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Viajero Perdido

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Everything posted by Viajero Perdido

  1. I vote for the OP's suggested alternative. This has been discussed much before, and I've pretty much given up trying to convince Groundspeak to change it back. The titles were perfect for years, then suddenly Groundspeak verbosified them. Why? At least we were able to shout down the short-lived "Description written by Xxxx" misfeature, (which never took into account adopted caches). So sometimes they do listen.
  2. I can afford it comfortably, but I don't want one. IMHO, the 60Cx is the pinnacle of Garmin's GPSr evolution. (Note that you can only identify a pinnacle once you have a slope on both sides...) The 60Cx firmware - the built-in software - is just brilliant, a real work of software development art. They'll have a hard time prying the 60Cx out of my cold dead fingers.
  3. Do not rely on Google Earth to be accurate for this purpose. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. I've seen cases where it's absurdly inaccurate. A GPS used properly (by averaging readings) is always more accurate than Google Earth. If you're using a Garmin, try going Find / Recent Find. If you did mark a waypoint it should show up there, even if it's no longer among the nearest to your current location.
  4. I'm referring to the edit-a-PQ page. There's a Delete button at the bottom, and there's no prompt after that one. (You guys must be talking about the list-of-PQs page, where I see an "archive" option...)
  5. I agree. HTTPS login please! Although this identity of mine isn't of much value to anyone else, it's of huge value to me. I put a lot of time, effort, and passion into my geocaching identity. I'll bet you guys have too. Geocachers travel. Travelers geocache. Travelers log geocaches using open, unprotected WiFi in hotels. (You do want us to promptly update those TBs, right?)
  6. Ooo, belt and suspenders! Wouldn't that make it swing into something hard and metal, instead of just going thud on the soft ground? Or maybe get caught in rotating machinery? I have the Garmin mount too. First thing I managed to do was break it. While attaching it to the bike, I dropped it to the ground, and it cracked at the very top - the little loop of plastic that hooks around the "button" on the GPS. I reinforced that with a loop of wire, and it's been great ever since. PS: my avatar pic was shot on the handlebars. Very helpful fly, offering directions like that...
  7. Has anybody else noticed that there's no prompt before deleting a pocket query? Click the button, poof, it's gone and you're not getting it back. Why on earth is there an are-you-sure prompt for creating a PQ (at least, when you copy an existing one's attributes), but none at all when deleting one? That's backwards!
  8. "I'm going to Moe's" (slam) ... Then remember to gargle with whiskey before sneaking back in.
  9. Lessard Road Sinkhole almost swallowed a geocacher. He drove over it before the bottom fell out; it sent him airborne!
  10. Vertical gain is about 5500'. Yes over a vertical mile. Easiest route is a scramble (as shown in photo). No climbing gear necessary, but an ice axe is recommended. Sites: http://www.summitpost.org/mountain/rock/15...unt-temple.html http://www.peakfinder.com/peakfinder.asp?P...me=Mount+Temple
  11. Mount Temple cache sounds a bit tricky. It haunts me...
  12. Reviewers can correct coordinates by any distance, on the request of anybody. It's up to their judgment. Typically they'll do this at the request of cachers other than the owner if it's apparent the owner has gone missing.
  13. I do what the OP does, but I don't even slow down. As I'm driving down the highway between interesting caches, it's fun to see roadside caches approaching on the GPS display, and as I'm driving by at full speed, figure it's gotta be riiiiiight ...there! Yep, that's where it'll be. Of course I never log those. More fun than playing word games with license plates, IMHO.
  14. Ooh, I like the latest version of the maps! (The version with simple + and - buttons in the upper-left corner.) Much more flexible than the old 1...7 or older 1...City...3...Yadda...7 style. And cool - the "i" button in the upper-right corner (I won't ask what "i" stands for) switches to an even cooler mode. Stop now! it's perfect. But if you're looking at the other, tiny map at the top of the page, would you mind zooming it out a bit more? Thanks! VP
  15. Just a guess... Is the image a full-size one straight off the camera? With lots and lots of megapixels? Maybe you're giving it more than it can digest. If that's the case, try shrinking the image yourself before sending to GC.com. Good luck. (EDIT: Post #100. Yikes - I'd better shut up and go geocaching!)
  16. Ditto. To clarify: You do want to have Plucker in the PDA, but not its companion application ("distiller") on the PC. On the PC you'll want SunriseXP instead.
  17. However, you can turn the attribute on/off like any other attribute - on the edit-attributes page.
  18. Hang onto your receipt and warranty info! I had two dud TXs in a row before finally getting one that worked for more than a week. It took months to get the warranty service too; I was quite ticked off because they seemed to be deliberately stalling. It was the first time I'd been that long without a PDA since the things were invented. For software, I use Plucker to view the output of GSAK's output-to-HTML feature. Works like a charm.
  19. I'd say 5 stars. It would be a "serious mental challenge" to convince myself to touch anything that looked explosive. I wouldn't go near anything in that picture!
  20. There are probably harder ones, but I humbly nominate my own School for consideration. It took 6 months and several hints before it was finally solved. The logs make pretty funny reading. But of course, I can't tell you how to solve it.
  21. That's a good list all right, but I've noticed it's missing at least one other: Love Grotto. It's on 3 favorites lists, but at least 2 of them are by non-Calgarians, so I guess that's how it got overlooked. (This is a plug for Love Grotto; it's an excellent hike.)
  22. In a nutshell, * If you like urban caches, Calgary. You can't turn around without tripping over one. * If you like wilderness caches, Canmore. Caches on anything from short trails to mountaintops. The national parks (Jasper & Banff) have very few caches for bureaucratic reasons. Canmore (including Kananaskis Country just to the south) doesn't have this problem, and has picked up the slack quite nicely. Around Canmore, try anything by BVPete, and certainly don't miss Cold Cache. Have fun!
  23. It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with your unit's setup. For compatibility with GC.com, it should be set for hddd mm.mmm which is what the cache pages show, and it probably is. The maximum value for mm.mmm is 59.999, so it would and should reject N040 74747, which are invalid coordinates.
  24. On a related note, I've declared that Edmonton is the Geocaching Centre of Alberta based on some handy stats from GSAK, namely the cache density report. How do other provinces compare by this measure? (The number's gone up to 287, but I haven't updated the cache page yet. And this number includes "brass caps", which in Canada are an Alberta-only thing, so YMMV...)
  25. The last few months, it seems like there's always been about a 1% chance of getting that page at any unpredictable moment. (It's sort of like walking through a dog park without looking down.) In my experience, a retry usually works. What's a bit annoying is that you can't just hit Reload. That only reloads the error page. Instead, you have to go Back, find the link you clicked, and click it again. Or close the error tab, find the original tab, and re-click the link. Just takes a few more moments. The 1% tax.
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