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Posts posted by kusanagi

  1. Is this discussion about coins or the right to have a opinion?


    If it's about the right to have a opinion then I believe everybody here agrees that everybody else has a right to a opinion. Personally I feel that having the right to a opinion doesn't give me the right to post it, as I feel courtesy should have effect on my whether or not I do so. If I posted my opinion on every cache that I felt was lame, whether it be due to location , style of hide, or silly rules. Considering that the hider may be disabled or with out a vehicle, how can I decide where cache is hidden. Maybe the hider has only found lamp skirt caches and doesn't realize that others may be tired of them, perhaps they do and felt like offering something simple back to the community. Or could it be that the hider is tired of walking up the hill and grabbing the cache from under a bush, fallen log, or pile of rocks and wanted to offer something a little more challenging. I would most likely upset some people if I were to post negative comments that were biased by my own opinion. And in fact have. Personally I don't need it.


    If this is about coins, then I am at loss. I can remember when the coins being produced were few. I can remember when there were fewer places to go to have a coin made. I can remember when there were fewer coins to select from, with less variety in how they looked. There were no glitter coins, no glow in the dark, and few personal coins.


    With the many coins being minted, more people have opened up shop to do the minting. While I could wrong (and most likely am) I would think that this has brought down the cost of minting a coin, which might have some bearing on the number of people willing to have a coin minted. Is that wrong? Does it matter? Not to me.


    If someone wants to take the time to create a coin and spend the money to have it minted, then more power to them. As to whether or not the coin is caching related, I imagine it would depend on the individuals perspective. While I may feel that a coin has nothing to do with caching, I can respect the fact that someone took the time to create something that they could feel proud of. It's do to this respect that I keep my opinion to myself.


    What I really have a problem with is figuring out why I posted to this thread :unsure: . Is anyone really enjoying it?

  2. I went to a cache today and found a Easter egg inside. I admit I was a little excited to see what was inside. However when I opened it, what I found was a gelatinous glob of glittery something? :D Maybe next time. Very nice coin and Congrats to Bella.

  3. Here is a page that shows a rattle snake common to Arizona. The picture looks similar to me though I could be mistaken. As to it moving or not, I don't believe it's uncommon for a snake not to move. I don't know how the heat sensing ability of a pit viper works, however I would think given a choice it would decide you were to big for a meal, and that it would hope that you didn't notice it.


    Last year while hiking with my family, my wife walked with in inches of a rattle snake. It was a nice warm spring day and the snake did not budge. As I got closer to where she had been she asked if it was alive or dead. I watched it from a distance and it didn't move. As we were leaving a truck came by (the area is used for hang gliders who use trucks to get up that high). I walked back and sure enough the snake had moved. It also rattled it's tail letting me know I should be on my way.


    In another instance I was on the way to a cache with my kids and saw some other cachers stopped on the trail ahead. As we approached one of them pointed out the snake on the trail. It took lot of pebbles and smaller rocks to get it to move off the trail.

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