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Ange Heureux

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Everything posted by Ange Heureux

  1. The post about store PQ was created in order to add this function to the soft iCaching (on Mac), which proposes to do directly quite a PQ (we obtain a set of caches directly downloaded in the soft and i wanted to propose to store the condition of the PQ under my account as real PQ. But an another example is on this page : make PQ Regards Ange
  2. Hi, I need to create a PQ through the API (is already possible), but *store/save* the conditions of the PQ (so a new PQ) for a later use, typically to permit to an user, which have the geocaching app on an iPhone, to download the PQ. (the PQ is the only system permit by apple to download a set of caches selected by specific conditions) Thanks, Ange
  3. Hi, Is it possible to add in the API the possibility to save a PQ ? For the moment is it possible to create/run a PQ, but not to save under the account of the user a new PQ .... Thanks in advance, Ange
  4. thanks David for the test. I'll redo the test I've done and will do some picture of the screen to show you the problem. But as said, i have perhaps done a mistake in the configuration... Ange
  5. Hi David, I'm not using Vantage Point (because i'm a Mac user). But I doesn't necessary to test my problem : - choose a cache on the website, and see its coordinates - add this cache to your GPS - on the GPS create a waypoint with the same coordinates - and see on the map. depending of the cache i can until 20m to 60 m difference of location ! (test done with http://coord.info/GC2V9YA and http://coord.info/GC3F65C) Could you confirm me the type of coordinates i should use to the waypoint. Perhaps I've done a mistake here...
  6. Hi all, I have a little problem with my Magellan eXplorist 310. perhaps you can help me or at least confirm if this problem is only on my GPS or on all 310, or if i use it in the wrong way : In case of mystery caches (?), if I enter the found/calculated location in a waypoint, the GPS indicate me a wrong location (between 30 and 60 meters away of the right location). But if I have a computer, enter the same location in the editable field in the page of the mystery cache, then download it into my eXplorist, the pointed location is this time correct (less than 2m).(like the traditional caches). 1) So could you confirm that you have or not the same behaviour ? (it's easy to do a test) 2) Because i haven't a computer with me when i'm searching a mystery (...), is it an another way to enter the coordinates in the GPS than the waypoints? 3) Or should/can I configure my GPS ??? Thanks for the help, Ange (from France)
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