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Posts posted by WarNinjas

  1. In your statistics it keeps a log of how many days you have gone with finds. I have gone and found at least one every day for over 100 days. If someone later decided to delete one I would be starting over with my streak. That would kind of take the fun out of making sure I take the time to find one every day. In the big picture it would do nothing but I find the challenge of finding at least one a day fun to keep the streak alive and if I lost that I would probibly not feel the need to go everyday. If it was on a day I found more then 1 I also would not notice.


  2. <snip>

    A finder who simply assumes the cache is missing because they didn't find it and drops a replacement container can actually mess up the experience the cache owner intended. Instead of finding the clever hide which is still there, the next cacher finds the throw down and thinks what a boring cache. This isn't fair to the cache owner. IMO, replacement caches should only be done with the owner's permission.

    I'm trying to balance these statements in support of CO's "intended experience" with your statements in the video spoiler thread calling CO's (who don't want spoilers) "controlling" for wanting people to find the cache as they intended. Are for caches being found as intended, or not?

    Good catch. In previous thread where people have called for a rule against replacing caches, I have taken the position the Groundspeak should not have such a rule. Helping out and maintaining others caches is in general good for the game, IMO. I myself replaced this container



    with this one



    without getting the owners permission.


    My comment was basically what I think is a good rule for deciding when to replace a container. I have seen the numbers cacher come through leaving 35mm film cans in place of a nano or a regular size cache that went missing. I have also found multiple caches at site because someone was quick to drop a replacement when they couldn't find a difficult hide. By getting permission (an generally a spoiler from the cache owner in case the cache is still there), you can avoid these problems.


    I believe that most finders do want to find caches as the hider intended. In the other thread I have said that spoiler sites should have spoiler warnings and be easily avoided by those cachers who don't want a spoiler. A throw down is like a spoiler on the cache page that cannot be avoided. People find the throw down and don't get the experience of the original cache.


    You can replace my caches with that anyday! :)

  3. That would suck if they deleted a find as I am working on a streak and many days only have time for 1 find. One deleted would mess it up and if it happened a few days after the find I'm not sure I would be able to remember what one it was. Today was my first letter box find. It looks like it counts so I didn't find another. That one was wet and in the wrong spot.


  4. I don't really see it as hurting this site but see it as another tool for it. At the end of the day it is this site that I go to. I have paid for the GS app but often use the c:geo app as well and it helps me to find caches and there for keeps me interested in this site. There is probibly more then I see but I think it is a great service to have out there. Get people interested and then like me they might also buy the app here. Like said just go find some caches!


  5. I hate to say it but I have both apps and I like C:GEO better. Not sure if it is because that is what I started with or what but It is more user friendly for me. Every time they do a update I see it affects C:GEO and I just laugh a little inside wondering if they just do it to mess with them. One way to solve the problem would be to make the geocaching.com app a little more like theirs to use. Or maybe just buy them out and use the good features on their app. I payed for the app here and quickly went back to C:GEO. I like to help out the site so there is no problem with paying for it, both sites have features I like that the other one don't but for finding a quick cache I go to C:GEO.


  6. I don't think the phone app and having PM has anything to do with eachother. They are separate things. You could use C:GEO and the PM does the same thing. I am just pointing out that the app is just something for your phone to use. I have both C:geo and the official app.

    I have found the PM to be cool to notify me of new listings that I might want to go for the FTF. It also shows the PM only caches. Then I can also look up on a map to show me all the caches I have found and I like that most of all. It is up to you if you want to get it but I don't find that it would have anything to do with you having the app.


  7. It sounds to me like you are a great geocacher and will be a great asset to the game. I would not take the side of I am not going to help out any cache now. We also carry extra supplies if needed. Don't let it stress you out at all but you will get to know some of the local geocachers. If you think something is needed and you have the stuff and want to help out a cache then do it and I am sure many will thank you. If you get to one that you think is a problem then just log it and move on. It never hurts to have the stuff with you and it can be helpful. I know my first hide was a container I thought was waterproof. Turned out is was not and someone fixed up the inside for me. I was very thankful and changed out the container soon after. I would not expect anyone to change the container or do anything great but a little help can be nice until I can get to it. The most helpful would be to post a log so I know I need to go check on it. I try to go check on mine when I can but would definitely do so if someone noted it needed it. One my daughter and I hid on the spare of the moment we were trying to find a good log to fit. I guess with all the thinking of what one would be best we placed it without any log. :anitongue: the FTF added one and that was great until we could get out there. Just do what you think is best and I agree not to fix up one the CO is not taking care of at all.


  8. This is a great story! Very nice of that lady to take the time to contact you and also help in ideas on how to hide it! Really cool! If I was in that same situation I would definitely ask about getting permission to hide it there when picking it up. Sounds like the lady who took it would have your back in saying it should be OK. I have friends who work for the parks and I am sure if one of there employees seemed to think it was OK that most of the time they would go with it. My old boss is a worker for the San Francisco Parks and he is a good friend and very good at getting people to follow what he thinks. I have thought about talking to him about GeoCaching but have not gotten around to it yet. Not only could he help getting permission for them I think he would like the game.


  9. WOW! I am always shocked about how this site lets stuff like this stay up. It is actually good and I think it might be the right way for this site but on the fishing site I moderate I would take away many of the negative comments and/or just lock the thread. I think it is good to let everyone here say what they want.

    I for one want to say great job on having the caches out there for 10 years and counting. I would be happy if some of mine lasted 10 years and the comment was only damp log but still signable . As of now I would go change it but who knows how I will be in 10 years from now. If I was closer I would go find them for sure. If I ever end up in the area those ones would be ones I would seek out if I knew they had been there that long. Keep them going.


  10. I agree if you are with your kids you look less suspicious then alone. We hid a large 5 gallon bucket at a remote place that ended up being to close to the end of a puzzle. We had named that cool spot the obnoxious geo pile. So now not only did we have to move a big green 5 gallon bucket but also a huge geopile! I got out a bag to put the bucket in and it looked worse then carrying the bucket. We get to the place to pull out the bag with the bucket and my daughter points out there is some guy with a green 5 gallon bucket getting out of his car?? :blink: So we decided to just rock the 5 gallon bucket and no one seemed to question it. We then had to move a big geo pile in a cart. Some lady with a dog was more worried about where her dog was then to notice we had a big cart filled with rocks and sticks. Kind of fun and I sometimes think if you just act like you know what you are doing that no one will notice more then if you act like you are hiding something. My daughter definitely helped as I think if I was alone it would have looked even weirder.


  11. That is the answer!

    My question is if you go and do maintenance on one of your caches do you post a owner maintenance if there was not a maintenance needed request before it? I have done that a few times just to log that I went and checked on it and fixed it up. Should I just log a note or not even mention it? I am thinking I might not want a lot of owner maintenance attributes on the listing or is that a good thing?


  12. Thanks for the great offer michaelnel! I have already ordered one but if I have problems that would be great or sounds fun anyways! I have only cached with my daughter and nephew. I'm thinking there might be a problem with my Bionic. It has had other weird glitches from the beginning when we got them. I got one and my daughter and hers was working great from the first min we got them and mine was tweaking out.

    10 feet would be great I don't need more then that. I also use c:geo. It will seem like it is working like my old one but it will count down and I think I am at the spot but when I stop it starts changing and goes to around 10 meters or more away. Then I walk away and start over and it takes me to a different location. Pretty frustrating as it is still doing the same and I think it should be better. I am going to try my daughters this weekend and see. I still find most but takes more time and sometimes I don't have the time or it just looks weird. If there is no hint or just a general one it can be hard to find in a area that the driving gps gets me more into the area then the compass. I had a 14 hour work day today but luckily one of the logs said there coin (a steel penny) got stuck to the magnet so I knew it had to be on some metal or I would have had a hard time finding it.


  13. The guy at the store talked me into keeping the Bionic because of the 4G and said it is way better of a phone. I am going to try out that GPSr logger. I also like to use my geosense in finding but it is frustrating that it moves around so much when I get near ground zero. If it would just stick with being the wrong spot it would be better then jumping all over. I guess I was just spoiled by my droid 1 being so much more accurate. I can still find most of them with it but sometimes because of muggles I end up leaving because I am looking in so many different areas. It might just be my phone, I also got my daughter the same phone and am going to check hers when she comes to see if it is just something that is up with mine.


  14. I know if you got a new android it would be registered under your Gmail account and be listed for free in the android market. I'm guessing if you don't use your Gmail for Iphone it would be hard to get. I hope you can get it.


  15. I was giving it a chance and it was always off but I thought I could live with it because many give out good tips. Today was not the case and I realized it could be a pain in the future. I have had 2 DNF I know I could have found with my old phone. I only have 14 days to decide and today I realized I want a better one. I will let you know of the Droid 3 is better.

    Thanks for the tip ollave I might need it.


  16. I have been caching for a few months with the original Droid and it has worked perfectly. Taken me right to GZ and stuck me there. I never understood all the hate for cell phones. I just upgraded to the Droid Bionic and it will get me to GZ but when I stop there it goes all crazy and can even move to 10M or more away while standing in the same spot it just said was GZ. Then I will follow it again and it will take me somewhere else and do the same thing. I can only find them with a good hint. >:( Today I finally found one and checked my phone and it had me at 11M away from where it was. Needless to say I am going to take it back and try out the Droid 3. Just thought I would share my experience to possibly help someone else out thinking of switching. This is just my experience with the phone others might find it to work fine. Other then that it is a great phone but I need this part to work for me like my old one did.


  17. Is there a way to tweek this idea into a 5 difficulty rating? You have to bring some kind of bucket to do it? My daughter and I have been placing a couple of kayak to only caches so it is already a 5 terrain and thought it would be fun to make a 5 terrain and a 5 difficulty but not sure on how to make it so difficult that is would classify as a 5? Any Ideas.


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