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Fundy Fog

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Everything posted by Fundy Fog

  1. What I was hoping to do was easily update that file with all my finds so that I could have them accurately display on my GPS. Nothing more.
  2. Hi there. I think I have a bit of a reverse problem from most people who have posted about geocaching_visits.txt. I recently went on a trip and didn't bring my Garmin GPS Map62 with me and instead used the geocaching app lot log dozens of finds. I would like to sync my Garmin finds back with my geocaching.com account. Is there any automatic way to do this beside the manually updating that file? Thanks, Fundy Fog
  3. There used to be an option to limit the entries uploaded since the last time you logged field notes. In the new Drafts page when you upload from your GPSr this option appears to be missing-- or I missed it, in which case please tell me where to find it. I uploaded a couple hundred previously logged finds last week, which normally wouldn't be a problem except there were a half dozen Earthcaches I've never logged but keep there as a reminder to do it some time. And yes, I know I could just delete my visits.txt file on the unit but... yeah, I don't want to have to do that every time. Updating your site and removing useful features is not really an upgrade. If the feature is to be added in the near future then please disregard my rant. Until then I'll keep using the old Field Notes page.
  4. Sorry if I'm repeating other posts here or posting in the wrong place. I did a quick search and didn't find these exact requests and the user insights forums where I figured it should go all appear to be locked now. I've been using the new Search/Find a Geocache function a lot lately for making quick searches (instead of creating a PQ) and I like the interface for adding filters but find it lacking a few helpful options. Does anyone know if there are plans to add more features to it. Here are my suggestions. search radius - any plans to open this up or increase the ceiling value to something larger than 50km? it would be nice to be able to search for caches found/not found since a specific date. I could see this being as simple (interface-wise) as an additional set of three radio buttons on the right side of the filters window labelled "Not found", "All" and "Found". On the line below that the word "Since" and a calendar widget to specify the date that become active when a selection other than All is made. an option to filter out caches with x number of DNFs in their most recent log entries. 1 - maybe the guy just missed it. 2 - possibly it was his cache partner. 3+ there is likely something up with this one. Sure I could read logs manually but save myself the time if I can filter automatically. Looking at these, with the exception of the first one, they would be nice to have in the pocket queries too. If there is a way to do any of them now please feel free to enlighten me. Thanks
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