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Everything posted by achille68

  1. I have an old Gps an other Magellan nav 1000 family units. 1000 , 1000 PRO, 1000 PLUS, 1000 M models. These vintage models are not currently supported by magellan. I seek someone who can solve this problem. 1) Someone who owns a unit of these which was replaced the eprom buggy. 2) Someone who can reprogram the EPROM. 3) Someone Magellan dealer that has in stock eprom reprogram This is my Nav 1000 PLUS "in mint condition" showning an incorrect date.
  2. I have an original Magellan Nav 1000M y2k not compliant. Can someone explain me how to fix this problem? Why is too much expensive to upgrade? Does anyone know a Magellan programmer? Also I'm collecting Magellan GPS nav 1000 PRO, 1000 PLUS, and other later 1000M version with "TARGET" button. All y2k not compliant. best regards
  3. I,m searching to buy a vintage Magellan gps 1000 from 1989 (1 channel multiplex) best regards
  4. I have similar units. Magellan 1000 PRO from 1991 and Magellan 1000 M from 1991. Y2K not compliant.
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