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Posts posted by OHMIKY

  1. Just yesterday I picked up the remains of a cache that had been muggled. It was strewn about, soaking wet and pretty dirty. I brought it home, am drying it out and replacing it in as close to the original place as I can manage. My log includes a note explaining what I am doing and the cache owner is fully aware of it -


    This seems to me the most reasonable way of dealing with this kind of problem.

    (just my opinion)

  2. Here in the water-rich Netherlands I know of a cache in a lake (recreational area) where, in the

    summer, you can swim. Under water is a floating cannister suspended on a wire connected to

    something very heavy. So the cache floats two meters (six feet) under water. You have to swim

    and dive :wub: , attach a wire/floating bottle to it, unhook the cache. Go ashore and log. Swim back,

    unhook your own contraption (so you can find the under water hook again) and replace the cache.

    Want to try it this summer (don't have a wet suit). Idea?


    [hope my english is understandable :D ], cache nr = GCX2YW


    Good luck!


    your english is very good and this sounds like an excellent cache - love the water!!!!

  3. tin melts almost as easily as lead and is not nearly as likely to cause health problems - on the other hand, I have worked with lead most of my adult life and routine tests for lead in my system invariably come up with levels well below anything that would trigger alarm among healthcare professionals.

  4. I like singh's book - and have the cd (it came free when I joined the American Crypotogram Association) - it has many useful tools as well as descriptions of a number of ciphers


    here is a website that is also useful: Rumkin cipher tools - you will find a goodly number of tools for manipulating text and solving ciphers


    Good Luck - have fun!!!!


    BTW - the Dunin book is available at amazon.com for US$11.86 - the Singh book for US$10.85 - there are used copies of both available for lower prices.

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