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Everything posted by asaxist

  1. I've also resorted to clipboard, works well if you are alone, when I'm with others, I like random pointing and animated discussions. Also collecting "soil samples" works. And there's the ubiquitous I gotta go pee
  2. Anyone done a movable multi? First stage has two slips of paper with different posted coords, cacher goes to to first stage, notes the coords, and takes one of the slips of paper. finds the end cache, remove the coords in the end cache, replace with the slip of coords from first cache, locate end cache to new coords dictated by those that you found in end cache, go back to first cache and post new coords into that, so that the next cacher can repeat the process. Inter-inter-active 'caching
  3. How 'bout folks who behave in an honorable manner, yet still get a smiley denial because they were the last person who logged, and their only crime was to notify the owner that the log was full, and they should replace the log. I was on a geocaching vacation last October, it cost a lot of vacation time and $$ to travel over 3600 miles, therefore totally depleting my geo-repair supplies. I arrived at GCQWMT, Jamison City cache, by BYJER. I researched the cache, i drove to the cache, I found the cache, I l signed and logged the cache. I was notified by the owner, BYJER that because I was the last person to log, that if I did not replace the log, I was responsible for the log. I Dunno, I thought geocaching was supposed to be fun, for the whole family. To me, that is totally like punishing the person who, living in a community, notifies the person in charge that the milk is empty, or that the toilet paper is out, only to punished for the good deed of notification. I have several geocaches, ( not hundreds, I cannot maintain so many) I feel it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to maintain those geocaches, and those travelling 'cachers.... welcome, hope you find it, if it's been muggled, let me know. if there is a problem, let me know. In other words, My cache is MY responsibility, not others. whaddyathink?
  4. No, really, I found it. I searched, found the 'cache, I wrote my name on the log, I notified the cache owner that there were no more spaces to write a name, he/she should replace the log ASAP. Instead, the cache owner chose to punish me by dis-allowing the smiley, citing the fact that I, as a travelling geocacher was somehow responsible for replacing a log. I travelled more than 500 miles to do this cache; in fact it was a geocahing vacation. I had already depleted my store of geo-rescue materials by the time I arrived at the JAMISON CITY cache GCQWMT I hearby warn other hapless geocachers that the owner is NOT geocacher-friendly, and they do not take responsibility for their own 'caches. (I dunno, I have 8 'caches, I still feel it is MY responsibility to make sure the cache is in good order ( properly hidden, legally hidden, safely hidden, log and geoprizes intact to make fun for all, etc.) I am actually a very mellow person, but to be wrongfully indicted of any malfeasance just ruffles my fur, especially if I get no response. This happened in October of 2007 the owners' name is BYJER, I suggest a boycott of BYJER's caches, if he/she is such a stuffy-butt and dedicating their time into making geocaching NOT FUN for all. OK, yes, I am incensed at the attitude of some folks who want to make something that is supposed to be fun, into something that raises ire and bad feelings.
  5. When I enlist fellow cachers to help solve a puzzle, they automatically become part of a team to solve/find the puzzle; some of have the obvious " If I were a cache I would be hidden XX.XX.XXX, etc , while others ponder the imeasureable, the unknowable, the un-googleable, while others have a nose, an instinct, a whatever-you-call-it. those guys/gals are totally on my team Case in point, on the North Coast of California, we have a brilliant geocacher, name of NYLIMB. The man is brilliant, but waaaay beyond what the rest of us is thinking;; so if the rest of us non-146IQ can trade hints and secrets, OK, we are now part of a team, and we are geocaching, baby!
  6. Hey, if was me, I'd like it. Most muggles are oblivious, do not notice stuff. D'ya know those caches that are disguised as sprinklers? Seriously, I'v'e walked up to real ones, trying to take them apart, thinking, "OK, this is located more than .10 miles, maybe this is a cache, and I'll be FTF but it is a real sprinkler. Hmmmm I'm a cacher, I kinda think like one, and there you are.
  7. Had a most excellent disguise on my Stinky Beach Again cache . It formerly had been muggled as a traditional cache; I adopted it from the original owner and converted to a multi- cache Shortlty after, it was multi-muggled. I was so disappointed, I spent practically all winter using barge cement and found items like drftwood and bark, and spray-painted sand. But alas, Multi-muggled. Replaced with a dollar store camo-painted screw-top. Please consider A.D.A. series for the Northern California Delorme Challenge. Apparently, This series is quite contraversial: anyone who knows me knows that I am usually a really non-confrontational kind of folk. My intentions are honorable,
  8. OK , How about "under a rock..... under a virtual quarry of rocks? OR.......How 'Bout ......under a tree --- in a forest full of trees?
  9. I'll bee 55 this October, a note to fellow 'cachers that have osteoporosis: be careful of scree and slippery surfaces like pine needles and lil pincones. this could be a really good way for olf folks like us to get hurt and fracture a hip. Cache On, but have a care!
  10. At the risk of being labeled " non politically correcct" I, as a geocacher, have decided to make available to all comers, whether in a wheelchair, blind, on a ventilator, or blah blah blah. My intnention, whether viliifed or not, I believe are pure. What I have done, and my friend, Humboldt Flier, has done is, made available to the wheelchair-caching-community, those pages of the Delorme Challenge, to those folks who are wheelchair-bound. These are not all designed to be a level 5 terrain; only that they are available to all comers. The parameters of the challenge do not dictate the terrain, only that we as geocachers commit to finding or establishing a geoache on each page, not that we make each page so as to exclude any. These all are not that easy, just the amazing adapability and accomplishment of these folks makes, perhaps. these caches seem more easy than others, but only because , in my clinical experience, there seems to be a little more 'heart" in those folks that have to overcome so much. I'm not really a lurker, been amember for about 2 yrs, been on the site maybe 3x .
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