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Everything posted by Lieblweb

  1. There are areas within New York that require permits. Each geocache has a permit Number right on the container. What's wrong with that? It is expensive...but hey.... #1) They are generating money for the park. #2) This will prevent irresponsible & lame hides (more or less). Anyone who's willing to pay $60 to hide a geocache, must be a dedicated person who will put some thought into the hide, will be environmentally conscious, and will maintain it. If you don't like it.......move on to another location. Easy as that.
  2. So...what exactly do you plan to do with it?? Are you talking about DEEP scuba access underwater? Or are you talking about a 'wade' or 'stand' in a creek underwater? Are you planning on making it a webcam? Do you expect people to turn it on & off to take video of themselves? My husband had an older GoPro and it has a manual on/off/record button. Surely - the GoPro can withstand the water. Can it survive from being STOLEN? And if you planned on people taking pictures of themselves - Good luck. People can't snap the lids back on loc-n-locs properly let along trying to see them operate, aim, and take photos with a GoPro. Someone will get confused, leave it on RECORD all day and kill your battery. Or are you referring to the case only? Why use a case like that when you can use other containers that are just as good and less expensive.
  3. Don't worry about it.... Enjoy the hobby for YOU and not what everyone else is doing. Yes, its frustrating but you really can't do anything about it. I used to take the time to email folks (TB owners & cache owners) to let them know the TB wasn't in the cache. Those emails most always disappear into cyber space (never read, ignored, or no response). Sooo.....I stopped worrying about. If you are on this forum, then you are one of the 'dedicated community' who wants to keep the game real. Unfortunately.... the game is public and growing. The irresponsibility, lack of dedication, & lack of understanding for the game grows with it.
  4. The rule of thumb....is... If your TB has been missing for 1 year - you can re-release them. Re-releasing them is easy. Get a new tag with the original TB code on it, add a traveler, and place it inside a cache. I currently have two TB's that are re-releases. I added "II" to their original names on the pages so I know they're re-releases. I changed the description slightly to tell its story. I've used my 'copy tags' for one of them. The other didn't come with a copy tag, so I made up a tag using a piece of aluminum and stamped numbers in it with a cheapo traveler. I normally don't do things 'on the cheap or on the ugly' - but in terms of TB's..... you really don't want to make them 'pretty' or else they'll disappear again. But, that's up to you. I have two other TB's (aluminum tags) made up and ready to be re-released here soon.
  5. Do they show up when you zoom in entirely? I don't think it matters what process you use to put the geocaches in the Nuvi...they don't show up until you zoom in entirely (of all the processes we've used to put them on the Nuvi). We used to use GSAK, POI Loader, and the macro and they didn't show up until you zoomed in the whole way either. The whole process of putting the caches on the Nuvi is 'quarky' at best. And I mean, you can take the same PQ's with the same information but utilize different processes and get different results on the Nuvi. At some point (when using the export function) - the alerts actually did work better, but that didn't last long. And you can press your finger on the cache (on the screen) and a mini window pops up with various information. That doesn't always work either.... It's just weird sometimes. But I honestly can't complain - as its much easier using the Nuvi to navigate to parking GZ.
  6. How many fit?? Each model is different..... There's a difference between, how many CAN fit and how many will allow the unit to function properly. http://www.garmin.com/en-US Several years ago when we bought our Oregon, Garmin listed it can hold 5,000 geocaches. We loaded it with 5,000 geocaches....and we spent several years of poor performance via lockups, freeze ups, shut offs and various other glitches. Just this year we've discovered to only load 3000 geocaches in it and the unit works flawlessly. If you visit the OREGON website currently, they list it will only hold 2,000 Waypoints/favorites/locations. Did something change (in hardware) or did Garmin finally realize that they couldn't FIX the glitches? We also have a 62 that's a year or so newer...same results. Works flawlessly if we load only 3000 geocaches in it.
  7. It must have been from a few master resets. I had a lot of problems with the one unit after I updated the firmware. It would get stuck in boot loop. After countless efforts to fix it, I had to ship it back to Garmin. It was only 2 years old.
  8. My husband and I always have our handheld GPS's and our cellphones when we geocache. The phones stay in our pockets (or other safe place) until after we find the cache. After signing the log, we get our phones out and log the cache online while we're still at GZ. If your phone has a 3 axis compass (I think they all do)...then you'll want a handheld GPS that has a 3 axis compass. Surely, you could deal without it....but believe me, it'll drive you NUTS without it. The Explorist GC does not have a 3 axis compass. We owned one for about a week and ended up selling it and buying another GPS with a 3axis compass. We own an Oregon 450 and GPSMap62s. Our favorite is the 62.
  9. Get some of your local friends together..... get them involved with Geocaching. Hold some events... Create a Facebook page.... It'll take years to build a good sized group. Our local 'group' holds dinner meetings on the first Tuesday of every month. They pick a different eating establishment every month and within the 'county'. I've been with the group for about 2 years. Our monthly events have 50+ attendees and it gets harder and harder to find restaurants that can hold & serve that many people. It's GREAT fun!
  10. For us, with geocaches in as POI's.... We click in EXTRAS and click on the 'search' button. Type in the GC code minus the GC. Example: GC12345. I will type 12345 in the search box. That has worked better for us VS trying to use words/titles.
  11. I don't know what or how I've done in the past, but during a lengthy period of 'experimenting' with putting caches on the Nuvi, all my favorites had disappeared. ???? You still can't hold anymore than 1000 caches in as favorites.
  12. You can only hold like 1000 favorites in the Nuvi. When you load them as POI's, you can have thousands and thousands and thousands. Not to forget...If you have 'favorites' (destinations) already in your nuvi and you put geocaches in as Favorites, you are deleting everything that you previously had in your favorites. Loading caches as POI's will allow you to keep everything in as favorites/destinations.
  13. You can change the coordinates - however, it will need to be 'approved' by a Reviewer (same approval process as a new cache would go thru). If its too close to another cache, it won't be approved. If its not approved, you will need to either relocate it again or archive it.
  14. I can't speak for specifics, but my husband has been using GSAK ...EXPORT...GARMIN POI. He saves the file to the desktop. Then, hooks up the Nuvi....drills into the file structure and deletes certain files that already exist and drags the new file directly onto the NUVI file structure. We used to use a macro, and POI LOADER, but something happened to POI Loader that it wasn't working - so he found a different way of doing it and ridding the usage of the macro & POI Loader. Sorry I don't have detailed specifics. We don't run it very often, but the next time...I should write down the details.
  15. If they've posted a PHOTO (as a spoiler), you can delete the photo without deleting the entire log. I've had to do that a couple times. Delete photo and emailed them to let them know..."I deleted the photo because it's a spoiler"
  16. You don't need to buy a 'sticker'. You only need to buy a TB code (per say) or tag with code..... German rights? What are you worried about? Are you worried about copying the logo? I honestly don't see any problems with having the logo/code etched on a glass (but that's me). You're giving it as a gift. If you were going to SELL the glasses...then, you might have a problem.
  17. Why not? If it's a legit discover.... ?? Or if you pick it a second time and take it somewhere else? We should be 'promoting movement' of TB's. The system could (and maybe it does already) filter out multiple discoveries within a certain amount of time. But if you discover the same TB a month later in another cache....you're actually doing the owner a favor by communicating it's where-abouts.
  18. Not in bulk. As a basic member, when you visit a cache page individually, there are 4 options. LOC, GPX, send to GPS, Send to Phone. You only download one at a time. As a Premium Member, you can create Pocket Queries that will lump 1000 caches in one file ( bulk -more or less).
  19. It doesn't matter if you discover them or even pick them up multiple times.... Keep it real. I've picked up and discovered the same TB's before years apart. I've dropped off TB's one week and gone back and picked them up again the next week.
  20. I can relate .... Here's what I do: When I find a cache that was previously DNF'd, I go back to the DNF log and I change it to a 'Write Note' and I will often edit the log saying " edited -found on xxx date" This way.... My DNF list is actually caches I haven't found yet. I often go back to look at the ones I need to try again.
  21. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.... Quick View shows your finds along with clickable links at the top to view other items -such as statistics, friends, etc. When you click on the YOURS part after the Geocaches, those are the caches you have hidden. If you hit the GEOCACHES (not the YOURS), you will get a list of your finds. At the top, there are clickable links to separate them into FINDS, DNF's, Maintenance, notes, etc
  22. I have 5.....2 of those 5 are recent re-releases 3 are 'unknown' and awaiting for re-release (after 1 year) 2 will never be released (vehicle TB and a special coin that I'm keeping) Luckily for me, my oldest and farthest traveled is doing strong over in Germany. I must say...any TB's that I've had travel overseas, outlast any TB that are traveling in the US. My 'hats off' to those folks overseas who understand how to play the game!!!
  23. In SE Pennsylvania, we have a Battleship game that has been going on for 2 years. There are 100 caches -one for each grid spot. There are hits hidden within the 100 caches. The HITS contain partial coordinates for the ship to sink. There are 5 ships to sink.... http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC31E74_battleship-d4
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