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Posts posted by TonyNChelle

  1. No clue on Caches there, but the Summerhill garden center on the Arterial road in to Basildon (You'll drive down that en-route I imagine) is fantastic. Great little cafe, fairly priced, and they have awesome bonsai trees for sale at OMGWTF prices (We drove there from Northamptonshire just for a tree)

  2. I have to answer along the line of Chugglers there. Mine come from Asda's George, about 12 quid, comfy, warm, waterproof and support well. Steel toe'd, so safe to kick big rocks when you're frustrated. If you add some memory foam inner soles they're even better. I have two pairs, one for normal use and one for those occasions where you know you're gonna get filthy.


    Edit for typo

  3. Thankfully we've never been discovered - yet. If(when) it happens, I expect my response will vary. If an "official" (Police, landowner etc), I'd just be honest. As for muggles, I think I'd follow in Rickardclan's ideas and get creative. Invisibility cloaks are going to be part of our caching pack soon, though, so hpefully we'll avoid any interaction.

  4. Is it the 'Doc' (Doctor Emmet Brown) in the Back to the Future films? The actor is Christopher Lloyd and also played a Klingon in Star Trek. I used to know the reverend's full name, as I loved Taxi, but have not watched any for so long it has slipped my mind now.


    Ding! Correct! Bonus cookies for knowing the Film, the Actor and the Doctors full name. The rev. was Reverend Jim Ignatowski btw. :)


    Ding !! :laughing:




    Anyway... As I'm a taxi driver, I thought I'd make this one topical...


    What famous Doctor is the actor who played the 'reverend' from the TV series 'Taxi' well known for?


    Ding-cookies available if you can name the Film in question, and both the Doctor and the Reverends full name. (Ding just for getting the right Doctor though!)

  6. Well, I wasn't there, but really ...

    > Apart from the Welsh mayor, a dragon and a harpist ...

    ... that seems pretty darned Welsh to me.


    Which would be why he said "apart from" those things. He's acknowledging those things are "Welshy", but nothing more was.

  7. I'm an erratic reviewer with no set pattern to when I sit and review. Sometimes it can be before I start work, mid morning, lunch time, afternoon or evening. Somedays I don't review at all due to work/home life.


    Keeps the cachers on their toes for the FTF's!!


    I was going to post about you, actually, and your unpredictable timing :D Got a 19minute FTF from one you published a couple of days ago. The erratic nature makes it far more interesting and challenging to snag them.

  8. The other day I fell over and badly sprained my ankle. Unfortunately I was 4 miles into an 8 mile hike so I tied up my boots tight and hobbled the remaining 4 miles home. My ankle looked great the next few days.


    And when I first started caching I had so many small cuts all over my arms that more than one person at work (i'm a psychiatric nurse) pulled me to one side and asked if I was self harming.


    LOL (And hey, halli)... One of my fellow cabbies asked me a few days ago if I was in to cutting. Not sure if he was concerned or wanted a partner though :/

  9. Not totally the same, but I recently had a Trackable 'flask' come to my possession. Inside it was a message written by the owner, with a 'response' written by (I assume) a less friendly cacher. Obscenities and such unsuitable-for-little-ones don't belong.


    A quick email to the owner and it was replaced with a clean version and sent on it's way again.


    Some might argue that the original message was in fact the worst bit.


    The GS guidelines do state that Geocaches do not solicit for any purpose. Geocaches perceived to be posted for religious, political, charitable or social agendas are not permitted. Geocaching is intended to be a light and enjoyable family-friendly hobby, not a platform for an agenda.

    Indeed they do... but trackables are not geocaches. A trackable can promote a charity or whatever they want to.


    Ahh well i'll get off me soapbox than.


    Well that answers the question as to who had written the obscene addition to the message then?

  10. When unsure, quickest way to get the currency converted is Google. Do the following search


    30usd in gbp


    And it'll convert it for you. It's not always 100% due to exchange rate fluctuations, but it'll get you pretty darn close.


    - Googledork.

  11. Not totally the same, but I recently had a Trackable 'flask' come to my possession. Inside it was a message written by the owner, with a 'response' written by (I assume) a less friendly cacher. Obscenities and such unsuitable-for-little-ones don't belong.


    A quick email to the owner and it was replaced with a clean version and sent on it's way again.

  12. Welcome! It truly is a great passtime. The missus and I have cut out trips to famous junk food outlets (Mc-coughcough) almost 100% and replaced it with Geocaching and the money saved funds our fuel costs. We're losing weight, feeling fitter and getting to know some great people along the way!


    We're not rich either, and with the exception of the fuel, this hobby is about as inexpensive as one can get!


    So welcome to the most addictive pastime available!

  13. --snip--


    If all the dogs you are encountering are local to you, drsolly, it might be worth finding out who your local dog warden is. I have heard they can be an excellent help. They want dog owners to be accountable for their dog's behaviour and to keep them under control, and on a lead where appropriate. They make it their business to know who the local dog owners are and where they walk, and which ones are potential menaces. I've known dog wardens help with fines and prosecutions when members of the public have sent them photos of dogs with their owners breaking the law.


    Actually, that's another thing to consider adding to your armoury - a camera (or a camera phone) to capture images of the dog with owner, car and so on.



  14. Can I suggest that apart from talking to the ACPO who are probably not cachers, you get some input from cachers who are also police officers. They will at least have a view of this from both sides of the fence.


    Labelling the cache externally is only going to work if the label can be seen without moving the cache. Just because a cache was placed in a certain way does not mean that it will be but back in the same way by another finder.


    I really think that some thought should be given to a solution via education rather than via yet more rules. A lot of people think there are too many rules already. Adding rules does not stop people placing caches that disregard them.


    Seriously consider whether any of this is needed at all! We have had one high profile incident in ten years.


    Find out how the Met manage this as they seem to cope.


    Find out what is done in the US where they have had bomb scares from caches.


    Everyone stop getting all alarmist over the future of caching in urban UK


    I wish there was a 'Like' button, because your post would get a click from me.


    +1 to all of it.

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