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Everything posted by foggybottomboers

  1. Okay, we are new at this, and dont' know how to do much with the GPS and compass. We found a traditional cache that gives you coordinates to the parking and says the cache is 370 ft bearing 134 degrees from the parking. How in the world do I figure this out? Thanks, April
  2. When you hide a cache, do you put phone #, email, or etc. For the contact information?
  3. We are preparing our first cache, and wanted some ideas as to what to put for the first find. Our cache will be a small traditional. Also, does everyone put a prize? Thanks!
  4. I'll throw another one in there. I am planning on trying out my Droid2 before buying a GPS and make sure we like the sport. But I also have my Garmin, car GPS which has a feature to put in walking mode. Will it be any more accurate than the Droid?
  5. We are planning a trip to Stone Mountain soon, curious if there are any caches within the park itself. Thanks.
  6. I haven't even found my first cache yet, I'm waiting to give my son a set for his birthday and start it with him. I've been playing with my Android GPS and notice though that lots of caches in my area are in shopping centers and store parking lots. Do you ask permission of the property owner before placing these? Just curious, since I'd eventually like to place some also.
  7. Haven't gone out on the first cache yet, but I was looking for a log book to record our finds. I find lots of logs for in the cache itself, but I want something to go in our backpack. I was wondering if there was something out there made for this, if not, I may just find a notebook.
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