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Posts posted by WarNinjas

  1. After the FTF I will give out hints to any of my caches. I put them out to be found. If the person it so interested to ask why not let them know. That is just me and however you handle it is fine as well. To me it is just a game and if someone is getting frustrated I just let them know where it is. I try to never ask but have in some of the caches we have found. Some I have asked have gave me a puzzling answer and that was cool as well. More to go on.


  2. I see less reason for a puzzle or multi cache to be Premium member only as it still takes work to find it. That is only my opinion. We only have one PMO cache and that is at pier 39 and it got muggled 2 times before we changed it. I am not saying it was because it was not premium member only but we moved it a little to a better spot and made it PMO and it has been fine after that. In general though we leave them open for anyone to find.


  3. What I notice with my new phone is you have to keep moving. When you stop it will jump all over. Start a distance away and keep walking to it until it takes you close. Then it might start jumping. If you don't find it walk away from GZ again and walk back to it and keep moving. Once I stop it will start jumping all over again. Trust what it says at first and not what it goes to later. Then repeat as needed.

  4. If it is in the same spot couldn't you just disable it when you head out to make the change you want and then change the info on the cache page when you get home and then re-enable it? Just like if you place one that is getting muggled and decided to move it a couple of feet with a different style to make it less likely to get muggled? Not real sure on the rules on this but I would not see a problem if it is still within the guidelines. The one problem I do see is that the regulars in your area might have already found it and not get to see the new and improved hide. I knew of the Cache Permanence rule but never knew it was looked at with a min of 3 months. I would have thought it was a lot longer then that. I do and will always place them to last longer then that but it is good to know that is what you are looking for (at a min) with that rule. I archived one we placed with the wrong cords not knowing I could have changed it.

  5. I have ran into many cachers out there.

    There was this one time at night my daughter and I were at a rest stop and it was way off into a orchard where the cache was hidden. It was really creepy and we couldn't find it. Along comes a family with flashlights. 3 adults with there small children! I was happy to see them and went right over and said hi. They said are you looking for what we are. We immediately said YES! Thinking we were going to get some help! Then I got a funny feeling when they asked if we had found any. So I was like any what? They said Olives. That is what you are looking for right? I bet we looked really funny to them when we said "What Olives? No." We left thinking they were weird for looking for olives and I'm sure they thought we were weird and wondered what it was we were looking for then. :D

  6. I agree and disagree at the same time. We started geocaching and my daughter wanted to hide one right away. We did our homework and placed some. They have all had good reviews so far and are still active. I think it depends on the person more then the number of caches found. Like they said you cant fix stupid. Someone could have had many finds and still place a cache that sux. I think sometimes the new members might have a original idea that could be fun that might burn out after finding many film cans in a lamp post. But I also agree that experience helps when placing. We are being more selective now of the caches we place and making them even funner if possible. But to limit people would make for less around and I like to have them around. If they are bad hides that will show up soon.


  7. I'm thinking the bomb squad needs to have a geocaching account. They can look up the bomb in question and see if has had finds on it. If it has and there were no other problems it could save them some work. It will probibly never happen but could save some caches and some of our reputation. I would hate to see stuff like this end the game of geocaching as I have just gotten into it and am having a great time. I only wish I had found out about it 10 years ago.


  8. For me it just adds to the fun. I see one posted why not go out and try and be the FTF. Most times I fail but it is just another fun part of the game. I would never argue with anyone about it but I have found that some do.

    Just the other day ago I seen some come up. I decided to go out there and someone was already at the first one signing it. He said get a head start for the next one. I said no way we could go together. We did and I ended up finding it first. I am not really worried about it as I am sure no one goes to my profile to be impressed by my FTF's. We ended up going for some other caches and it was fun.

    He told me about a time there was a cache published and he went out and was FTF on it and signed the log. However in the description there was a time the park opened. He was there 30 min before the posted time of it opening. The next to find it said they were actually the FTF because he had cheated and gone in before it had opened. This cacher I was caching with said he gave in and agreed that the other finder got to mark it as FTF. I can see the point but I would have told the other guy to go kick rocks!

    This was not in my area but I can see there is a lot of FTF drama in that area as I looked at the logs later and most of them mentioned that they were not there as quick as the FTF hounds. If you are not a FTF hound why would you mention that in your log?

    Anyways I think it just adds to the fun. If there is one near my house I might save it for a rainy day but if the FTF is available why not go grab it.


  9. Thanks for all the replies! That is why I was asking because I thought it looked weird as well. I don't think the bug owner gets a email except when it is dropped off but when they do they probibly look at it and think..What?? I will look into shutting it off or at least clicking them off from now on. I have one TB that we just keep as our shadow so we can view how far we have traveled on the map.


  10. I was wondering how you all feel about your TB visiting caches when a cacher has it? When I log I picked up a TB my phone automatically logs them as visiting any cache I go to. I want to keep this setting for my personal TB to track all my finds. I can click to make one not visit a cache but would have to do it for each bug on every find. I try not to keep them very long but I also keep some until I can find the right cache I want for that TB. Even if I only keep it for a week it could have visited 20+ caches before I drop it. I see it kind of fills up there page. If you are in a race for getting to a lot of caches/distance it might be a good thing but I also think some TB owners might only want to see the grabbed it and dropped it off logs on there TB page. I believe one TB owner deleted all my visits down to only the found it and dropped off. I am fine with that but wondering if I am annoying other TB owners with all the visits. Not that I would do it all the time but if it is annoying to a TB owner I would make an effort to click on the not visited option for the bugs when I can remember. I would be happy to see my TB move anywhere as ours have mostly not moved at all. Just wondering your thoughts.


  11. I had a red face once...we put out a new cache, and I forgot to place a log sheet in it. Ouch!!

    That is funny as we did the same thing! We decided last min we wanted to place one in a certain spot. Picked out a container and PinkNinja wanted to put a little notebook in as the log and it almost fit but not quite. So we filled it with swagg and thought we had put in a smaller one but didn't!

    Another mistake we made was I was reading off the cords to PinkNinja and she mixed up 2 of the numbers. We made the listing off of what she had written. The next day at work I got a email saying it was in someones yard? Then someone sent me a pic of where it was on google maps! :blink: :blink:


  12. I hid one cache not to long ago and I sent it in for review and was going to add the pics and all after. I was instantly locked! I couldn't add all the stuff I wanted to it. For some reason it was not published until the next morning but the reviewer was right on in within a min or so. It was my fault for submitting it for review before I had set it up the way I wanted and would rather it go that way then waiting days for it to get reviewed. I was glad they were on it so quick. As for not actually hiding it first I guess that could be a newbie mistake. Would be mad maybe if it was someone with experience. When ever I go to find a cache I know I might not find it so that is just a part of the game you have to be ready for I guess.


  13. I miss my old phone because its GPS was dead on. My new one is not really a lot of help. I have to use my geo sences now. It will kind of work you just have to keep moving. Once you stop it jumps all over. With this new one you have to walk away from GZ and then head back in a fast motion. Then it can take you to GZ but if you stop it will start jumping all over. Look at the map in the navigation mode to give you an idea of where it is. Then just walk to it and back using the compass and when you figure you are close start searching.


  14. The only problem I would have here is the FTF and no explanation of why there was not a signature. I wouldn't worry about it otherwise but might ask a question of why they didn't sign as the FTF.I know a lot of cachers here who put in effort to get the FTF so someone coming in and posting a bogus log would not really be cool.


  15. What was this thread about, again? :huh:


    People stalking you for forgetting to log a Travel Bug. I think. :huh:


    No, no, no. It's about archiving your caches until you can get around to doing maintenance.

    This is cracking me up! I don't know why someone would start a thread complaining about cachers complaining about wet logs and broken containers. Really? That is your only job when hiding a cache to make sure the log will stay dry and the container wont break so people can find it in good condition. Give them the cords to find it. They are off by miles? That is the only reason to complain is that the log is wet and the cords are off. Fix those and the complaints will stop. I agree that in this site some people can be rude but I have never found that on the logs of my caches but I try and make sure the cords are right and the log is dry. All logs have been good so far. Make them fun to find and all is well.


  16. I picked up a few packages of these and thought I would pass on the deal. JCPennys has a sale on Lock N Locks. You can get it in packs of 16 and 20 for $18.99 from $39.99. There is also a scratcher ticket to get up to 30% off and makes them less then $1 each and some are big. Not sure when it ends and am thinking as I type this that it might be tomorrow. If so sorry for posting it up so late but they are available online tonight. I thought it was a good deal.


    Lock N Locks



  17. We actually got one of our hides this way. I went for one and it was missing. We found some swagg on the ground. I'm a pest control guy and noticed all the rat droppings all over the trees. I posted the DNF and about the rats. I got a email from the CO saying we were right and it was missing and he replaced it with another film can. I told him that with all that rat activity in that tree a film can would not make it especially if it was not secured somehow they would take off with it. I got another Email from him and said it was missing again so he archived it. I told him I wish he had asked as I could have given him a solution to stop the rats. He said he was tired of going there and said I could hide one there if I wanted to. We like the spot so we did and named it the Rats Cache. I used a old metal first aid kit from the war. It has been fine.


    Rats Cache




    Spoiler Pics





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