weekend to find it and read the log book?


    PS - I was expecting an email from you tonight :unsure:


    No, I'm not speaking to you for tempting me into starting down that particular Icarus cache route and melting my head!


    If you do get the chance to check the log of the other Cheddar cache that would be helpful, just in case Latvia came to the gorge for the two caches, it may be English isn't particularly well understood hence the details missing from the earthcache log requirements.

  4. This thread promted me to review a couple of Earthcaches of mine and I have to admit to a rather tardy review process previously and have deleted a number of logs without the required photographs. Happy to reinstate any genuine visits as this probably indicates poor housekeeping on my part more than any cheating.

  5. Hi im single and looking for a girl who likes geocaching....the last one got as far as the edge of the wood before she complained it was cold wet and muddy.....


    ...well what do you expect if it was cold, wet and muddy, try a quick rinse and some talc next time

  6. The 60CSx has been the most accurate GPSR for some time. (In my view) neither the Colorado or the Oregon were close to it but I have to say that the Oregon with 2.60 is now on a par. I got rid of my Colorado as it was really poor, went back to the 60 but am now back to the Oregon and it is the best bit of kit for caching on the market at present.


    Buy one with confidence!

  7. Just checking out Memory Map website and prices. Whole of the Nat Parks at 1:50K is £30. At 1:25K each is £100. Whole country at 1:50K is £200. Prices at retailers would be less than this so Garmin's prices are really expensive - OK, so you get the road atlas scale but that's not a lot of use for country walking!


    Chris (MrB)

    Yep sweet smell of rip off permeates from this post. the whole of the natonal parks at 1:500000 is not a bad price and may give it a try however we all know 1:25000 is the premier mapping but £30 compared to £1900? Please get a life. We should see the price drop down if everyone sticks to their guns and ignores their kind offer.

  8. Crikey pushing a pin into a tree in a wood is really upsetting to me too.

    I can understand that, in fact I was a bit disturbed by someone placing a micro under a large flat stone recently, (what about the resident wood lice underneath it?) let alone the cacher who drilled a hole into a fence post to hide a cache (when is wood REALLY dead and therefore cannot feel pain, who knows?) and the final straw was when I actually found a cache in an arboretum and the darn caretakers of the collection had themselves hammered a big nail and identifying tag into ever single one of the four thousand trees. Luckily enough they seem to have survived the last 3 centuries despite this torture and inevitable seeping sap...thank goodness for that.

  9. There are (were) quite a few differences when I was a letterboxer, including deeply buried boxes (Cut Hill a speciality), lots and lots of 'word of mouth' boxes, some which haven't ever been found, and no rules about density, more skill in the 'cutting' of stamps, and a more interesting (gulp) history of letterboxing to name but a few.

    What they do have in common is a great deal of fun and both compliment each other. I hope both live long and prosper.


    I managed 3000 letterboxes and hope to pass this one day with caches.

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