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Posts posted by WarNinjas

  1. In our popular travel but "Hotel" We called it a Motel as that is what we mostly stay in. :laughing: We asked if members could trade one it would be great but if not just take one because we need more vacancy's anyways. There has been 60 coins/bug traded out. I do notice when someone finds it and all the bugs have checked out they do seem disappointed but new ones pop up all the time.


  2. If I find myself without a pencil, I take a piece of broken glass, cant it like a mirror and reflect the light, increase the heat like a magnifying glass and lazer my initials and date into the cache log or onto the cache itself (joking).


    LOL Totally awesome.

    I'm going to figure this out and sign them all this way! :laughing:

  3. Our first geocoin has gone missing. I will just wait and see what happens and if nothing at all oh well. I am making new bugs to let go. I know some will go missing but it kind of sucks that our first one was taken and never even logged that it was taken. It is all part of the game. I'm sure many will travel many miles and others will just die from day one. It can take time. If my daughter and I take one I only get her every other weekend so it could take up to a month to release but I don't see it going over that.


  4. My daughter wanted to call ourselves ninjas. We listen to a morning radio show in Missouri (we live in Cal) The Woody and Rizzuto show They sometimes refer to it as WAR for there initials. They call all there listeners there ninjas. So we came up with the WarNinjas. I liked it and probably better then my fishing site handle Master Baiter or my Email name TermiteTweeker...I'm a termite guy. :laughing: WarNinjas it is then. She also wants to put WarNinjas under every log for some reason with the - before it. So I do even when I find ones on my own and now on this site for her. She is thinking of also getting an account as I find them while working alot without her. I'm going to try and look into how I can get her to log all the finds we have made together as the WarNinjas to just her account or she might just have to start off new. We have decided to break up our names to her as the pink ninja and me as the blue ninja when we are out in the field.


  5. I only have used my droid. I have not had a problem getting to ground zero most times. Most times I make the find and if I don't I don't think it is the phones fault more of my geo sense or the cache is not there, I have posted a did not find and had the cache owner thank me because he went to check and it was gone. It has not worked near as well after this last upgrade to the site though. I am thinking of getting a handheld gps for it to but have no issues with the phone. I like that I can log the find and upload pics right there. The battery does wear down fairly quickly and if you had a older Iphone...I don't know about the newer models that you cant change out the battery it would be a problem but with my droid I bought a couple of spare battery's (bought cheep on ebay) I carry with me and switch out when it dies.

    That being said I found out about geocaching from my phone browsing threw the apps. I wouldn't buy one just for geocaching but it has become my favorite app after already having it! I know it is a different topic that I might ask some day as to what I would get out of buying a handheld gps and what one is good. Reading here I can see the waterproof part might be handy. I don't really plan out my day prior to going so if I had to download them at home I think that would be a problem. I have also used my garmin GPS for my car to find them when my battery was running low and I didn't bring the extras for my phone.


  6. I have had problems with my droid after the last update. It worked great before. Now it takes for ever to load and I cant see the past logs at all. When I go to post a log it cant do it. I have to save it. Then it does post it later. Today I was trying to log my find and it wouldn't work. I checked it here and there was 3 posts of my find. I had to delete 2 of them. I hope they can get it back to how it was when I started. Worked great before.

  7. I will definitely do that! Do you have a link to the post that I did that? I only recall posting up one travel bug and I blurred out the numbers on that one because I read of the problem. I don't want to do that to any travel bug. Mine or someone elses. I will look to see if I can find it. I might have done it before I knew about it.


  8. Yea that is the problem. I cant place a cache there and no one else can because it is grandfathered in a place that new ones are not allowed. If it get archived there just wont be any there. I was just checking to see if there was some way to do it. I will put a watch on it and change out the container.


  9. I would not want to do this without the cache owner asking and would rather the cache owner just take care of it but worried he might not be able to anymore. This is on a really cool trail on national forest grounds. I love this trail and have biked it many times and wish there were more caches on it but you cant place any new ones there are just ones that were already there that are aloud. The container is broken and needs maintenance. It has been published that it needs to be fixed and I have also emailed him about it. I asked if I could change it out for him. I can see he was a avid cacher but has not had any finds in a few years. I am hoping he is OK. I'm thinking something happened to him and would hate to loose a grandfathered cache. I might just change out the container but would like to get emails about how it is doing and if there is new maintenance that needs to be done. I don't want to step on any toes but also don't want to loose the only cache on this cool trail as no new ones will be allowed. I might just go change it out and hope it lasts for as long as possible but I drive by it every day and could take care of it. I was wondering if there was anyway to keep up with it. I don't want the credit for it or anything but just want it to stay alive on the trail I would like to place a cache on. It would be a shame not to have a cache on that trail. Any advice on what can be done or do we just let it die? :(


  10. Well my daughter came up with this idea. Might have been done before but i don't know. I was not sure if it would break any rules that I don't know about but she had already started making it so I let her and let her release it into one of our new caches. The FTF really liked it. She named it cache in a cache! The goal is to travel around and get signatures and change some swag just like a micro cache but it would be a cache in a cache. I thought it was a great idea! We asked that when the log got full the person who finds it take a pic of the log for us to see then change it out or add another log. I see there is one posted here that has the same idea without the room for some small swagg. This pic was before we added the log and swagg.





  11. Thanks for the info! I will give it some time. I have not checked it for myself but there is a few finds on it everyday and many say all the bugs have checked out. Some add and take away as well but I can tell those ones on the list are MIA. I guess after a month I will go do a check and then report if they have not been logged. I do know that many have been from other country's so it could take some time. Really when placing this with all the muggles around I thought my first trip back would be to put in a replacement but it seems to be doing well. I even bought and set up a replacement for when I hear it is missing. I kill bugs for a living but don't want to be killing these ones.


  12. I told my daughter we will probably be stopped at some point. I think it is part of the game. I have not been stopped by the cops but have had people ask what I was doing. I have not told anyone what I was doing and would probably only do so if I felt it was needed. The one lady was really rude and asked what I was looking for when I said I was looking for something. I felt like saying none of your bissness! but just said I would leave. No need in letting someone like that know about a geocache in the area. If they seemed cool I would probably tell them about it but have not got that vibe from anyone yet who was wanting to know what I was doing. I did get the cards sold on this site to give to someone if I felt they were cool.

  13. What do you all think of this one? I found it today and count it as a find but didn't sign the log. There was many paper wasps all around the cache area but I was not going to let that stop me, I'm a pest control guy. However after I finally made the find I decided that dealing with the paper wasps to actually sign the log would not be worth it. I posted in my log that I have a pic but didn't want to post it as it would be a spoiler. I did get close to another cache that had black widows around it but did not actually see the container. I posted that one as a did not find but I seen this one so to me it is a find without signing the actual log. Why take that risk to sign a piece of paper in a key holder. This is probably not in a area I will be returning to when they are gone. It is a find to me.



  14. My only large cache find was meant for trading CDs. There was a couple in there and most home made. I wish I still had my old ones in the car and would have thrown a couple in! To me for my equipment cds are out dated but might use a SD card. If it was corroded at all and I think it could be I would not use it. Probibly best to keep it for something that will pop up in the future. If it was in good shape I would not have a problem sticking it in my car cd player but not sure about my computer.


  15. That is a great one and I would love to find that over the many micros I find. I do like micros if they are creative and fit the place they are hidden but sometimes they could be more creative. As far as the pens/pencils. I don't see why anyone would go geocaching with out one but that is just my opinion. I think it should be a part of your gear.


  16. I am also having this problem. My cache was not muggled but there are 10 TB/GC that I know are not in there from recent logs but are in my inventory. This cache is placed at pier 39 in SF and most of the ones who find it are from other country's. My thought is that they have picked them up and don't log them until they get back from vacation? Is that how it is done with a handheld GPS? I log mine mostly from my phone as I find them. I hope this is the case because everyone seem to be finding it and sharing stuff great but worry about the 10 coins/bugs. Even our FTF geocoin has not been logged as found. It has only been out about 2 weeks. Just wondering what everyone thinks. I really like this cache because of the activity it gets and many TB but I don't want to see the list build up and feel responsible for them being lost after such long travels. I'm hoping to hear I am just paranoid and people pick them up on vacation and log them later.

    Here is the link to the cache WarNinjas TB Motel



  17. Thanks for the link. Would certainly be a fun one to do..


    We had to float threw this cave to get to the cache in the pic above!


    These are a couple of favorites! What is the magazine?

    What cache is this? GC number please. That look like fun.


    Terrible Ts

    I was curious, too, so I checked their profile. White Tiger

    Thanks for adding the link! It was fun and my favorite cache so far! We were going to go on a cave tour that would have cost over $300 and thanks to this cache my daughter decided that this would be more fun and it was I'm sure! No guides just us having fun plus a cache at the end! Would have never found the place without geocaching! The GC code is GCC96C for those that emailed. There was also large trout swimming with us! If any of our pics are put in the mag can you let me know and also let me know of a way I can get a copy of it! Here is a few more pics of the area for those of you who seem interested in going to seek it out!












    The other side is really the cooler one!




    This was when we first found it! We had to go back up the mountain to go get floaties and bathing suits to make the float. TIP don't look for the other cache near the start of the cave. No one has found it and we looked for about 2 hours on the side of a cliff! I hope they fix it up but was a big fail for us and the 3 others that had tried before us. I would check the log to see if anyone has finally found it before almost killing yourself trying to look for something that might not be there. Spend your time enjoying the cave!





  18. I planned a vacation here in cal for my daughter and myself in gold country. Seemed perfect for geocaching. We use the droid as our gps. We get there and there is no 3G internet service anywhere! Kind of made it difficult but I guess fun at the same time. We had to download the caches at our motel with the wifi and then go find them. Still great fun but a fail on a geocaching vacation. I would check to see if the place has internet service if you use a phone like I do.


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