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Everything posted by mlk3454

  1. Why would you need a track log while you are inside a building? I would expect the track to be all over as the signals are most likely weak and all over.
  2. I have done this quite a few times and it can be very annoying. As for writing to Garmin. I have done it twice so far and I suggest all of us do it. If enough people give them the same feedback it may push them to work faster on a fix.
  3. One reason they over price the shipping is because the fees from paypal and ebay dont apply to them. Also, some people over look the shipping price.
  4. I enjoy reading whatever Rob writes. He does a wonderful job.
  5. I can only remark on the tree cover part. I was geocaching this weekend and had gone through some thick pines with some small hills inside it. My "old" 60c would have either lost reception or had an extremely week signal but the 60csx held at the least half of the sats the whole time. Even when I was looking for the cache and I put the unit in my pocket. Afterwards it was still locked onto those same sats. I am very satisfied with the new unit and how well it locks onto sats.
  6. Has anyone noticed the Glisson cover or that sharkskin one noted above being easy to rip/break? I want something that can handle the some abuse but look like it went through a war.
  7. jasmac01 I have replied the 60csx is pending
  8. hit find, hit enter on geocache, hit enter on one of them, hit enter on goto, hit enter on find
  9. Has anyone used this cover? I currently just throw a screen protector on my unit but was thinking about this cover to aid in any extra bumps that might happen and to prolong the life of the titles on the buttons. Any feedback on ease of us and what not would be wonderful.
  10. I had a 60c and I only jumped to the x series for the increased sensitivity under the trees. I do a lot of hiking and plotting for hunting so the added sat coverage is wonderful.
  11. I know for me, I have paintball as another passion and when I sell some equipment I get a ton of offers in those threads. However, every offer is usually way below the asking price. In this case I just ask a bit more so I can get something close to what I am looking for. I am working on selling a couple GPSrs here and have done the same thing but I guess the buyers here are not as aggressive...who knows.
  12. For some reason I dont have that issue. However, a newer version of GPXSonar is supposed to be released soon to fix this issue and add some nice features.
  13. If this is like my mp3 player then it takes double the amount of time to charge via USB rather than throwing it in the charger that plugs into the wall.
  14. If you are a premium member here you can use pocket queries to get specific caches with more information via a .gpx file. Otherwise you can get .loc files which do not share as much info about the cache with you. GSAK (geocache swiss army knife) is one of the best tools, though it doesn't directly support the new x series yet you can still use it to filter the caches you want to use, make a .gpx file out of it and use mapsource to load it onto your 60csx. If you want to use a PPC or palm pilot then you can use GPX Sonar to read more log info and hints about each cache. Happy hunting!
  15. I have used this one. It is a nice program. I usually just use my handheld GPSr for the searching and my PPC with gpx sonar showing me all the needed info.
  16. I had no issues either with my order. Was easy to see what stage of the game it was in and the original price was kept. You guys should post your experience on resellerratings if you haven't already. http://www.resellerratings.com/seller11843.html
  17. I use that receiver for auto routing with TomTom and I have no comlaints what-so-ever. I did use it a couple times when a new cache was published and all I had was beeline. I did find those caches...I would rather cache with my handheld unit though and not this little guy.
  18. that question is already at the GSAK forum and they are working on a "fix" for the x series. In the meantime you can use GSAK to make a .gpx file of the caches you want and use mapsource to load it onto your GPSr
  19. originally posted here and by another person in this forum.
  20. originally posted here and by another person in this forum.
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