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Everything posted by Arnàutil

  1. Well so I grabbed country #51 , Tanzania! Did two weeks of vacation there doing some Safari in the Serengeti area, and then moving to Zanzibar for some beach and lobster. One more!
  2. I just added Belgium and Luxembourg during the last few days, that makes 50 countries where I found a geocache in!! Still some countries left in Europe, most notably: Norway, Iceland, Slovenia, all of the Balkans (except for Kosovo), Moldova and Ukraine. Also Jersey and Guernsey which, if I'm not wrong, gc.com counts as separate countries. Next up will be Tanzania in three weeks!
  3. Country #47 Monaco :-) looking forward to Egypt being #48 in few days!
  4. Came back some days ago from a trip to Finland, some 3h north from Helsinki (of course, for work matters). I had the chance to find some 2-3 caches under the snow and at a temperature of an astonishing -27 celsius. My hands were about to freeze when holding the phone towards the cache! Next trips are out to France, near the basque country. Hopefully will find some time to find some caches there even though the limit for being outside is 18h, which can make it tough...
  5. In one month I'll be flying to Thailand, and then onto Cambodja and Vietnam. These will be my 42nd, 43rd and 44th countries!
  6. Recently added Malta 1 month ago (tourism for 4 days) and Romania (worked there for a week). That makes a total of 41 countries for now.
  7. Just returned from a vacation trip to Uzbekistan (wonderful!!!) where I could grab 1 cache (and suffering, it was our last try after some DNFs... I was already losing hope). We also had 4 days off to Rome where I visited the Vatican. These were my 38th and 39th countries where I've geocached in. Overall I've visited 45 countries, so there are 6 countries visited by me where I haven't found a cache yet (because it was before I started geocaching): Morocco, Belgium, Luxembourg, Croatia, Slovenia and Monaco.
  8. you can fly to Pisa, Firenze, other cities nearby... San Marino is worth spending a day there, it's not like you just step in and out, it's relly Nice. () I just booked the flights to Rome. I'm 27 and I've never been there yet, it's time to put an end to that. And that means that if everything goes to the accorded plan, Vatican City will be my 38th country.
  9. recently grabbed country 35 (Portugal), in two weeks I am off to Greece and Ireland for holidays. Hopefully they will be my 36th and 37th countries
  10. Jordan was a great trip. One more country, that makes 34 for me. Petra and Wadi Rum were outstanding. Now aiming for Malta in one or two months!
  11. In one month we will be flying to Amman to visit Jordan - that will be, hopefully, the 34th country where I will have found a geocache! Can't wait to discover this country!
  12. yes indeed it would be a big plus for those like you and me who got out especially to record a earthcache! :/ I read in another thread that maybe next year...
  13. Arnàutil


    Això de IIII no és res anormal, a vegades IV s'escriu així (sobretot en rellotges) perquè IV són les inicials de IVPITER en llatí (Júpiter) que era un déu, llavors per superstició no posaven IV. (ja heu apres alguna cosa, ) avui a l'event he constatat que tots estem ben encallats i frustrats... jajaja. Jo no tinc més idees, em sap greu. Però almenys he fet una aportació cultural xD
  14. Arnàutil


    Servidor havia pensat que el "check six" podia tenir a veure amb alguna cosa de la sisena etapa, que és la del salt de cavall. El meu company ha provat coses en aquest sentit però res...
  15. Maybe bifid cypher? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifid_cipher
  16. I've hid some caches using my HTC desire and the coords are nearly perfect, just make sure to let it some time to get the correct position. Nevertheless, maybe in the woods a smartphone is not such a good choice.
  17. A mi lo que me parece triste son los logs cortos tipo "tftc" etc... yo mismo cuando empecé hace unos meses en geocaching los hacía así de cortos porque jugaba con el móvil i era lo más fácil. Pero poco tiempo después empecé a darme cuenta que los propietarios y el mundillo de geocaching en general merecía algo más, y ahora siempre intento dejar por lo menos un par de líneas y muchas veces alguna foto... la excusa del móvil no vale ya que al llegar a casa puedes editar el log (es lo que hago a veces). en lo que refiere a la prisa, a los números, a las sonrisitas: me da absolutamente igual. Cada uno jeuga como quiere. Habrá quien le guste hacer una ruta de 100 cachés separados 100 metros uno del otro escondidos todos igual, y encima yendo en coche, gastando gasolina parando en cada uno de ellos. Habrá quien le guste salir a hacer un caché y disfrutar del paseo. Cada uno con lo suyo. También conozco gente que por ejemplo forma parte de un equipo y sus compañeros firman por él cuando no va: pues él se lo pierde... (y para mi es un tramposo, está claro).
  18. Vaya trabajo, felicidades!! constato que la provincia de Girona es la segunda con mas caches por km2
  19. Yo generalmente sí leo las descripciones. Siempre es interesante conocer más de tu tierra o de una tierra lejana a la tuya, nunca está de más. Como siempre que salgo me lo preparo antes de salir de casa, lo puedo leer tranquilamente... y si después me llevan a un lugar que vale la pena, pues mejor que mejor :-)
  20. I guess everyone enjoys the game in their way. I don't like trails much either, but I can understand some people like them, probably because it's an "easy" way to raise their numbers. anyway you are not obliged to find them all :-)
  21. I agree with your point, but I don't think it should be enforced by a rule. Not every CO knows english. When you go hunting and see a cache you can use an online translator to get an idea what the CO is saying. Besides, at least in my area 99% of the caches have the information both in Catalan and English (maybe because it's a very touristic area).
  22. It's probably a Premium feature - I was once a Premium member and I think that's when I saw it. I see you are one too. Yes, it's Premium feature. :-)
  23. I love the idea behind those trading cards!! Great work. Will try to import it here! :-D
  24. Wow this one is even better! the problem I see with this one is the cost (both money and maintenance...), and what about the batteries? I guess they live close and can perform maintenance really often... but still a great cache!
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