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Everything posted by johnc98

  1. I tried a couple times with my Palm but it wasn't as much fun as going blind. I filter out the non-trad's and head out. I only get to cache about an hour a week, but I like it much more blind for the reason most seem to not like it- you have no idea what you're looking for, all you have are the coords... I keep my garmin in the car so sometimes I fire it up, take a scenic route home, and see what's nearby...
  2. Moose Mob- thanks for the reply- that's basically what I figured was par for the course. As far as the speed of the process goes, I'm pretty indifferent but I've got a five year-old at home that keeps bugging me hourly(!) about when people are going to start finding her "treasure". Thanks all -John
  3. How long does it normally take from first submission of a cache to the time it is enabled? I ask because I posted one this past Saturday and completed all of the reviewers requests by Monday morning. I emailed him twice regarding this but haven't heard back for over 3 days. Is this normal and I'm just being ansty? Something else?
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