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Everything posted by eusty

  1. It depends here...sometimes they are gone in a flash other times not. I set one and it was published about 10pm and found at 6am the next day...then a few more near to that one weren't found until a couple of days later??
  2. Ones which have 'under tree' as a hint when it's in a dense forest Or magnetic nanos on a sign next to a busy road...
  3. It was a typo..and I couldn't edit it once posted!!!
  4. I see delete all the waypoints from the unit before uploading
  5. When out caching my step-son wants to hold the GPSr (Colorado) to find the caches..but I like to find out the route, then I can't moan when we get lost! I usually let him hold my phone, but often the batteries die or I'm panicking every time we go over a stile or rocks!! I've managed to get an eTrex for £20 off ebay (result!) which should keep him happy Anyway back to the questions!! - When you download waypoints using GSAK does it delete any existing ones? It's just it only has a 500 limit and there doesn't seem to be an option to remove the ones on the unit in GSAK. - Has anyone updated the firmware using a USB-serial converter? I was hoping it would be in the post today, but now it maybe Monday
  6. But can it pull a log out of a nano.... ..nor can I half the time!!
  7. I think you have missed the point!!
  8. None around here!! Think Wilkinsons with a US accent!
  9. Or if you are in the UK, talkytoaster has maps ready for the Garmin
  10. I saw that when looking at the map ...but it's disabled
  11. http://www.geocaching.com/iphone/default.aspx Looks like you can use the ipad
  12. Verne Common Road...but not at the prison!!
  13. Does the iphone app work on the ipad? Maybe someone how has one would know, but that would solve you issues
  14. Were off to Weymouth next week, not strictly a caching holiday...but we plan to do plenty of it. Mrs E grew up on Portland so knows the area well, so are there any 'not to be missed' caches about? I've done a PQ within 30 miles, but haven't planned anything specific. There are quite a few Earth caches so we will do them of course..but what else? We like trails and there are few around there but we are open to offers!!
  15. I was thinking how easy it looked and I might have a go (depending on the cost of the parts)!! Guess it's what we are used too doing?
  16. I've used them on my android and I can recommend them, well they are far better than the GPS on my phone!! The issue is more what drivers you can get for the blackberry as you will need to communicate from your GPS app to the unit. There are several android ones, but hopefully someone can point you to a blackberry version
  17. It's dead easy!! They have a Bing satellite map as an underlay, you can add the roads etc on top of that. there are a couple of villages near me that had only a few roads on, so my mission was to complete them. It's very addictive, you look at the map and notice that there is a road/path not there and you can add it, then look for more....
  18. The only time I've seen any 'mod action' is when things are posted in the wrong forum, or there is spam...which is the way it should be
  19. The problem is solved...operator error!!! I feel a bit of a numpty, but when I had time to check the 16GB card in the PC all the birdseye files where in the root! Moved them to a \garmin\birdseye folder and they work fine now! Sometime I amaze myself with my stupidity.....
  20. ...but remember to add the coordinates as a hidden waypoint so the reviewer can see where it is
  21. I've been using OSM for a while, thanks to talkytoaster's Garmin maps, but never really looked into adding to them. Last night I thought I'd have a go and spent ages adding paths/rivers/marking areas nearby to me which are not on them, and I have to admit it was very therapeutic!! Plus there's the 'feel good' factor of helping out the community So if you use OSM then why not look into having a go at adding to them?
  22. Any idea what happens when you exceed the limit? I might have to experiment as when I put the larger cards in I have to admit I put either 7 or 12GB of birdseye maps on, maybe the issue is the number of tiles....
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