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Everything posted by ThatDamnCat

  1. Solved! A change in my gamma-settings made them ever so slightly visible again. Not sure how that happened, I don't even know what gamma is, but it worked.
  2. NO I don't. I'm not computer savvy whatsoever, so I haven't added anything out of the ordinary.
  3. For at least a year, when I hide a cache, the attribute choices have been invisible, as in I have to hover my arrow over nothing, no square or shadow, to see which attribute it's on. I got around this by activating all of them, then unactivating those I didn't need. A hassle, but I didn't think much of it. Now with the new update and possibility to search by attribute, I find myself with the same issue there, making it useless to me. I've tried using Chrome, Firefox and Opera, but have the same issue on all. Is the error somewhere with me, or is this a bug?
  4. I'm sorry to tell you but as he hasn't been active for over a year and don't respond to emails, I would claim your coin to be "lost" :/
  5. I wasn't too picky about what the code was when I got my tattoo, but made sure it had no zeros or O's in it as that can be difficult to tell which is which. So heads up on that
  6. My blog's been up a while. (GC-Just a little Hooked) been looking for other caching blogs as well, fun to find this forum page!
  7. My tech savvy genius of a fiancé spent hours and eventually figures out that the problem is the downoadable communicator plug in for macs. The latest version, being 4.0.1 needs to be downgraded to 3.0.1 to function with your "send to GPS" . So you know.
  8. I use a Garmin Dakota 20, but have my iPhone as well, which is handy when you want to read latest logs or see pics.
  9. My name comes from 2004 when I was at a giant party with tons of people. all of a sudden this random stranger started screaming "Kattjävel!" which is a swedish single world for dadgum Cat. This strangers kept shouting it until I looked, she then happily pointed at me and with a smile said it again. Somehow this appeared to catch on and the next week in school another stranger walks up to me and says "Hey, you're Kattjävel, right?" A few years later I was asked by an american what Kattjävel means, and I told her. Nowadays I use ThatDamnCat as a labels for my designs and have a small company called "ThatDamnCat Designs". And I use it for geocaching. ThatDamnCat is me, simply.
  10. I have two coins that were sent to me in a bundle order, they are of no use to me, and I haven't activated them either. First one: A Micro coin, with the flag of the Czech Republic. Second one: A glow-in-the-dark car "country sticker" with A for Austria. If anyone have something Finnish or Norwegian-related or any other offers, I'd love to trade
  11. Boom, my own design. Scanning the barcode it actually reads "ThatDamnCat". ;D
  12. I did nightcaching with my fiancé once. Well, technically we had already found this cache before, but now hunting down a TB that was placed inside it. problem was that the cache was a mystery and we had deleted the final coordinates a long time ago. So we decided to look for it, in the middle of the night, in the dark, only using vague memories of it's location.. Obviously we remembered wrong, when a woman with a very stern voice asks me What the H*** I am doing in her backyard. I had no clue I had managed to enter anyones property, but scared as hell and blinded by the flashlight I raised my hands in the air and start rambling about Geocaching. (The reason for panic was that a friend had just one day earlier been accused of hiding drugs, they took his picture and the cops were called in. I have purple hair as well, which is rarely popular among the older generation) After about five minutes of questions, confusion and blindness, we both managed to calm down and out of the blue she offers me and my fiancé to come in for a glass of wine. It wsn't until now anyone o us could properly look at eachother. She was a middleaged lady with kind eyes. Behind her there was a very nervous man who later admitted that he had seen my flashlight and been worried he had to stop drinking cause he was seeing things. And there we stayed until 1.30 AM, on a sunday night, sharing laughs and wine, just a bunch of strangers. We told them about geocaching, they told us about their jobs as a steward and stewardess. As I'm sure you can imagine, it was epic. And yeah, we did find the trackable the next day, this time when the sun was still out.... About 500m away from the womans house.
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