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Posts posted by ATMA

  1. Depends also on State Laws regarding returns.

    In Texas it is 30 days with receipt.

    Rumor has it that Best Buy will still try to hang you with that restock fee.

    You can bypass this if your state law prohibits this form of practice but with BB, you are going to fight it out with them.

    That tells me I need to continue to take my business elsewhere. I like Sears and the "Evil Empire" because they have fair return policies.

  2. 'Twas a week before Christmas and all through the land,

    Not a creature was caching, not even a man!

    The stocking was hung by a cache with care,

    in hopes an 05 Christmas Coin would appear.


    The batteries were charged with spares to go,

    while visions of caching danced in our toes.

    The waypoints were downloaded for a planned route,

    Mrs. ATMA and I were now ready to head out.


    We logged the closest cache with hopes of a find,

    but the arrow just spun like it was loosing its mind!

    With a hit and a shake, we prayed for a miracle,

    when all of the sudden, we made it to Harwell Circle.


    I slammed on the brakes to get the car to stop,

    it halted so fast, we thought our eyes would POP!

    When what to our wondering eyes should appear,

    but a pair of girls drawing pictures of reindeer.


    We heard sleighbells, music and I think jingles,

    so we knew it must be the old Kris Kringle!

    We found the cache and opened it with glee,

    and there it was! All ready for me!


    Thank you Santa for our special 05 Christmas Coin.

    There really is a Santa... ;)

  3. Made a couple of car power supplies out of old cellphone supplies, easy enough and like the way they operate.

    What power supply works with the legend? Did you have to modify the phone power supplies for this or are the ready to go off the shelf? Any more info on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Come to find out, most cellphone chargers for auto use have a chip in them that can be programmed to any output voltage up to input supply! This was a nice surprise too since I picked them up at Wally World for 50 cents each. Once reprogrammed to the PROPER GARMIN REQUIRED VOLTAGE, it worked just great.

    Changed out the coiled output wire with a very small diameter wire from an old mouse and presto, no internal battery drain when connected to the external power supply.

  4. Abandon all hope of ever finishing all those home projects you've been thinking about. And start saving for gas money ;) .

    Isnt that the total truth? The kitchen project got 75% finished then we discovered Geocaching! Thank God my wife is as hooked on it as I am.

  5. Just curious. I wouldnt do that personally because I want others to be able to share.

    There is a forum I go to about cameras and it somehow allows users to log on invisible. Just wondering if this one will do the same.

    Thanks for the answers.

  6. There was an incident involving a cache at Disney World. As I recall, the cache container was a toy cell phone customized to hold a log. I think the entire park was shut down when they discovered it and sent in the bomb squad and their robot to examine the phone which was magnetically attached under a set of stairs. <_<


  7. Good question. We carry:


    1. Spare charged batteries. Two sets. We take 2 GPS receivers.

    2. Digital camera

    3. Ballpoint pen.

    4. Extra stuff for a monster cache if we find one.

    5. Whistle on Mrs. ATMA's GPS so when she becomes lost she can call me.

    6. Two charged cell phones in case I get us both lost.

    7. Small First Aid Kit (the $5 kind) for when those vine monsters trip us.

    8. Some water.



    Hope you settle in with what works for you and have fun.

  8. Got 2 Legends. Neither my wife or I have had any of the LCD line, switch or button problems. One is right at a year old and the other 6 months. They are used quite often for GC and other things.

  9. Use 2 Garmin Legends. We got these because they are a cool color, one was really cheap and the other was even cheaper.

    Made a couple of car power supplies out of old cellphone supplies, easy enough and like the way they operate. Would like to have more internal memory in the Legends but I guess you cant have everything.

  10. We use an M505 that we picked up for free with CacheMate. Works fine.

    The screens on the M500 series are real bad in high light conditions and the M130 works so much better. Maybe the M130 will be a better overall PDA for use outside.

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