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Everything posted by Luckless

  1. I notice some sig items have geocaching insignias. Is there any copyrights on those that need to be observed? Just stopping by looking for trouble.
  2. I've been to several park agencies around here asking about hiding caches in the parks. Usually I hand them the geocaching brochure from geocacher-u because they don't know what it is or haven't heard of it. I guess the other geocachers who put caches in the parks never bothered to get permission. I'm all for letting authorities know where the caches are or at least the general area. I can understand them not wanting people disturbing some sensitive historical or natural areas and if it prevents incidents like this then great. Also be sure the container is clearly marked on the outside that it is an official geocaching site. everyone hug a bomb tech today --<<<HUGS>>> for you canning clan- Let's keep it safe.
  3. Love the trading card contest idea.
  4. I like it, but you'd probably want to locate the cache somewhere cachers like me who go around and round in circles don't tample the plants.
  5. So glad I read this thread. Now I know what kind of evil minds I'm up against.
  6. Chocolate allergies! This chocoholic didn't think it was possible. I've been hording some large plastic containers that had chocolate covered raisins in them to use for caches. They still smell like chocolate and every so often I open them and take a whiff. Guess I have some more scrubbing to do.
  7. Thanks for the response and various links. It seems like if I tell of any hazards -such as unlevel ground or toppled trees that haven't quite toppled all the way (which seem to be numerous around town due to wind storms last year) and maybe post a note to geocache at your own risk, that might help to keep geocachers safe and go a long way toward protecting against liabilty. I want to make the search a safe and happy experience for both the geocacher and the person kind enough to let me locate a cache on the property.
  8. Because the snow makes looking for caches more difficult I thought I'd spend the winter looking for sites to place some caches come spring. I was going to approach government officials and private property owners in charge of the land and ask if it will be all right to put a cache on their property. There is one question that I know I would want answered if it were my property and that is the question of liability. If someone tramping over my property looking for a cache trips over something and breaks a leg can I get sued? Most of the places I'm considering are open to the public.
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