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Geo Ho

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Everything posted by Geo Ho

  1. I'm still at work and should still be working but here I am still posting to this thread.
  2. Geo Ho

    Ammo Boxes

    Check out Cheaper Than Dirt. They usually have good deals on Ammo Cans. Happy caching and stuff!
  3. It's this Sunday! Can't wait! It should be a blast!
  4. What in the heck is a thunder egg?? Sounds like doot or something!
  5. Yeah, and judging from the pics I've seen, you don't even get your pants dirty! There are PLENTY of those pics around . . . I just don't post them!
  6. I thought I did because I have 3 very near my house but it turns out that RJ Ferret has many, many more near my house. (Oh well!)
  7. I'm at work and should be working but I'm posting to this thread. Maybe Mopar's right and I should change my name to Forum Ho.
  8. I don't mind getting my tush dirty. I'll sit down on the nearest available stump or rock or log . . . whatever. Is there a rule that actually says you have to sit down to sign the log?
  9. I plan on taking my refund on a little trip and do some caching in an area I've never been to before. Happy caching and stuff!
  10. Good point! Thank you for the clarification.
  11. i'll take a geocaching dork over a non caching "macho man", anyday. you are a lucky woman. I love my staff of Geocachers! And . . . I know how lucky I am. But, Scout Master's hiking staff just creeps me out!!
  12. How do I get to hydro caches. Well, first creat a thread called Geocaching as an online dating service??. Then I start interviewing prospective candidates, exchange a few e-mails, IM the prospect for a week or two and get references from respectable sources. After it has been established that this person is not likely to be a mass murderer or serial killer or psycho, I ask this person if they need someone to paddle with. Once the need is verified; meet up with them, paddle with them, start dating them, have them move in with me and now my issue is resolved. I have complete and total access to a canoe and canoeing partner. That's how I get to hydrocaches . . . with Mopar. Happy caching and stuff!
  13. Okay . . . is it just me or is that messed up? That's the equivalent of a hider logging his own cache as a find. It's just plain stupid. Whatever!
  14. Well, we are back from Mopar's Wings and Beer birthday celebration. We had a great time with Planet and CT Trampers! We ate 50 wings, jalepeno poppers, mozzarella sticks and drank lots of beer. Mopar and Geo Ho Planet CT Trampers Blurry Wings For the last time this year . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  15. I concer. I htink spel chekking is deffinitly needed.
  16. I think a cleverly placed cache in a muggle rich environment is an excellent find. It's up to the cacher to be as devious as the hider in retrieving the cache. Discretion is key. I like a challenge. The challenge doesn't necessarily need to be in the difficulty of the terrain. The challenge doesn't necessarily need to be a cache disguised as a rock in a field of rocks. The challenge could easily be a cache the takes a bit of wile and/or patience to retrieve. There's my opinion, such as it is. Happy caching and stuff!
  17. I believe in trade-up or trade even. However, I don't necessarily mean that trading up value-wise. If you take a cool or interesting item then trade something that is equally cool or interesting. Of course, cool and interesting are in the eye of the beholder. What I think is cool or interesting might be considered junk to someone else. All I can say is be honest in your trading. If you take something that's neat or cool or interesting or whatever then don't leave junk for the next person who comes along. There's my opinion, such as it is. Happy caching and stuff!
  18. Oh yea, I got presents all right! A membership to the gym, because I've gained 20lbs over the winter. GPS mounts for BOTH cars, so if my Alzheimer's kicks I can find my way home. Expernal GPS antenna, so now I can still get a sat lock while crawling up the hill on my hands and knees. An "over the hill" shotglass, so I can pretend to be cool while drinking my prune juice. Can't wait for the wings & beer at Porky's, though! Thanks babe! My God!! Aren't you the pitiful one. Sheesh! A person turns 45 and you think his world is coming to an end!!
  19. Well . . . this is it . . . today is his BIG day! He already got his presents but I gave him and "over-the-hill" shot glass just as a reminder this morning. I'm taking him out tonight for wings and beer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE!!!
  20. Your best bet is to make a Pocket Query and select "is active". You will only get caches that have not been disabled. If you do have a cache in your area that has been disabled for several months, send the owner an email. If they don't respond in a couple of weeks, forward that email to your local approver. That would mean you have to pay Groundspeak for the privilege of Geocaching. What? Pay a whopping $30 per year to do something that should be free? What? Don't the sponsors cover the expense of running such and excellent website?
  21. No argument from me. Your point is right on target!
  22. I think of Geocaching as a game. I think logging a missing cache is cheating. If it's not found it is not found. Think of it this way . . . if you cheat at solitaire you are only cheating yourself . . . same thing here. What is the point???
  23. Ooooooooooh! Thanks for the clarification.
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