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The Bolas Heathens

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Posts posted by The Bolas Heathens

  1. Anyone any idea how many loggable caches there will be for the main event apart from the event itself as we're very close to our 100th cache which I already have planned so don't want to pass that at the event?


    I see mention of some children's caches (presumably these are not loggable?) and maybe some new area caches.


    I was thinking of getting in some caches on the way to the event if possible too.

  2. I've got a Tungsten E2 which I've had for about a month or so and am delighted with it.


    I run Cachemate and Fugawi on it for paperless caching and it works like a dream. I also use Spoiler Sync to get spoiler photos onto the Palm just in case I get really stuck at a cache and have to resort to a spoiler pic. Saved me a fortune in ink toner cartridges too :ph34r:

  3. Anyone know where I can get one of these at a decent price as all I can find is places that will sell you a serial cable for around £26 and then a serial to USB converter for around £13. Seems way too much just for a cable or is this about right?


    I've checked eBay but could not see anything that was compatible.


    Manually typing in co-ords is starting to drive me nuts, especially with the big numbers day outs we've been on recently.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Looks like a great cache - I think we may well go for it.


    Without giving anything away, do we need any specialised equipment e.g. torches? Feel free to email the reply - johnrooke at gmail dot com.


    Cut down Cache just because it is something very different.


    It can also be very easy or very hard depending on how lucky you get :lol:


    Looks like a good one and the TB's are not too far away to get...apart from one which is still listed at the Chester Bash so not sure how I retrieve that.


    You could try Stencil Stash.


    You'll need to visit 3 other caches first to find the 3 TB's needed (don't know where they currently are), But it's a good cache with a great sense of achievement when you finish it :ph34r::o


    Thanks for the suggestions Mark.


    We've done the Alchemy Quest series (Gold was our 50th cache) but the Zodiac one is on our to-do list as they are about the nearest unfound ones to home now. Looks good.


    I'm curious about your last comment - how did you surprise your other half?


    Locally its worth the trip to do cut down cache or finishing the fables myths and legends series. A bit farther afield jonahs journey is excellent and can be done by a six year old with adult help. Youve got the obvious alchemy quest gold and the zodiac series as well.

    The GUK top rated caches are a help with this sort of thing. Just please dont surprise your other half like i did.


    Great idea.


    There's an unwritten tradition in geocaching that bringing up a landmark find (100,200, etc) at a particular cache, is a compliment to the cache owner.


    If there's someone in your area who placed caches that you really enjoyed doing - or who has (say) made some special contribution to the hobby - why not seek out one of their caches, and make a point of logging it as your 100th?


    Just an idea...



  5. That sounds like a really fun one. We were just talking to Snerdbe who we met doing a local cache and I'm pretty sure this is one of the ones he was talking about. Thanks for the suggestion.


    Our favourite to date is "Every which-way" GCQMVD

    We really felt a sense of achievement when we completed it.

    It is a toughie though, and several finders took a couple of visits to complete it

  6. Not sure how feasible, but probably possible

    M56, M6 and a6144M are next to the motorway in question but are accessed off local country lanes, not the motorway!!!! say about 1/3 mile down paths,

    while M66 and M67 are drive bys on lanesw adjacent to the motorway.

    and the maddness ends is...... well i'll let you find out where that one is :o


    The spotter mini series are easy and quick, though viewpoint takes some looking


    The rest are good fun though a few i cannot comment on as i haven't found them yet, myself.


    Have fun


    Iain the bargee

    Thanks - I've got a few tip on the spotters ones so know what I'm looking for - just have to find them now as that one in particular looks tricky. I used to work just opposite them a few years ago and they would have made great lunchtime quickies.

  7. I create a Pocket Query every week of my 'local' cache area - usually only 300 or so caches - as a GPX file, load it into GSAK where I can then export it as a TomTom POI or to my Palm or my Garmin GPS. GSAK does all the business for me!


    I have geocacheuk .com export all UK caches in TomTom format and then upload to my TomTom. I then can find caches by road wherever I am which is really handy.


    I have a few PQ's running (for all the areas I'm commonly in) that get exported to my Palm so I also have all the cache details to hand. Makes it really easy if I'm somewhere with some spare time as I can get a cache or two in.

  8. I'd drop Around A Subway as I believe the container is not there and I have promised Rutson that I will replace on his behalf but as yet have not got to it.

    Thanks Moote. That's one I was not looking forward to as it's not that nice an area and I would guess there may be quite a lot of dodgy kinds of litter round there.

  9. One you missed was MIATBX which is nice and easy,

    good luck


    Iain the bargee

    Thanks Ian - I have that on my tentative list if we have time. Is it feasible to do the 19 I have planned in the day?


    We managed 15 in a day with a late(ish) start on the Wirral last weekend although when caching near home the best we have managed is 7 in a day as there is a LOT of driving and walking required.

  10. Ok - I've managed to creat PQ's to get all caches in the UK to date to populate GSAK. I read Mark & Lynn's excellent Paperless Caching Guide and they say they run a weekly PQ of just those caches updated in the last 7 days.


    This was ok when they wrote their guide, but running it today returns over the max of 500 records.


    My question is how do others get round this and ensure their GSAK database is up to date?

  11. Ok. I've got a final list that we're going to run with. In the order we will attempt them:


    Motorway Madness - M6 (a quick one on the way up the M6 to Manchester)

    Motorway Madness - M56

    Norman's Retreat


    Timperley Teaser

    Brooks Drive

    Spotter's Lane

    Spotter's Viewpoint

    Spotter's Pasture

    Bruntwood Park

    2 Wheeled Wonder!

    Motorway Madness - M60

    Motorway Madness - M67

    Motorway Madness - M66

    Motorway Madness - A6144(M)

    Between Two Camps

    Around A Subway ) may miss these two out

    Not Much Room! ) depending on time

    Motorway Madness - The Madness Ends


    I've no idea of the feasibility of all these in a day but we intend an early start and at least I know the areas most of the caches are in so driving should be easy.


    Sound like a good plan?

  12. Ah just seen your bookmark list, Not Much Room! has very bad co-ords if you need some pre-advince send me an email or PM me in chat later

    Thanks :huh:


    That's one of the ones I'm undecided on - I think I have the clues worked out I need but am not yet convinced there is not something I've missed.

  13. The l!zzardpower ones are not easy, even after you have solved the puzzle they are notoriously hard to find!

    I have to admit to leaving those for another time for that very reason. They look good fun but I'm after numbers on this trip so short walks and easy(ish) finds are the order of the day.

  14. Use this cache as a centre point and work from there,


    Timperley Teaser...


    I find that a lot of caches around this area take a little bit of preparation, so start looking now I recon.

    Thanks Moote. I have the co-ords for that one and Broadheath already worked out and ready to go. Looking forward to my day out now as I know the area well, having been brought up there.


    Here is my list of possibles so far:



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