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Everything posted by Munkeh

  1. All people who decide to participate will recieve a paypal invoice....... once paid via paypal they will be covered by the paypal buyer protection and can claim back every penny (but they wont have too as they will recieve there coins and be very happy) also if i was intending on ripping anyone off i whould be using a puppet username and not the same registered user name for the geocaching website and the same name i have used thruout the forum!! Groundspeak hold my full address, as do Paypal and even one of my caches - GC1V4VD - The Alektorophobia Challenge is in my own garden so not very hard to track me down!! ah so everyone else pays £45 and you get your coins for free? have you thought of what happens when numbers drop off and the price increases and you don't have the funds to buy them at the intened price? then as already mentioned the exchange rate is very at the moment what happens when it drops or increasaes? what happens to any money left over after all the coins are purchased? I'd be supprised if you get 24 people in the current climate
  2. What is a period? its a full stop, comes after a sentence, or is that an appeal
  3. not everyon has the ability to spiell it may be that they have leerning difficulties - we are nit all purrfect, as lung as the main gist of what the page says is what is untented why worry?
  4. maybe this could have been avoided if the box was clealy labled and the yellow writing painted off
  5. whats this all about http://www.geocaching.com/pocket/offline.aspx
  6. Wrong! I've a 4GB SDHC in my mio P560
  7. if its a public footpath contact your rights of way officer at the council
  8. that wouldn't be any good as the basic etrx does not have a usb socket
  9. No, not if they have been produced for this country at the moment, the exchange rate is crippling people from producing coins
  10. cachers going looking for them?
  11. I don't know how to create a KML file but the lead for the Etrex H is usually serial
  12. personally I wouldn't want 2 megas in a year, I think it has a number of drawbacks trying to have 2 events in one year, maybe there should be a timeframe where regions should announce in the main forum their intent to hold a mega, then it should be discussed in here one of the main problems is that with two megas a year you have competition for funds going on between 2 rival factions at the same time, I think a mega requires the 2 years to plan and establish their aims
  13. place a gpx file on your pda or memory card of your pda and click the import button for 10 records it womn't take long if your using the macro the database file needs to go in the database folder of your cachemate install folder (program files\cachemate\databases) you then need to select that database
  14. the pineapples will be bringing a small selection of our caches, and also some photos of existing caches to give folks some ideas! (we appreciate these won't be in the competition!) great idea! there is one problem here....no one will be able to see the winner
  15. Hes Been a bit busy of late, working and moving just a question of when he has the time
  16. on the news this morning farmers could be liable for damages caused to walkers using footpaths whilst cows are present in the field
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