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Everything posted by Retcon

  1. I interepreted the post from callcan to mean he has gotten a lot of first finds and received this email. It even has odd line breaks which implies it was copied from somewhere else. Wouldn't be the first time I was mistaken but it's very possible that he meant you no disrespect but actually wanted to know how to respond.
  2. How about: "Ha-ha!" No, more seriously, I would respond linking them to this thread, or use some of the arguements in this thread. Whatever you send, you should finish the email with "This is the first time I've been unhappy with caching since I started."
  3. In my younger days, I used to do this all the time. It's amazing what you can get away with. I don't know if I'd try it these days, what with the whole "You must be a terrorist, let's imprison you for 5 years" thing. But it's so easy. You walk into a garage, the guy at the garage assumes you're going to your car. You enter the building from the garage, everybody in the building assumes you belong there because you're not in the lobby. I used to cross several blocks that way, going through buildings instead of around them. Nice on cold winter days.
  4. Ditto, though this spring I tend to hit a couple local courses and see what the game's all about. YAFGCIDKA
  5. In my experience, the number of muggles in any given area is directly proportional to how close I am to the cache. I use it as a gague sometimes.
  6. You can buy a container that is pretty much a peanut butter container at any kitchen store. I bet you could find one at Bed Bath and Beyond for under $10. Or a dollar store for, well, $1 I'd guess. Though the BB&B one'll probably last longer.
  7. I have a friend who can't go into a local "Texas-Style" restaurant becasue they have buckets of peanuts and you can eat the peanuts and throw the shells on the ground. There's enough peanut dust in the air that he gets a (pretty bad) allergic reaction. Now, imagine that happening a couple miles from your car in a forest. is right.
  8. As clarification, I personally have no problem with micros. My sign's original intention is "This Micro was not just tossed onto a roadside from a moving car" not "Micros suck" I'm considering making a set, maybe 4 (to make a nice square) that good-micro placers can put in their cache pages. What are the 4 worst micros? Lamp posts, hanging on a tree branch, roadside, and what? Or can you think of more? If I have time, I can even whip 'em up tonight. (Aside: What does a lamp post cache look like? Are they taped to them, or inside the little access panel, or what? I've never seen one) (Aside #2: I don't mind most micros hanging on trees. I've seen some good ones and at least you don't have to bend over to pick them up. So if you can come up with enough to take that off the list, I won't mind )
  9. Oh dear God yes. Please. Creative Commons #WhateverMeansYouCanUseItForAnything Resize it. Change it. Make your own better one using my idea. Heck, anybody wants the inkscape SVG file you can have it too.
  10. Then he didn't find it. Bogus log. Thank you. That made me laugh out loud, which is something this thread desperately needed.
  12. Just think of it as the most effective marketing campaign in history, for a mere $2M. I was thinking the same thing. How much was a Superbowl ad again? They've had advertising every day for the week preceeding the Superbowl.
  13. I find that having a dog pretty much explains everything. Why you're off the trail? He chased something and pulled me there. Why you're looking under that tree? I dropped something while being pulled.
  14. I found the bookmark list after finding the earliest cache in my home state of Ohio, which is is well within driving distance of my house. Too bad it was archived 6 years ago. Maybe I'll go out and read the sign.
  15. In Texas last srping we stumbled upon an orange cooler full of BONES. Upon (visual) inspection, we determined they were pig bones. Apparently someone had a cookout and left the remains. But it was freaky to open that cooler lid.
  16. Listening to a podcast, I believe it was This Week In Tech, back in November of 2005, they interviewed the host of a geocaching podcast. I can't remember the name, but he's from Southern California somewhere. Anyway, I listened to a couple of those podcasts, checked out geocaching.com, found that there was a cache RIGHT OUTSIDE MY JOB. Seriously, in the street outside. Not 300 feet from the front door of the building. Anyway, within a week of listening to the original TWiT show, I had a GPS and found (after a failed attempt, it was a pretty well hid cache) the cache outside work. The rest, as they say, is algebra.
  17. Google maps will do it as well. Center on your desired location, and then click the "Link to this page" link in the upper right of the map and in that url are the lat/long (in decimal). I've done this many times to enter the lat/long into my gps of a place I'm going after finding it in google.
  18. I'm not big on taking stuff, mostly because the stuff is generally nothing I'd want. I have a few items on my mantle that I've taken from caches. Nothing special, just struck my fancy at the time. Now travel bugs, I love those. Unless they have a goal that I know I can't do, I'll nab 'em every time.
  19. YEAH those are hard to be stealthy getting. Maybe if you went at like 2am or something. As far as what I won't go after... I haven't come across one that I haven't at least *tried* to get yet. There have been a few that I gave up early due to muggles or just that feeling that you're doing something *wrong*.
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