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Everything posted by Slammer180

  1. With all of the coins out there with thier different icons I was wondering if there is an index showing them and what icon goes to what coin?
  2. Please add me to the wait list for one. TANKS
  3. Although I wrote about getting a coin, you have to admit that the actions of this mystery Santa has resulted in a positive forum that has been a pleasure to read without hostilities other than maybe one issue of someone getting two coins. I read about how Salvation Army kettles are getting gold coins and jewery without knowing who the donor is. Merry Christmas (not afraid to be political correct) to the mystery Santa and to all.
  4. Yes we do. They are coming from Santa, ho-ho-ho! Which Santa? The Virtual Santa (sorry to use the "V" word), the Santa wanta-be's or dare I say....the big S himself ?
  5. That wasn't the real Santa. That was one of his helpers. I am surprised though that he didn't get the memo. Not the real Santa?
  6. Okay, something is fishy here. I went and picked up my Granddaughter tonight and took her to see the "Big S-Man". After she layed out what she wanted I leaned over and asked him where I can get one of these Santa Coins. He looked at me as if I was crazy and said "What are you talking about?" Could this really be an elf conspiracy?
  7. I live in a Tri-state area so if he sends me 4 coins I can cover three states and hummmmm...what to do with the fourth coin?
  8. You done good ! Looks great. Can't wait to get em.
  9. Got in for two, I think . I thought we could only request two?
  10. Requesting a silver here if you please
  11. How much $ for the numbers, how much $ per coin? Does the coin have to be approved prior to ordering?
  12. I'm thinking of having trackable coins made for our local caching group and then offering any left over. I know it cost up front and then so much per coin as well as a minimum as to how many coins but how much and how many? Then you have State versus personal but what about group coins? I'm looking at either 250 or 500 depending on the rules. Can someone point me in the right direction? (Can you ask that question in geocaching?) TANKS
  13. Put me down for 2 of each metal offered .
  14. From what I understand is, as I did, he got the coin after he started caching. I went back to every cache I found and logged the coin then retrieved it so I could track my miles. You have to leave a note when you drop the coin. I wrote "drop/retrieved travel coin". I was supprised how many miles I've traveled in the short time I've been caching. 3,900 miles in less than 6 months with 115 finds. Don't even want to think about this gas .
  15. What were they upset about? I do the same thing and have received questions as to why and how did you get a coin in my micro.
  16. How about some of the newer issued coins?
  17. A polite bump if you please.
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