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Posts posted by av1atorbo

  1. quote:
    You have to extract the files from the zip file you download from Garmin. Once extracted there will be three files. You open the MeMap program and it will ask you for one of the three files from Garmin. Point the program to this file and do a search for "WARNING", This will bring up the Warning screen and all of the text that is associated with it. With a little practice, you will be able to edit the text so that it contains the info you want it to display.Once this is complete you upload the file to the GPS and you are all set.


    If you still have problems with getting it to run, let me know and I will do it for you.




    Kar... I've tried this, but it doesn't pull up the "Warning"... and then when I tried to get into the file using the notebook, and did my changes, it didn't change anything. What am I doing wrong? I'm using the GPS V, info you.


    Thanks for your help!


  2. I've used my PDA for downloading the coordinates and info using Word, then when I'm on the road and want to do a cache, I just put the coords into the gps, and go with it... otherwise, it's downloading from laptop into GPSr before a day of caching.

  3. I didn't know that Streets & Maps didn't do all of that, but what made me decide not to get it was that it only updated the laptop once every 15 seconds. I decided on the DeLorme Streets 9.0 (I think that's the name of it), and it works, GREAT! It does all that you mentioned, both the uploading and downloading to and from your GPS. I've really enjoyed using it, and still have so much to learn.


    Hope this helps, and not too late.


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